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#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <cppmat/cppmat.h>
#include <GooseFEM/GooseFEM.h>
#include <ElastoPlasticQPot/ElastoPlasticQPot.h>
#include <HDF5pp.h>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace GF = GooseFEM;
namespace Elem = GooseFEM::Element::Quad4;
namespace Mat = ElastoPlasticQPot::Cartesian2d;
using T2 = cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2<double>;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Geometry : public GooseFEM::Dynamics::Geometry
// dimensions
size_t m_nnode;
size_t m_ndim;
size_t m_nelem;
size_t m_nne;
size_t m_nip;
// mesh
GF::MatS m_conn;
GF::MatD m_coor;
GF::MatD m_u;
GF::MatD m_v;
GF::MatD m_a;
// vector-definition: transform nodal vectors <-> DOF values
GF::Vector m_vec;
// mass matrix (diagonal)
GF::MatrixDiagonal m_M;
// numerical quadrature
Elem::Quadrature m_quad;
// material definition
Mat::Matrix m_mat;
// constructor
Geometry(size_t nx);
// apply update in macroscopic deformation gradient
void add_dFbar(const T2 &dFbar);
// compute total kinetic and potential energy
double Ekin() const;
double Epot() const;
// return mesh
GF::MatS conn() const { return m_conn; }
GF::MatD coor() const { return m_coor; }
// return nodal vectors
GF::MatD u() const { return m_u; }
GF::MatD v() const { return m_v; }
GF::MatD a() const { return m_a; }
// return DOF values
GF::ColD dofs_v() const { return m_vec.asDofs(m_v); }
GF::ColD dofs_a() const { return m_vec.asDofs(m_a); }
// overwrite nodal vectors
void set_u(const GF::MatD &nodevec) { m_u = nodevec; };
// overwrite nodal vectors, reconstructed from DOF values
void set_v(const GF::ColD &dofval) { m_v = m_vec.asNode(dofval); };
void set_a(const GF::ColD &dofval) { m_a = m_vec.asNode(dofval); };
// solve for DOF-accelerations
GF::ColD solve();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline Geometry::Geometry(size_t nx)
// get mesh
GF::Mesh::Quad4::Regular mesh(nx,nx,1.);
// vector-definition
m_vec = GF::Vector(mesh.conn(), mesh.dofsPeriodic());
// quadrature
m_quad = Elem::Quadrature(m_vec.asElement(mesh.coor()));
// dimensions, connectivity, and coordinates
m_nnode = mesh.nnode();
m_ndim = mesh.ndim();
m_nelem = mesh.nelem();
m_nne = mesh.nne();
m_nip = m_quad.nip();
m_conn = mesh.conn();
m_coor = mesh.coor();
// zero-initialize displacement, velocity, acceleration
m_u = GF::MatD::Zero(m_nnode, m_ndim);
m_v = GF::MatD::Zero(m_nnode, m_ndim);
m_a = GF::MatD::Zero(m_nnode, m_ndim);
// material definition
// - allocate
m_mat = Mat::Matrix({m_nelem, m_nip});
// - phase indicators
cppmat::matrix<size_t> Ihard = cppmat::matrix<size_t>::Zero({m_nelem, m_nip});
cppmat::matrix<size_t> Isoft = cppmat::matrix<size_t>::Ones({m_nelem, m_nip});
// - set hard indicator
for ( size_t e = 0 ; e < nx*nx/4 ; ++e )
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < m_nip ; ++k )
Ihard(e,k) = 1;
// - set soft indicator
Isoft -= Ihard;
// - set material definition
m_mat.setElastic(Ihard, 100., 10.);
m_mat.setElastic(Isoft, 100., 1.);
// - check that all points have been set (not strictly needed)
// mass matrix
// - nodal quadrature
Elem::Quadrature q(m_vec.asElement(m_coor), Elem::Nodal::xi(), Elem::Nodal::w());
// - set density
GF::ArrD rho = GF::ArrD::Constant({m_nelem, m_nip}, 1.0);
// - allocate mass matrix
m_M = GF::MatrixDiagonal(m_conn, mesh.dofsPeriodic());
// - compute (constant hereafter)
m_M.assemble( q.int_N_scalar_NT_dV(rho) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline GF::ColD Geometry::solve()
GF::ArrD Eps = m_quad.symGradN_vector( m_vec.asElement(m_u) );
GF::ArrD Sig = m_mat.stress(Eps);
GF::ColD F = m_vec.assembleDofs( m_quad.int_gradN_dot_tensor2_dV(Sig) );
return m_M.solve( -F );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void Geometry::add_dFbar(const T2 &dFbar)
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_nnode ; ++i )
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < m_ndim ; ++j )
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < m_ndim ; ++k )
m_u(i,j) += dFbar(j,k) * ( m_coor(i,k) - m_coor(0,k) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline double Geometry::Ekin() const
GF::ColD V = m_vec.asDofs(m_v);
GF::ColD M = m_M.asDiagonal();
return 0.5 *;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline double Geometry::Epot() const
GF::ArrD Eps = m_quad.symGradN_vector( m_vec.asElement(m_u) );
GF::ArrD E =;
return E.average(m_quad.dV(),false);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main()
// set simulation parameters
double T = 60. ; // total time
double dt = 1.e-2; // time increment
size_t nx = 40 ; // number of elements in both directions
double gamma = .05 ; // displacement step
// define geometry
Geometry geometry(nx);
// define update in macroscopic deformation gradient
T2 dFbar = T2::Zero();
dFbar(0,1) = gamma;
// update displacement
// output variables
GF::ColD Epot(static_cast<int>(T/dt)); Epot.setZero();
GF::ColD Ekin(static_cast<int>(T/dt)); Ekin.setZero();
GF::ColD t (static_cast<int>(T/dt)); t .setZero();
// loop over increments
for ( size_t inc = 0 ; inc < static_cast<size_t>(Epot.size()) ; ++inc )
// - compute increment
GF::Dynamics::Verlet(geometry, dt);
// - store output
t (inc) = static_cast<double>(inc) * dt;
Ekin(inc) = geometry.Ekin();
Epot(inc) = geometry.Epot();
// write to output file
H5p::File f = H5p::File("example.hdf5","w");
f.write("/global/Epot",Epot );
f.write("/global/Ekin",Ekin );
f.write("/global/t" ,t );
f.write("/mesh/conn" ,geometry.conn());
f.write("/mesh/coor" ,geometry.coor());
f.write("/mesh/disp" ,geometry.u() );
return 0;

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