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/* =================================================================================================
(c - GPLv3) T.W.J. de Geus (Tom) | | |
================================================================================================= */
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "ElementQuad4.h"
// =================================== GooseFEM::Element::Quad4 ====================================
namespace GooseFEM {
namespace Element {
namespace Quad4 {
// ------------------------------------------ constructor ------------------------------------------
inline Gauss::Gauss(const ArrD &x) : m_x(x)
// check input
assert( m_x.ndim() == 3 ); // shape of the matrix [nelem, nne, ndim]
assert( m_x.shape(1) == m_nne ); // number of nodes per element
assert( m_x.shape(2) == m_ndim ); // dimensions
// extract mesh size
m_nelem = m_x.shape(0);
// integration point weights
// integration point coordinates in local coordinates
// shape function gradients in local coordinates
// shape function gradients in global coordinates
// volume of each integration point
// set integration point coordinates in local coordinates and weights
m_xi(0,0) = -1./std::sqrt(3.); m_xi(0,1) = -1./std::sqrt(3.); m_w(0) = 1.;
m_xi(1,0) = +1./std::sqrt(3.); m_xi(1,1) = -1./std::sqrt(3.); m_w(1) = 1.;
m_xi(2,0) = +1./std::sqrt(3.); m_xi(2,1) = +1./std::sqrt(3.); m_w(2) = 1.;
m_xi(3,0) = -1./std::sqrt(3.); m_xi(3,1) = +1./std::sqrt(3.); m_w(3) = 1.;
// set shape function gradients in local coordinates
for ( auto k = 0 ; k < m_nip ; ++k )
m_dNxi(k,0,0) = -.25*(1.-m_xi(k,1)); m_dNxi(k,0,1) = -.25*(1.-m_xi(k,0));
m_dNxi(k,1,0) = +.25*(1.-m_xi(k,1)); m_dNxi(k,1,1) = -.25*(1.+m_xi(k,0));
m_dNxi(k,2,0) = +.25*(1.+m_xi(k,1)); m_dNxi(k,2,1) = +.25*(1.+m_xi(k,0));
m_dNxi(k,3,0) = -.25*(1.+m_xi(k,1)); m_dNxi(k,3,1) = +.25*(1.-m_xi(k,0));
// compute the shape function gradients
// -------------------------------------- number of elements ---------------------------------------
inline size_t Gauss::nelem()
return m_nelem;
// ---------------------------------- number of nodes per element ----------------------------------
inline size_t Gauss::nne()
return m_nne;
// ------------------------------------- number of dimensions --------------------------------------
inline size_t Gauss::ndim()
return m_ndim;
// --------------------------------- number of integration points ----------------------------------
inline size_t Gauss::nip()
return m_nip;
// --------------------------------------- update positions ----------------------------------------
inline void Gauss::update_x(const ArrD &x)
// check input
assert( x.ndim() == 3 ); // shape of the matrix [nelem, nne, ndim]
assert( x.shape(0) == m_nelem ); // number of elements
assert( x.shape(1) == m_nne ); // number of nodes per element
assert( x.shape(2) == m_ndim ); // dimensions
// update positions
std::copy(x.begin(), x.end(), m_x.begin());
// update the shape function gradients
// ------------------------ shape function gradients in global coordinates -------------------------
inline void Gauss::compute_dN()
#pragma omp parallel
// intermediate quantities
cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2<double> J, Jinv;
double Jdet;
// local views of the global arrays (speeds up indexing, and increases readability)
cppmat::tiny::matrix2<double,m_nne,m_ndim> dNxi, dNx, x;
cppmat::tiny::vector<double,m_nne> w, vol;
// loop over all elements (in parallel)
#pragma omp for
for ( auto e = 0 ; e < m_nelem ; ++e )
// pointers to element positions, element integration volume, and weight
x .map(&m_x (e));;
w .map(&m_w (0));
// loop over Gauss points
for ( auto k = 0 ; k < m_nip ; ++k )
// - pointer to the shape function gradients (local/global coordinates) k));
dNx .map(&m_dNx (e,k));
// - Jacobian (loops unrolled for efficiency)
// J(i,j) += dNxi(m,i) * xe(m,j)
J(0,0) = dNxi(0,0)*x(0,0) + dNxi(1,0)*x(1,0) + dNxi(2,0)*x(2,0) + dNxi(3,0)*x(3,0);
J(0,1) = dNxi(0,0)*x(0,1) + dNxi(1,0)*x(1,1) + dNxi(2,0)*x(2,1) + dNxi(3,0)*x(3,1);
J(1,0) = dNxi(0,1)*x(0,0) + dNxi(1,1)*x(1,0) + dNxi(2,1)*x(2,0) + dNxi(3,1)*x(3,0);
J(1,1) = dNxi(0,1)*x(0,1) + dNxi(1,1)*x(1,1) + dNxi(2,1)*x(2,1) + dNxi(3,1)*x(3,1);
// - determinant and inverse of the Jacobian
Jdet = J.det();
Jinv = J.inv();
// - integration point volume
vol(k) = w(k) * Jdet;
// - shape function gradients wrt global coordinates (loops partly unrolled for efficiency)
// dNx(m,i) += Jinv(i,j) * dNxi(m,j)
for ( auto m = 0 ; m < m_nne ; ++m )
dNx(m,0) = Jinv(0,0) * dNxi(m,0) + Jinv(0,1) * dNxi(m,1);
dNx(m,1) = Jinv(1,0) * dNxi(m,0) + Jinv(1,1) * dNxi(m,1);
} // #pragma omp parallel
// ----------------------- dyadic product "out(i,j) = dNdx(m,i) * inp(m,j)" ------------------------
template<class T>
inline ArrD Gauss::gradN_vector(const ArrD &inp)
// check input
assert( inp.ndim() == 3 ); // shape of the matrix [nelem,nne,ndim]
assert( inp.shape(0) == m_nelem ); // number of elements
assert( inp.shape(1) == m_nne ); // number of nodes per element
assert( inp.shape(2) == m_ndim ); // dimensions
// temporary tensor, to deduce size of the output
T tmp;
// allocate output: matrix of tensors
ArrD out({m_nelem, m_nip, tmp.size()});
// zero-initialize
if ( tmp.size() != m_ndim*m_ndim ) out.setZero();
#pragma omp parallel
// local views of the global arrays (speeds up indexing, and increases readability)
T gradu;
cppmat::tiny::matrix2<double,m_nne,m_ndim> dNx;
cppmat::tiny::matrix2<const double,m_nne,m_ndim> u;
// loop over all elements (in parallel)
#pragma omp for
for ( auto e = 0 ; e < m_nelem ; ++e )
// pointer to element vector
// (e.g. nodal displacements of each element);
// loop over all integration points in element "e"
for ( auto k = 0 ; k < m_nip ; ++k )
// - pointer to the shape function gradients and integration point tensor
// (e.g. integration point deformation gradient)
dNx .map(&m_dNx(e,k)); (e,k));
// - evaluate dyadic product (loops unrolled for efficiency)
// (e.g. integration point deformation gradient)
// gradu(i,j) += dNx(m,i) * ue(m,j)
gradu(0,0) = dNx(0,0)*u(0,0) + dNx(1,0)*u(1,0) + dNx(2,0)*u(2,0) + dNx(3,0)*u(3,0);
gradu(0,1) = dNx(0,0)*u(0,1) + dNx(1,0)*u(1,1) + dNx(2,0)*u(2,1) + dNx(3,0)*u(3,1);
gradu(1,0) = dNx(0,1)*u(0,0) + dNx(1,1)*u(1,0) + dNx(2,1)*u(2,0) + dNx(3,1)*u(3,0);
gradu(1,1) = dNx(0,1)*u(0,1) + dNx(1,1)*u(1,1) + dNx(2,1)*u(2,1) + dNx(3,1)*u(3,1);
} // #pragma omp parallel
return out;
// ----------------------- wrapper with default storage (no template needed) -----------------------
inline ArrD Gauss::gradN_vector(const ArrD &inp)
return gradN_vector<cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2<double>>(inp);
// ----------------------- dyadic product "out(j,i) = dNdx(m,i) * inp(m,j)" ------------------------
template<class T>
inline ArrD Gauss::vector_GradN(const ArrD &inp)
// check input
assert( inp.ndim() == 3 ); // shape of the matrix [nelem,nne,ndim]
assert( inp.shape(0) == m_nelem ); // number of elements
assert( inp.shape(1) == m_nne ); // number of nodes per element
assert( inp.shape(2) == m_ndim ); // dimensions
// temporary tensor, to deduce size of the output
T tmp;
// allocate output: matrix of tensors
ArrD out({m_nelem, m_nip, tmp.size()});
// zero-initialize
if ( tmp.size() != m_ndim*m_ndim ) out.setZero();
#pragma omp parallel
// local views of the global arrays (speeds up indexing, and increases readability)
T gradu;
cppmat::tiny::matrix2<double,m_nne,m_ndim> dNx;
cppmat::tiny::matrix2<const double,m_nne,m_ndim> u;
// loop over all elements (in parallel)
#pragma omp for
for ( auto e = 0 ; e < m_nelem ; ++e )
// pointer to element vector
// (e.g. nodal displacements of each element);
// loop over all integration points in element "e"
for ( auto k = 0 ; k < m_nip ; ++k )
// - pointer to the shape function gradients and integration point tensor
// (e.g. integration point deformation gradient)
dNx .map(&m_dNx(e,k)); (e,k));
// - evaluate dyadic product (loops unrolled for efficiency)
// (e.g. integration point deformation gradient)
// gradu(j,i) += dNx(m,i) * ue(m,j)
gradu(0,0) = dNx(0,0)*u(0,0) + dNx(1,0)*u(1,0) + dNx(2,0)*u(2,0) + dNx(3,0)*u(3,0);
gradu(1,0) = dNx(0,0)*u(0,1) + dNx(1,0)*u(1,1) + dNx(2,0)*u(2,1) + dNx(3,0)*u(3,1);
gradu(0,1) = dNx(0,1)*u(0,0) + dNx(1,1)*u(1,0) + dNx(2,1)*u(2,0) + dNx(3,1)*u(3,0);
gradu(1,1) = dNx(0,1)*u(0,1) + dNx(1,1)*u(1,1) + dNx(2,1)*u(2,1) + dNx(3,1)*u(3,1);
} // #pragma omp parallel
return out;
// ----------------------- wrapper with default storage (no template needed) -----------------------
inline ArrD Gauss::vector_GradN(const ArrD &inp)
return vector_GradN<cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2<double>>(inp);
// ------------------ symmetric dyadic product "out(i,j) = dNdx(m,i) * inp(m,j)" -------------------
template<class T>
inline ArrD Gauss::symGradN_vector(const ArrD &inp)
// check input
assert( inp.ndim() == 3 ); // shape of the matrix [nelem,nne,ndim]
assert( inp.shape(0) == m_nelem ); // number of elements
assert( inp.shape(1) == m_nne ); // number of nodes per element
assert( inp.shape(2) == m_ndim ); // dimensions
// temporary tensor, to deduce size of the output
T tmp;
// allocate output: matrix of tensors
ArrD out({m_nelem, m_nip, tmp.size()});
// zero-initialize
if ( !( tmp.size() == (m_ndim+1)*m_ndim/2 or tmp.size() == m_ndim ) ) out.setZero();
#pragma omp parallel
// local views of the global arrays (speeds up indexing, and increases readability)
T eps;
cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2<double> gradu;
cppmat::tiny::matrix2<double,m_nne,m_ndim> dNx;
cppmat::tiny::matrix2<const double,m_nne,m_ndim> u;
// loop over all elements (in parallel)
#pragma omp for
for ( auto e = 0 ; e < m_nelem ; ++e )
// pointer to element vector
// (e.g. nodal displacements of each element);
// loop over all integration points in element "e"
for ( auto k = 0 ; k < m_nip ; ++k )
// - pointer to the shape function gradients and integration point tensor
// (e.g. integration point strain),k)); (e,k));
// - evaluate dyadic product (loops unrolled for efficiency)
// (e.g. integration point deformation gradient)
// gradu(i,j) += dNx(m,i) * ue(m,j)
gradu(0,0) = dNx(0,0)*u(0,0) + dNx(1,0)*u(1,0) + dNx(2,0)*u(2,0) + dNx(3,0)*u(3,0);
gradu(0,1) = dNx(0,0)*u(0,1) + dNx(1,0)*u(1,1) + dNx(2,0)*u(2,1) + dNx(3,0)*u(3,1);
gradu(1,0) = dNx(0,1)*u(0,0) + dNx(1,1)*u(1,0) + dNx(2,1)*u(2,0) + dNx(3,1)*u(3,0);
gradu(1,1) = dNx(0,1)*u(0,1) + dNx(1,1)*u(1,1) + dNx(2,1)*u(2,1) + dNx(3,1)*u(3,1);
// - symmetrize, store symmetric (loops unrolled for efficiency)
// (e.g. strain)
// eps(i,j) = .5 * ( gradu(i,j) + gradu(j,i) )
eps(0,0) = gradu(0,0);
eps(0,1) = .5 * ( gradu(0,1) + gradu(1,0) );
eps(1,0) = eps (0,1);
eps(1,1) = gradu(1,1);
} // #pragma omp parallel
return out;
// ----------------------- wrapper with default storage (no template needed) -----------------------
inline ArrD Gauss::symGradN_vector(const ArrD &inp)
return symGradN_vector<cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2s<double>>(inp);
// ------------------------- dot product "out(m,j) = dNdx(m,i) * inp(i,j)" -------------------------
template<class T>
inline ArrD Gauss::gradN_dot_tensor2(const ArrD &inp)
#ifndef NDEBUG
// dummy variable
T tmp;
// check input
assert( inp.ndim() == 3 ); // shape of the matrix [nelem,nip,tensor-dim]
assert( inp.shape(0) == m_nelem ); // number of elements
assert( inp.shape(1) == m_nip ); // number of integration points
assert( inp.shape(2) == tmp.size() ); // tensor dimensions
// allocate output: matrix of vectors
ArrD out({m_nelem, m_nne, m_ndim});
#pragma omp parallel
// local views of the global arrays (speeds up indexing, and increases readability)
T sig;
cppmat::tiny::matrix2<double,m_nne,m_ndim> dNx;
cppmat::tiny::matrix2<double,m_nne,m_ndim> f;
// loop over all elements (in parallel)
#pragma omp for
for ( auto e = 0 ; e < m_nelem ; ++e )
// pointer to element vector
// (e.g. nodal force of each element);
// zero-initialize
// loop over all integration points in element "e"
for ( auto k = 0 ; k < m_nip ; ++k )
// - pointer/copy to the shape function gradients and integration point tensor (&m_dNx(e,k));
sig.copy(&inp (e,k));
// - assemble to element vector
// (e.g. element force)
// f(m,j) += dNdx(m,i) * sig(i,j);
for ( size_t m = 0 ; m < m_nne ; ++m )
f(m,0) += dNx(m,0) * sig(0,0) + dNx(m,1) * sig(1,0);
f(m,1) += dNx(m,0) * sig(0,1) + dNx(m,1) * sig(1,1);
} // #pragma omp parallel
return out;
// ----------------------- wrapper with default storage (no template needed) -----------------------
inline ArrD Gauss::gradN_dot_tensor2(const ArrD &inp)
// check input
assert( inp.ndim() == 3 ); // shape of the matrix [nelem,nip,tensor-dim]
// general tensor
if ( inp.shape(2) == m_ndim*m_ndim )
return gradN_dot_tensor2<cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2<double>>(inp);
// symmetric tensor
else if ( inp.shape(2) == (m_ndim+1)*m_ndim/2 )
return gradN_dot_tensor2<cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2s<double>>(inp);
// unknown input
throw std::runtime_error("assert: inp.shape(2) == 4 or inp.shape(2) == 3");
// ----------------------- wrapper with default storage (no template needed) -----------------------
inline ArrD Gauss::gradN_dot_tensor2s(const ArrD &inp)
return gradN_dot_tensor2<cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2s<double>>(inp);
// ---------------------- dot product "out(m,j) = dNdx(m,i) * inp(i,j) * dV" -----------------------
template<class T>
inline ArrD Gauss::gradN_dot_tensor2_dV(const ArrD &inp)
#ifndef NDEBUG
// dummy variable
T tmp;
// check input
assert( inp.ndim() == 3 ); // shape of the matrix [nelem,nip,tensor-dim]
assert( inp.shape(0) == m_nelem ); // number of elements
assert( inp.shape(1) == m_nip ); // number of integration points
assert( inp.shape(2) == tmp.size() ); // tensor dimensions
// allocate output: matrix of vectors
ArrD out({m_nelem, m_nne, m_ndim});
#pragma omp parallel
// local views of the global arrays (speeds up indexing, and increases readability)
T sig;
cppmat::tiny::matrix2<double,m_nne,m_ndim> dNx;
cppmat::tiny::matrix2<double,m_nne,m_ndim> f;
cppmat::tiny::vector<double,m_nne> vol;
// loop over all elements (in parallel)
#pragma omp for
for ( auto e = 0 ; e < m_nelem ; ++e )
// pointer to element vector, integration volume
// (e.g. nodal force of each element)
f .map(&out (e));;
// zero-initialize
// loop over all integration points in element "e"
for ( auto k = 0 ; k < m_nip ; ++k )
// - pointer/copy to the shape function gradients and integration point tensor (&m_dNx(e,k));
sig.copy(&inp (e,k));
// - assemble to element vector
// (e.g. element force)
// f(m,j) += dNdx(m,i) * sig(i,j);
for ( size_t m = 0 ; m < m_nne ; ++m )
f(m,0) += dNx(m,0) * sig(0,0) * vol(k) + dNx(m,1) * sig(1,0) * vol(k);
f(m,1) += dNx(m,0) * sig(0,1) * vol(k) + dNx(m,1) * sig(1,1) * vol(k);
} // #pragma omp parallel
return out;
// ----------------------- wrapper with default storage (no template needed) -----------------------
inline ArrD Gauss::gradN_dot_tensor2_dV(const ArrD &inp)
// check input
assert( inp.ndim() == 3 ); // shape of the matrix [nelem,nip,tensor-dim]
// general tensor
if ( inp.shape(2) == m_ndim*m_ndim )
return gradN_dot_tensor2_dV<cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2<double>>(inp);
// symmetric tensor
else if ( inp.shape(2) == (m_ndim+1)*m_ndim/2 )
return gradN_dot_tensor2_dV<cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2s<double>>(inp);
// unknown input
throw std::runtime_error("assert: inp.shape(2) == 4 or inp.shape(2) == 3");
// ------------------------------------ element volume average -------------------------------------
template<class T>
inline T Gauss::average_tensor2(const ArrD &inp, size_t e)
T sig, SIG;
cppmat::tiny::vector<double,m_nne> vol;
double VOL;
// zero-initialize
VOL = 0.0;
// pointer to integration volume;
// loop over all integration points in element "e"
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < m_nip ; ++k )
// - copy element tensor (copy is needed because of the input that is marker "const")
// (e.g. stress)
// - add to average
SIG += vol(k) * sig;
VOL += vol(k);
// return volume average
return SIG / VOL;
// ----------------------- wrapper with default storage (no template needed) -----------------------
inline cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2<double> Gauss::average_tensor2(const ArrD &inp, size_t e)
return average_tensor2<cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2<double>>(inp,e);
// ----------------------- wrapper with default storage (no template needed) -----------------------
inline cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2s<double> Gauss::average_tensor2s(const ArrD &inp, size_t e)
return average_tensor2<cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2s<double>>(inp,e);
// ---------------------------------------- volume average -----------------------------------------
template<class T>
inline T Gauss::average_tensor2(const ArrD &inp)
T sig, SIG;
cppmat::tiny::vector<double,m_nne> vol;
double VOL;
// zero-initialize
VOL = 0.0;
// loop over all elements
for ( auto e = 0 ; e < m_nelem ; ++e )
// pointer to integration volume;
// loop over all integration points in element "e"
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < m_nip ; ++k )
// - copy element tensor (copy is needed because of the input that is marker "const")
// (e.g. stress)
// - add to average
SIG += vol(k) * sig;
VOL += vol(k);
// return volume average
return SIG / VOL;
// ----------------------- wrapper with default storage (no template needed) -----------------------
inline cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2<double> Gauss::average_tensor2(const ArrD &inp)
return average_tensor2<cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2<double>>(inp);
// ----------------------- wrapper with default storage (no template needed) -----------------------
inline cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2s<double> Gauss::average_tensor2s(const ArrD &inp)
return average_tensor2<cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2s<double>>(inp);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
}}} // namespace ...
// =================================================================================================

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