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Convenience methods for integration point data.
\file Element.h
\copyright Copyright 2017. Tom de Geus. All rights reserved.
\license This project is released under the GNU Public License (GPLv3).
#include "config.h"
#include "Allocate.h"
namespace GooseFEM {
namespace Element {
Convert nodal vector with ("nodevec", shape:``[nnode, ndim]``) to nodal vector stored per element
("elemvec", shape: ``[nelem, nne, ndim]``).
\param conn Connectivity.
\param nodevec "nodevec".
\return "elemvec".
inline xt::xtensor<double, 3> asElementVector(
const xt::xtensor<size_t, 2>& conn, const xt::xtensor<double, 2>& nodevec);
Assemble nodal vector stored per element ("elemvec", shape ``[nelem, nne, ndim]``) to nodal vector
("nodevec", shape ``[nnode, ndim]``).
\param conn Connectivity.
\param elemvec "elemvec".
\return "nodevec".
inline xt::xtensor<double, 2> assembleNodeVector(
const xt::xtensor<size_t, 2>& conn, const xt::xtensor<double, 3>& elemvec);
Check that DOFs leave no holes.
\param dofs DOFs ("nodevec")
\return ``true`` if there are no holds.
template <class E>
inline bool isSequential(const E& dofs);
Check that all of the matrices stored per elemmat (shape: ``[nelem, nne * ndim, nne * ndim]``)
are diagonal.
\param elemmat Element-vectors ("elemmat")
\return ``true`` if all element matrices are diagonal.
bool isDiagonal(const xt::xtensor<double, 3>& elemmat);
Base quadrature-class.
This class does not have a specific element-type in mind, it is used mostly internally
to derive from such that common methods do not have to be reimplementation.
\tparam ne Number of nodes per element.
\tparam nd Number of dimensions for node vectors.
\tparam td Number of dimensions for integration point tensors.
template <size_t ne, size_t nd, size_t td>
class QuadratureBase {
QuadratureBase() = default;
QuadratureBase(size_t nelem, size_t nip);
Number of elements.
\return Scalar.
size_t nelem() const;
Number of nodes per element.
\return Scalar.
size_t nne() const;
Number of dimensions for node vectors.
\return Scalar.
size_t ndim() const;
Number of dimensions for integration point tensors.
\return Scalar.
size_t tdim() const;
Number of integration points.
\return Scalar.
size_t nip() const;
Convert "qscalar" to "qtensor" of certain rank.
Fully allocated output passed as reference, use AsTensor to allocate and return data.
\param qscalar A "qscalar".
\param qtensor A "qtensor".
template <size_t rank = 0, class T>
void asTensor(const xt::xtensor<T, 2>& qscalar, xt::xtensor<T, 2 + rank>& qtensor) const;
Convert "qscalar" to "qtensor" of certain rank.
\param "qscalar".
\return "qtensor".
template <size_t rank = 0, class T>
xt::xtensor<T, 2 + rank> AsTensor(const xt::xtensor<T, 2>& qscalar) const;
Convert "qscalar" to "qtensor" of certain rank.
\param rank Tensor rank.
\param qscalar A "qscalar".
\return "qtensor".
template <class T>
xt::xarray<T> AsTensor(size_t rank, const xt::xtensor<T, 2>& qscalar) const;
Get the shape of a "qtensor" of a certain rank
(0 = scalar, 1, vector, 2 = 2nd-order tensor, etc.).
Default: rank = 0, a.k.a. scalar.
\returns Shape as `std::array`.
template <size_t rank = 0>
std::array<size_t, 2 + rank> ShapeQtensor() const;
Get the shape of a "qtensor" of a certain rank
(0 = scalar, 1, vector, 2 = 2nd-order tensor, etc.).
\param rank The tensor rank.
\returns Shape as `std::vector`.
std::vector<size_t> ShapeQtensor(size_t rank) const;
Get the shape of a "qscalar" (a "qtensor" of rank 0)
\returns Shape as `std::vector`.
std::vector<size_t> ShapeQscalar() const;
Get an allocated `xt::xtensor` to store a "qtensor" of a certain rank
(0 = scalar, 1, vector, 2 = 2nd-order tensor, etc.).
Default: rank = 0, a.k.a. scalar.
Note: the container is not (zero-)initialised.
\returns `xt::xtensor` container of the correct shape (and rank).
template <size_t rank = 0, class T>
xt::xtensor<T, 2 + rank> AllocateQtensor() const;
Get an allocated and initialised `xt::xtensor` to store a "qtensor" of a certain rank
(0 = scalar, 1, vector, 2 = 2nd-order tensor, etc.).
Default: rank = 0, a.k.a. scalar.
\param val The value to which to initialise all items.
\returns `xt::xtensor` container of the correct shape (and rank).
template <size_t rank = 0, class T>
xt::xtensor<T, 2 + rank> AllocateQtensor(T val) const;
Get an allocated `xt::xarray` to store a "qtensor" of a certain rank
(0 = scalar, 1, vector, 2 = 2nd-order tensor, etc.).
Note: the container is not (zero-)initialised.
\param rank The tensor rank.
\returns `xt::xarray` container of the correct shape.
template <class T>
xt::xarray<T> AllocateQtensor(size_t rank) const;
Get an allocated and initialised `xt::xarray` to store a "qtensor" of a certain rank
(0 = scalar, 1, vector, 2 = 2nd-order tensor, etc.).
\param rank The tensor rank.
\param val The value to which to initialise all items.
\returns `xt::xtensor` container of the correct shape (and rank).
template <class T>
xt::xarray<T> AllocateQtensor(size_t rank, T val) const;
Get an allocated `xt::xtensor` to store a "qscalar" (a "qtensor" of rank 0).
Note: the container is not (zero-)initialised.
\returns `xt::xarray` container of the correct shape.
template <class T>
xt::xtensor<T, 2> AllocateQscalar() const;
Get an allocated and initialised `xt::xarray` to store a "qscalar" (a "qtensor" of rank 0).
\param val The value to which to initialise all items.
\returns `xt::xtensor` container of the correct shape (and rank).
template <class T>
xt::xtensor<T, 2> AllocateQscalar(T val) const;
Wrapper of constructor, for derived classes.
void initQuadratureBase(size_t nelem, size_t nip);
size_t m_nelem; ///< Number of elements.
size_t m_nip; ///< Number of integration points per element.
constexpr static size_t m_nne = ne; ///< Number of nodes per element.
constexpr static size_t m_ndim = nd; ///< Number of dimensions for nodal vectors.
constexpr static size_t m_tdim = td; ///< Number of dimensions for integration point tensors.
} // namespace Element
} // namespace GooseFEM
#include "Element.hpp"

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