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No OneTemporary

File Metadata

Wed, Oct 9, 19:50


#include <GooseFEM/GooseFEM.h>
#include <GooseFEM/ParaView.h>
namespace PV = GooseFEM::ParaView::HDF5;
int main()
// define mesh
GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::FineLayer mesh(6,18);
// extract mesh fields
xt::xtensor<double,2> coor = mesh.coor();
xt::xtensor<double,2> conn = mesh.conn();
xt::xtensor<double,2> disp = xt::zeros<double>(coor.shape());
// vector definition:
// provides methods to switch between dofval/nodeval/elemvec, or to manipulate a part of them
GooseFEM::Vector vector(conn, mesh.dofs());
// FEM quadrature
GooseFEM::Element::Quad4::Quadrature elem(vector.AsElement(coor));
// open output file
H5Easy::File data("output.h5" , H5Easy::File::Overwrite);
// initialise ParaView metadata
PV::TimeSeries xdmf;
// save mesh to output file
H5Easy::dump(data, "/coor", coor);
H5Easy::dump(data, "/conn", conn);
// define strain history
xt::xtensor<double,1> gamma = xt::linspace<double>(0, 1, 100);
// loop over increments
for (size_t inc = 0; inc < gamma.size(); ++inc)
// apply fictitious strain
for (size_t node = 0; node < disp.shape(0); ++node)
disp(node,0) = gamma(inc) * (coor(node,1) - coor(0,1));
// compute strain tensor
xt::xtensor<double,4> Eps = elem.SymGradN_vector(vector.AsElement(disp));
xt::xtensor<double,1> Eps_xy = xt::view(Eps, xt::all(), 0, 0, 1);
// store data to output file
H5Easy::dump(data, "/disp/" + std::to_string(inc), PV::as3d(disp));
H5Easy::dump(data, "/eps_xy/" + std::to_string(inc), Eps_xy);
// add increment to ParaView metadata
PV::Connectivity(data, "/conn", mesh.getElementType()),
PV::Coordinates (data, "/coor"),
PV::Attribute(data, "/disp/" + std::to_string(inc), "Displacement", PV::AttributeType::Node),
PV::Attribute(data, "/eps_xy/" + std::to_string(inc), "Eps_xy" , PV::AttributeType::Cell)
// write ParaView metadata
return 0;

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