.. _Element: ******* Element ******* | :download:`GooseFEM/Element.h <../../include/GooseFEM/Element.h>` | :download:`GooseFEM/Element.hpp <../../include/GooseFEM/Element.hpp>` Element::asElementVector ======================== Convert nodal vector "[nnode, ndim]" to nodal vector stored per element "[nelem, nne, ndim]". Element::assembleNodeVector =========================== Assemble nodal vector stored per element "[nelem, nne, ndim]" to nodal vector "[nnode, ndim]". Element::isSequential ===================== Check that DOFs leave no holes. Element::isDiagonal =================== Check structure of the matrices stored per element "[nelem, nne*ndim, nne*ndim]" to be diagonal (check that all off-diagonal entries have a value lower than a small numerical tolerance).