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/* =================================================================================================
(c - GPLv3) T.W.J. de Geus (Tom) | | |
================================================================================================= */
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "GooseFEM.h"
// =========================================== GooseFEM ============================================
namespace GooseFEM {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class MatrixDiagonal
// data
ColD m_data; // the diagonal matrix (not-partitioned)
ColD m_inv; // inverse of "m_data", can be re-used to solve different right-hand-sides
bool m_change=false; // signal changes to data compare to the last inverse
// information
MatS m_conn; // connectivity [nelem, nne ]
MatS m_dofs; // DOF-numbers per node [nnode, ndim]
MatS m_part; // DOF-numbers per node, after partitioning [nnode, ndim]
ColS m_iiu; // DOF-numbers that are unknown [nnu]
ColS m_iip; // DOF-numbers that are prescribed [nnp]
// dimensions
size_t m_nelem; // number of elements
size_t m_nne; // number of nodes per element
size_t m_nnode; // number of nodes
size_t m_ndim; // number of dimensions
size_t m_ndof; // number of DOFs
size_t m_nnu; // number of unknown DOFs
size_t m_nnp; // number of prescribed DOFs
// constructor
MatrixDiagonal(const MatS &conn, const MatS &dofs, const ColS &iip=ColS());
// index operators: access plain storage
double& operator[](size_t i);
const double& operator[](size_t i) const;
// index operators: access using matrix indices
double& operator()(size_t a);
const double& operator()(size_t a) const;
double& operator()(size_t a, size_t b);
const double& operator()(size_t a, size_t b) const;
// dimensions
size_t nelem() const; // number of elements
size_t nne() const; // number of nodes per element
size_t nnode() const; // number of nodes
size_t ndim() const; // number of dimensions
size_t ndof() const; // number of DOFs
size_t nnu() const; // number of unknown DOFs
size_t nnp() const; // number of prescribed DOFs
// DOF lists
ColS iiu() const; // unknown DOFs
ColS iip() const; // prescribed DOFs
// product: c_i = A_ij * b_j
ColD dot (const ColD &b ) const; // c = A * b
ColD dot_u(const ColD &b ) const; // c_u = A_uu * b_u + A_up * b_p
ColD dot_u(const ColD &b_u, const ColD &b_p) const; // c_u = A_uu * b_u + A_up * b_p
ColD dot_p(const ColD &b ) const; // c_p = A_pu * b_u + A_pp * b_p
ColD dot_p(const ColD &b_u, const ColD &b_p) const; // c_p = A_pu * b_u + A_pp * b_p
// check structure of the matrices stored per element [nelem, nne*ndim, nne*ndim]
void check_diagonal(const ArrD &elemmat) const;
// assemble from matrices stored per element [nelem, nne*ndim, nne*ndim]
// WARNING: ignores any off-diagonal terms
void assemble(const ArrD &elemmat);
// set matrix components from externally assembled object
void set (const ColD &matrix ) const; // diagonal [ndof]
void set_uu(const ColD &matrix_uu) const; // diagonal [nnu]
void set_pp(const ColD &matrix_pp) const; // diagonal [nnp]
// solve
// ("u_p" is useless as all cross-terms are zero, it is here for aesthetics)
ColD solve (const ColD &rhs , const ColD &u_p=ColD()); // [ndof] -> [ndof]
ColD solve_u(const ColD &rhs_u, const ColD &u_p=ColD()); // [nnu] -> [nnu]
// get the right-hand-side of prescribed DOFs: [nnu], [nnp] -> [nnp]
// ("u_u" is useless as all cross-terms are zero, it is here for aesthetics)
ColD rhs_p(const ColD &u_u, const ColD &u_p) const;
// return (sub-)matrix as diagonal matrix (column)
ColD asDiagonal () const; // [ndpf]
ColD asDiagonal_uu() const; // [nnu]
ColD asDiagonal_pp() const; // [nnp]
// return (sub-)matrix as sparse matrix
SpMatD asSparse () const; // [ndof,ndof]
SpMatD asSparse_uu() const; // [nnu ,nnu ]
SpMatD asSparse_up() const; // [nnu ,nnp ]
SpMatD asSparse_pu() const; // [nnp ,nnu ]
SpMatD asSparse_pp() const; // [nnp ,nnp ]
// return (sub-)matrix as dense matrix
MatD asDense () const; // [ndof,ndof]
MatD asDense_uu() const; // [nnu ,nnu ]
MatD asDense_up() const; // [nnu ,nnp ]
MatD asDense_pu() const; // [nnp ,nnu ]
MatD asDense_pp() const; // [nnp ,nnp ]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// matrix/column product: '[ndof,ndof]' * [ndof] -> [ndof]
inline ColD operator* (const MatrixDiagonal &A, const ColD &b);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // namespace ...
// =================================================================================================

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