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Implementation of Vector.h
\file Vector.hpp
\copyright Copyright 2017. Tom de Geus. All rights reserved.
\license This project is released under the GNU Public License (GPLv3).
#include "Vector.h"
namespace GooseFEM {
template <class S, class T>
inline Vector::Vector(const S& conn, const T& dofs)
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(conn.dimension() == 2);
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(dofs.dimension() == 2);
m_conn = conn;
m_dofs = dofs;
m_nelem = m_conn.shape(0);
m_nne = m_conn.shape(1);
m_nnode = m_dofs.shape(0);
m_ndim = m_dofs.shape(1);
m_ndof = xt::amax(m_dofs)() + 1;
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::amax(m_conn)() + 1 <= m_nnode);
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(m_ndof <= m_nnode * m_ndim);
inline size_t Vector::nelem() const
return m_nelem;
inline size_t Vector::nne() const
return m_nne;
inline size_t Vector::nnode() const
return m_nnode;
inline size_t Vector::ndim() const
return m_ndim;
inline size_t Vector::ndof() const
return m_ndof;
inline xt::xtensor<size_t, 2> Vector::conn() const
return m_conn;
inline xt::xtensor<size_t, 2> Vector::dofs() const
return m_dofs;
template <class T>
inline void Vector::copy(const T& nodevec_src, T& nodevec_dest) const
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(nodevec_src, this->shape_nodevec()));
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(nodevec_dest, this->shape_nodevec()));
xt::noalias(nodevec_dest) = nodevec_src;
template <class T, class R>
void Vector::asDofs(const T& arg, R& dofval) const
this->asDofs_impl(arg, dofval);
// asDofs : distribution
template <class T, class R>
typename std::enable_if_t<std::equal<xt::get_rank<T>::value, 1>>
Vector::asDofs_impl(const T& arg, R& dofval) const
dofval = arg;
template <class T, class R>
typename std::enable_if_t<std::equal<xt::get_rank<T>::value, 2>>
Vector::asDofs_impl(const T& arg, R& dofval) const
this->asDofs_impl_nodevec(arg, dofval);
template <class T, class R>
typename std::enable_if_t<std::equal<xt::get_rank<T>::value, 3>>
Vector::asDofs_impl(const T& arg, R& dofval) const
this->asDofs_impl_elemvec(arg, dofval);
template <class T, class R>
typename std::enable_if_t<!xt::has_fixed_rank_t<T>::value>
Vector::asDofs_impl(const T& arg, R& dofval) const
if (arg.dimension() == 1) {
dofval = arg;
else if (arg.dimension() == 2) {
this->asDofs_impl_nodevec(arg, dofval);
else if (arg.dimension() == 3) {
this->asDofs_impl_elemvec(arg, dofval);
else {
throw std::runtime_error("Vector::asDofs unknown dimension first argument");
template <class T, class R>
inline void Vector::asNode(const T& arg, R& nodevec) const
if (arg.dimension() == 1) {
this->asNode_dofval(arg, nodevec);
else if (arg.dimension() == 3) {
this->asNode_elemvec(arg, nodevec);
else if (arg.dimension() == 2) {
nodevec = arg;
else {
throw std::runtime_error("Vector::asNode unknown dimension first argument");
template <class T, class R>
inline void Vector::asElement(const T& arg, R& elemvec) const
if (arg.dimension() == 1) {
this->asElement_dofval(arg, elemvec);
else if (arg.dimension() == 2) {
this->asElement_nodevec(arg, elemvec);
else if (arg.dimension() == 3) {
elemvec = arg;
else {
throw std::runtime_error("Vector::asElement unknown dimension first argument");
template <class T, class R>
inline void Vector::assembleDofs(const T& arg, R& dofval) const
if (arg.dimension() == 2) {
this->assembleDofs_nodevec(arg, dofval);
else if (arg.dimension() == 3) {
this->assembleDofs_elemvec(arg, dofval);
else if (arg.dimension() == 1) {
dofval = arg;
else {
throw std::runtime_error("Vector::assembleDofs unknown dimension first argument");
template <class T, class R>
inline void Vector::assembleNode(const T& arg, R& nodevec) const
if (arg.dimension() == 3) {
this->assembleNode_elemvec(arg, nodevec);
else if (arg.dimension() == 2) {
nodevec = arg;
else {
throw std::runtime_error("Vector::assembleNode unknown dimension first argument");
// asDofs : implementation
template <class T, class R>
inline void Vector::asDofs_impl_dofval(const T& arg, R& dofval) const
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(arg, this->shape_dofval()));
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(dofval, this->shape_dofval()));
dofval = arg;
template <class T, class R>
inline void Vector::asDofs_impl_nodevec(const T& arg, R& dofval) const
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(arg, this->shape_nodevec()));
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(dofval, this->shape_dofval()));
#pragma omp parallel for
for (size_t m = 0; m < m_nnode; ++m) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ndim; ++i) {
dofval(m_dofs(m, i)) = arg(m, i);
template <class T, class R>
inline void Vector::asDofs_impl_elemvec(const T& arg, R& dofval) const
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(arg, this->shape_elemvec()));
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(dofval, this->shape_dofval()));
#pragma omp parallel for
for (size_t e = 0; e < m_nelem; ++e) {
for (size_t m = 0; m < m_nne; ++m) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ndim; ++i) {
dofval(m_dofs(m_conn(e, m), i)) = arg(e, m, i);
template <class T, class R>
inline void Vector::asNode_dofval(const T& dofval, R& nodevec) const
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(dofval, this->shape_dofval()));
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(nodevec, this->shape_nodevec()));
#pragma omp parallel for
for (size_t m = 0; m < m_nnode; ++m) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ndim; ++i) {
nodevec(m, i) = dofval(m_dofs(m, i));
template <class T, class R>
inline void Vector::asNode_elemvec(const T& elemvec, R& nodevec) const
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(elemvec, this->shape_elemvec()));
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(nodevec, this->shape_nodevec()));
#pragma omp parallel for
for (size_t e = 0; e < m_nelem; ++e) {
for (size_t m = 0; m < m_nne; ++m) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ndim; ++i) {
nodevec(m_conn(e, m), i) = elemvec(e, m, i);
template <class T, class R>
inline void Vector::asElement_dofval(const T& dofval, R& elemvec) const
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(dofval.size() == m_ndof);
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(elemvec, this->shape_elemvec()));
#pragma omp parallel for
for (size_t e = 0; e < m_nelem; ++e) {
for (size_t m = 0; m < m_nne; ++m) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ndim; ++i) {
elemvec(e, m, i) = dofval(m_dofs(m_conn(e, m), i));
template <class T, class R>
inline void Vector::asElement_nodevec(const T& nodevec,R& elemvec) const
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(nodevec, this->shape_nodevec()));
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(elemvec, this->shape_elemvec()));
#pragma omp parallel for
for (size_t e = 0; e < m_nelem; ++e) {
for (size_t m = 0; m < m_nne; ++m) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ndim; ++i) {
elemvec(e, m, i) = nodevec(m_conn(e, m), i);
template <class T, class R>
inline void Vector::assembleDofs_nodevec(const T& nodevec, R& dofval) const
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(nodevec, this->shape_nodevec()));
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(dofval, this->shape_dofval()));
for (size_t m = 0; m < m_nnode; ++m) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ndim; ++i) {
dofval(m_dofs(m, i)) += nodevec(m, i);
template <class T, class R>
inline void Vector::assembleDofs_elemvec(const T& elemvec, R& dofval) const
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(elemvec, this->shape_elemvec()));
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(dofval, this->shape_dofval()));
for (size_t e = 0; e < m_nelem; ++e) {
for (size_t m = 0; m < m_nne; ++m) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ndim; ++i) {
dofval(m_dofs(m_conn(e, m), i)) += elemvec(e, m, i);
template <class T, class R>
inline void Vector::assembleNode_elemvec(const T& elemvec, R& nodevec) const
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(elemvec, this->shape_elemvec()));
GOOSEFEM_ASSERT(xt::has_shape(nodevec, this->shape_nodevec()));
xt::xtensor<double, 1> dofval = this->AssembleDofs(elemvec);
this->asNode(dofval, nodevec);
template <class T>
inline xt::xtensor<double, 1> Vector::AsDofs(const T& arg) const
xt::xtensor<double, 1> dofval = xt::empty<double>(this->shape_dofval());
this->asDofs(arg, dofval);
return dofval;
template <class T>
inline xt::xtensor<double, 2> Vector::AsNode(const T& arg) const
xt::xtensor<double, 2> nodevec = xt::empty<double>(this->shape_nodevec());
this->asNode(arg, nodevec);
return nodevec;
template <class T>
inline xt::xtensor<double, 3> Vector::AsElement(const T& arg) const
xt::xtensor<double, 3> elemvec = xt::empty<double>(this->shape_elemvec());
this->asElement(arg, elemvec);
return elemvec;
template <class T>
inline xt::xtensor<double, 1> Vector::AssembleDofs(const T& arg) const
xt::xtensor<double, 1> dofval = xt::empty<double>(this->shape_dofval());
this->assembleDofs(arg, dofval);
return dofval;
template <class T>
inline xt::xtensor<double, 2> Vector::AssembleNode(const T& arg) const
xt::xtensor<double, 2> nodevec = xt::empty<double>(this->shape_nodevec());
this->assembleNode(arg, nodevec);
return nodevec;
template <class T>
inline T Vector::Copy(const T& nodevec_src, const T& nodevec_dest) const
T ret = T::from_shape(nodevec_dest.shape());
this->copy(nodevec_src, ret);
return ret;
inline std::array<size_t, 1> Vector::shape_dofval() const
std::array<size_t, 1> shape;
shape[0] = m_ndof;
return shape;
inline std::array<size_t, 2> Vector::shape_nodevec() const
std::array<size_t, 2> shape;
shape[0] = m_nnode;
shape[1] = m_ndim;
return shape;
inline std::array<size_t, 3> Vector::shape_elemvec() const
std::array<size_t, 3> shape;
shape[0] = m_nelem;
shape[1] = m_nne;
shape[2] = m_ndim;
return shape;
inline std::array<size_t, 3> Vector::shape_elemmat() const
std::array<size_t, 3> shape;
shape[0] = m_nelem;
shape[1] = m_nne * m_ndim;
shape[2] = m_nne * m_ndim;
return shape;
inline xt::xtensor<double, 1> Vector::allocate_dofval() const
xt::xtensor<double, 1> dofval = xt::empty<double>(this->shape_dofval());
return dofval;
inline xt::xtensor<double, 2> Vector::allocate_nodevec() const
xt::xtensor<double, 2> nodevec = xt::empty<double>(this->shape_nodevec());
return nodevec;
inline xt::xtensor<double, 3> Vector::allocate_elemvec() const
xt::xtensor<double, 3> elemvec = xt::empty<double>(this->shape_elemvec());
return elemvec;
inline xt::xtensor<double, 3> Vector::allocate_elemmat() const
xt::xtensor<double, 3> elemmat = xt::empty<double>(this->shape_elemmat());
return elemmat;
inline xt::xtensor<double, 1> Vector::allocate_dofval(double val) const
xt::xtensor<double, 1> dofval = xt::empty<double>(this->shape_dofval());
return dofval;
inline xt::xtensor<double, 2> Vector::allocate_nodevec(double val) const
xt::xtensor<double, 2> nodevec = xt::empty<double>(this->shape_nodevec());
return nodevec;
inline xt::xtensor<double, 3> Vector::allocate_elemvec(double val) const
xt::xtensor<double, 3> elemvec = xt::empty<double>(this->shape_elemvec());
return elemvec;
inline xt::xtensor<double, 3> Vector::allocate_elemmat(double val) const
xt::xtensor<double, 3> elemmat = xt::empty<double>(this->shape_elemmat());
return elemmat;
} // namespace GooseFEM

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