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Tools to store and apply nodal/DOF tyings.
\file TyingsPeriodic.h
\copyright Copyright 2017. Tom de Geus. All rights reserved.
\license This project is released under the GNU Public License (GPLv3).
#include "Mesh.h"
#include "config.h"
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
namespace GooseFEM {
Tools to store and apply nodal/DOF tyings.
namespace Tyings {
Nodal tyings per periodic boundary conditions.
The idea is that the displacement of all DOFs of a node are tied to another node
and to the average displacement gradient.
The latter is applied/measured using 'virtual' control nodes.
Consider the DOF list \f$ u \f$ renumbered such that it is split up in
independent and dependent DOFs as follows
\f$ u = \begin{bmatrix} u_i \\ u_d \end{bmatrix}\f$
whereby the independent DOFs are furthermore split up in unknown and prescribed nodes as follows
\f$ u_i = \begin{bmatrix} u_u \\ u_p \end{bmatrix}\f$
such that
\f$ u = \begin{bmatrix} u_u \\ u_p \\ u_d \end{bmatrix}\f$
\todo Document how the DOFs are tied to the control nodes, and what the has to do with the mean.
class Periodic {
Periodic() = default;
\tparam C array_type::tensor<double, 2>
\tparam D array_type::tensor<size_t, 2>
\tparam S array_type::tensor<size_t, 2>
\tparam T array_type::tensor<size_t, 2>
\param coor Nodal coordinates [nnode, ndim].
\param dofs DOF-numbers per node [nnode, ndim].
\param control_dofs DOF-numbers per control node [ndim, ndim].
\param nodal_tyings List of nodal tyings, see nodal_tyings(). [ntyings, 2].
template <class C, class D, class S, class T>
Periodic(const C& coor, const D& dofs, const S& control_dofs, const T& nodal_tyings)
: Periodic(coor, dofs, control_dofs, nodal_tyings, xt::eval(xt::empty<size_t>({0})))
\tparam C array_type::tensor<double, 2>
\tparam D array_type::tensor<size_t, 2>
\tparam S array_type::tensor<size_t, 2>
\tparam T array_type::tensor<size_t, 2>
\tparam U array_type::tensor<size_t, 1>
\param coor Nodal coordinates [nnode, ndim].
\param dofs DOF-numbers per node [nnode, ndim].
\param control_dofs DOF-numbers per control node [ndim, ndim].
\param nodal_tyings List of nodal tyings, see nodal_tyings(). [ntyings, 2].
\param iip List of prescribed DOF-numbers.
template <class C, class D, class S, class T, class U>
const C& coor,
const D& dofs,
const S& control_dofs,
const T& nodal_tyings,
const U& iip)
m_tyings = nodal_tyings;
m_coor = coor;
m_ndim = m_coor.shape(1);
m_nties = m_tyings.shape(0);
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(m_tyings, {m_nties, size_t(2)}));
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(control_dofs, {m_ndim, m_ndim}));
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(dofs, m_coor.shape()));
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::amax(control_dofs)() <= xt::amax(dofs)());
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::amin(control_dofs)() >= xt::amin(dofs)());
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::amax(iip)() <= xt::amax(dofs)());
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::amin(iip)() >= xt::amin(dofs)());
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::amax(nodal_tyings)() < m_coor.shape(0));
array_type::tensor<size_t, 1> dependent = xt::view(m_tyings, xt::all(), 1);
array_type::tensor<size_t, 2> dependent_dofs =
xt::view(dofs, xt::keep(dependent), xt::all());
U iid = xt::flatten(dependent_dofs);
U iii = xt::setdiff1d(dofs, iid);
U iiu = xt::setdiff1d(iii, iip);
m_nnu = iiu.size();
m_nnp = iip.size();
m_nni = iii.size();
m_nnd = iid.size();
GooseFEM::Mesh::Reorder reorder({iiu, iip, iid});
m_dofs = reorder.apply(dofs);
m_control = reorder.apply(control_dofs);
\return Number of dependent DOFs.
size_t nnd() const
return m_nnd;
\return Number of independent DOFs.
size_t nni() const
return m_nni;
\return Number of independent unknown DOFs.
size_t nnu() const
return m_nnu;
\return Number of independent prescribed DOFs.
size_t nnp() const
return m_nnp;
\return DOF-numbers per node, as used internally (after renumbering), [nnode, ndim].
const array_type::tensor<size_t, 2>& dofs() const
return m_dofs;
\return DOF-numbers for each control node, as used internally (after renumbering), [ndim, ndim].
const array_type::tensor<size_t, 2>& control() const
return m_control;
Return the applied nodal tyings.
Per tying (row) two node numbers are specified,
according to the convention (independent, dependent).
\return [ntyings, 2].
const array_type::tensor<size_t, 2>& nodal_tyings() const
return m_tyings;
Dependent DOFs.
\return List of DOF numbers.
array_type::tensor<size_t, 1> iid() const
return xt::arange<size_t>(m_nni, m_nni + m_nnd);
Independent DOFs.
\return List of DOF numbers.
array_type::tensor<size_t, 1> iii() const
return xt::arange<size_t>(m_nni);
Independent unknown DOFs.
\return List of DOF numbers.
array_type::tensor<size_t, 1> iiu() const
return xt::arange<size_t>(m_nnu);
Independent prescribed DOFs.
\return List of DOF numbers.
array_type::tensor<size_t, 1> iip() const
return xt::arange<size_t>(m_nnp) + m_nnu;
Return tying matrix such as to get the dependent DOFs \f$ u_d \f$ from
the independent DOFs \f$ u_i \f$ as follows
\f$ u_d = C_{di} u_i \f$
Note that this can be further partitioned in
\f$ u_d = C_{du} u_u + C_{dp} u_p \f$
See Cdu() and Cdp().
\return Sparse matrix.
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> Cdi() const
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>> data;
data.reserve(m_nties * m_ndim * (m_ndim + 1));
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nties; ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < m_ndim; ++j) {
size_t ni = m_tyings(i, 0);
size_t nd = m_tyings(i, 1);
data.push_back(Eigen::Triplet<double>(i * m_ndim + j, m_dofs(ni, j), +1.0));
for (size_t k = 0; k < m_ndim; ++k) {
i * m_ndim + j, m_control(j, k), m_coor(nd, k) - m_coor(ni, k)));
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> Cdi;
Cdi.resize(m_nnd, m_nni);
Cdi.setFromTriplets(data.begin(), data.end());
return Cdi;
Unknown part of the partitioned tying matrix, see Cdi().
\return Sparse matrix.
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> Cdu() const
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>> data;
data.reserve(m_nties * m_ndim * (m_ndim + 1));
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nties; ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < m_ndim; ++j) {
size_t ni = m_tyings(i, 0);
size_t nd = m_tyings(i, 1);
if (m_dofs(ni, j) < m_nnu) {
data.push_back(Eigen::Triplet<double>(i * m_ndim + j, m_dofs(ni, j), +1.0));
for (size_t k = 0; k < m_ndim; ++k) {
if (m_control(j, k) < m_nnu) {
i * m_ndim + j, m_control(j, k), m_coor(nd, k) - m_coor(ni, k)));
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> Cdu;
Cdu.resize(m_nnd, m_nnu);
Cdu.setFromTriplets(data.begin(), data.end());
return Cdu;
Prescribed part of the partitioned tying matrix, see Cdi().
\return Sparse matrix.
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> Cdp() const
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>> data;
data.reserve(m_nties * m_ndim * (m_ndim + 1));
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nties; ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < m_ndim; ++j) {
size_t ni = m_tyings(i, 0);
size_t nd = m_tyings(i, 1);
if (m_dofs(ni, j) >= m_nnu) {
Eigen::Triplet<double>(i * m_ndim + j, m_dofs(ni, j) - m_nnu, +1.0));
for (size_t k = 0; k < m_ndim; ++k) {
if (m_control(j, k) >= m_nnu) {
i * m_ndim + j,
m_control(j, k) - m_nnu,
m_coor(nd, k) - m_coor(ni, k)));
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> Cdp;
Cdp.resize(m_nnd, m_nnp);
Cdp.setFromTriplets(data.begin(), data.end());
return Cdp;
size_t m_nnu; ///< See nnu().
size_t m_nnp; ///< See nnp().
size_t m_nni; ///< See nni().
size_t m_nnd; ///< See nnd().
size_t m_ndim; ///< Number of dimensions.
size_t m_nties; ///< Number of nodal ties.
array_type::tensor<size_t, 2> m_dofs; ///< See dofs().
array_type::tensor<size_t, 2> m_control; ///< See control().
array_type::tensor<size_t, 2> m_tyings; ///< See nodal_tyings().
array_type::tensor<double, 2> m_coor; ///< Nodal coordinates [nnode, ndim].
Add control nodes to an existing system.
class Control {
Control() = default;
\tparam C array_type::tensor<double, 2>
\tparam N array_type::tensor<size_t, 2>
\param coor Nodal coordinates [nnode, ndim].
\param dofs DOF-numbers per node [nnode, ndim].
template <class C, class N>
Control(const C& coor, const N& dofs)
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(coor.shape().size() == 2);
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(coor.shape() == dofs.shape());
m_coor = coor;
m_dofs = dofs;
size_t nnode = coor.shape(0);
size_t ndim = coor.shape(1);
m_control_dofs = xt::arange<size_t>(ndim * ndim).reshape({ndim, ndim});
m_control_dofs += xt::amax(dofs)() + 1;
m_control_nodes = nnode + xt::arange<size_t>(ndim);
m_coor = xt::concatenate(xt::xtuple(coor, xt::zeros<double>({ndim, ndim})));
m_dofs = xt::concatenate(xt::xtuple(dofs, m_control_dofs));
Nodal coordinates, for the system with control nodes added to it.
\param [nnode + ndim, ndim], with nnode the number of nodes of the original system.
const array_type::tensor<double, 2>& coor() const
return m_coor;
DOF-numbers per node, for the system with control nodes added to it.
\param [nnode + ndim, ndim], with nnode the number of nodes of the original system.
const array_type::tensor<size_t, 2>& dofs() const
return m_dofs;
DOF-numbers of each control node.
\param [ndim, ndim].
const array_type::tensor<size_t, 2>& controlDofs() const
return m_control_dofs;
Node-numbers of the control nodes.
\param [ndim].
const array_type::tensor<size_t, 1>& controlNodes() const
return m_control_nodes;
array_type::tensor<double, 2> m_coor; ///< See coor().
array_type::tensor<size_t, 2> m_dofs; ///< See dofs().
array_type::tensor<size_t, 2> m_control_dofs; ///< See controlDofs().
array_type::tensor<size_t, 1> m_control_nodes; ///< See controlNodes().
} // namespace Tyings
} // namespace GooseFEM

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