Serial examples:
ex1: Extendible 0-dim arrays ex2: Append to exsiting datasets created in ex1 ex3: 1d/2d time-dependent profiles using "append" ex4: Create particle arrays using "putarr" ex5: Example with "putfile" ex6: Simple read dataset created by pex1 with "getarr" ex7: Write "doubles" and read into "simple precision" arrays ex8: Get all its attributes in dataset/group ex9: Writes in slices to reduce storage required ex10: Test module HASTABLE ex11: Write and read complex arrays ex12: Test copy_file/move_file (which calls copy_file) from cutils.c ex13: Read slices (in time) of 3d array ex14: Test getdims ex15: Test "getatt" with optional argumenet "err" ex16: Read a sub-matrix A(s(1):e(2),s(2):e(2)) using getarr with offsets.
Parallel examples:
pex1: 2d array write with putarr pex3: 1d/2d time-dependent profiles using "append" (parallel version) pex3D: write a 3D "PIXIE" file to test the vis3d module pex4: Create particle arrays using "putarr" (paralle version) pex5: Parallel read particle arrays (created in pex4) using "getarr" pex5r: Serial version of pex5 pex6: Test of optionall "ionode" in parallel "getarr" pex7: Test of optionall "ionode" in parallel "putarr" pex8: Parallel append 0d vars (history 0d arrays) pex9: Parallel write a 2d COMPLEX array (from pex1.f90) pex10: Parallel write/read of 2d and 3d arrays partionned on
2d processor grid
pex11: Parallel write/read a 3d array partionned on 2d processor grid
A(n1/P1, n2/P2, n3), with GHOST CELLS on the partitionned dimensions.
pex12: Create and write array with ghost cells, dynamic version pex13: Read array from file created by pex12 pex14: Write 4d array with ghost cells with 2 dimensions distributed on
2d processor grid
pex15: Read 4d array from file created by pex14