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/* =================================================================================================
(c - GPLv3) T.W.J. de Geus (Tom) | | |
================================================================================================= */
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "GooseFEM.h"
// ================================= GooseFEM::Dynamics::Diagonal ==================================
namespace GooseFEM {
namespace Dynamics {
namespace Diagonal {
// ===================================== Simulation - Periodic =====================================
template<class Element>
class Periodic
// variables
// ---------
// element/quadrature/material definition
std::unique_ptr<Element> elem;
// mesh: nodal position/displacement/velocity/acceleration, DOF-numbers, connectivity, dimensions
size_t nnode, nelem, nne, ndim, ndof;
MatS conn, dofs;
MatD x, u, v, a;
// linear system: columns (also "M" and "D" which are diagonal)
ColD M, Minv, D, F, V, V_n, A, A_n;
// time integration
double dt, t=0.0;
// constructor
// -----------
std::unique_ptr<Element> elem, const MatD &x, const MatS &conn, const MatS &dofs, double dt
// functions
// ---------
void velocityVerlet(); // one time step of the time integrator
void Verlet(); // one time step of the time integrator (no velocity dependence)
void ground(); // ground the system: set A = V = 0 (also for their history)
void updated_x(); // process update in "x"
void updated_u(bool init=false); // process update in "u", if init all possible updates are made
void updated_v(bool init=false); // process update in "v", if init all possible updates are made
void assemble_M(); // assemble the mass matrix from the element mass matrices
void assemble_D(); // assemble the damping matrix from the element damping matrices
void assemble_F(); // assemble the force from the element forces
// =================================== Simulation - SemiPeriodic ===================================
template<class Element>
class SemiPeriodic
// variables
// ---------
// element/quadrature/material definition
std::unique_ptr<Element> elem;
// mesh: nodal position/displacement/velocity/acceleration, DOF-numbers, connectivity, dimensions
size_t nnode, nelem, nne, ndim, ndof;
MatS conn, dofs;
MatD x, u, v, a;
// fixed DOFs: prescribed velocity/acceleration, DOF-numbers, dimensions
size_t nfixed;
ColS fixedDofs;
ColD fixedV, fixedA;
// linear system: columns (also "M" and "D" which are diagonal)
ColD M, Minv, D, F, V, V_n, A, A_n;
// time integration
double dt, t=0.0;
// constructor
// -----------
std::unique_ptr<Element> elem, const MatD &x, const MatS &conn, const MatS &dofs,
const ColS &fixedDofs, double dt
// functions
// ---------
void velocityVerlet(); // one time step of the time integrator
void Verlet(); // one time step of the time integrator (no velocity dependence)
void ground(); // ground the system: set A = V = 0 (also for their history)
void updated_x(); // process update in "x"
void updated_u(bool init=false); // process update in "u", if init all possible updates are made
void updated_v(bool init=false); // process update in "v", if init all possible updates are made
void assemble_M(); // assemble the mass matrix from the element mass matrices
void assemble_D(); // assemble the damping matrix from the element damping matrices
void assemble_F(); // assemble the force from the element forces
// ======================================== Element - Quad4 ========================================
namespace SmallStrain {
template<class Material>
class Quad4
// class variables
// ---------------
// constitutive response per integration point, per element
std::unique_ptr<Material> mat;
// matrices to store the element data
cppmat::matrix<double> x, u, v, f, M, D, dNx, dNxi, w, vol, dNxi_n, w_n, vol_n;
// dimensions
size_t nelem, nip=4, nne=4, ndim=2;
// signals for solvers
bool changed_f=false, changed_M=true, changed_D=true;
// class functions
// ---------------
// constructor
Quad4(std::unique_ptr<Material> mat, size_t nelem);
// recompute relevant quantities after "x", "u", or "v" have been externally updated
void updated_x();
void updated_u();
void updated_v();
// return volume average stress and strain
cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2s<double> mean_eps(size_t e); // of element "e"
cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2s<double> mean_sig(size_t e); // of element "e"
cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2s<double> mean_eps(); // of all elements
cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2s<double> mean_sig(); // of all elements
} // namespace ...
// =================================================================================================
}}} // namespace ...
// =================================================================================================

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