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/* =================================================================================================
(c - GPLv3) T.W.J. de Geus (Tom) | | |
================================================================================================= */
#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <cppmat/cppmat.h>
#include <GooseFEM/GooseFEM.h>
#include <GooseMaterial/Metal/LinearStrain/Elastic.h>
// alias relevant types for cppmat - exclusively 3-D
using T4 = cppmat::cartesian3d::tensor4 <double>;
using T2 = cppmat::cartesian3d::tensor2 <double>;
using T2s = cppmat::cartesian3d::tensor2s<double>;
// alias relevant types for Eigen
using MatD = GooseFEM::MatD;
using MatS = GooseFEM::MatS;
using ColD = GooseFEM::ColD;
using ColS = GooseFEM::ColS;
// alias
namespace GooseElas = GooseMaterial::Metal::LinearStrain::Elastic;
// =================================================================================================
int main()
// --------
// geometry
// --------
// create a mesh
GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular mesh(3,3);
// element type for extrapolation and quadrature
GooseFEM::Quad4 el;
// extract relevant mesh data
size_t nnode = mesh.nnode(); // number of nodes
size_t nelem = mesh.nelem(); // number of elements
size_t ndim = mesh.ndim (); // number of dimensions (== 2)
size_t nne = mesh.nne (); // number of nodes per element (== 4)
MatS conn = mesh.conn (); // connectivity (nodes of each element) : one row per element
MatD x0 = mesh.coor (); // nodal position in x- and y-direction : one row per node
size_t ndof = nnode * ndim; // total number of DOFs
// add virtual nodes to prescribe the macroscopic deformation
// - node numbers
ColS nodesVirtual ( ndim );
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < ndim ; ++i ) nodesVirtual(i) = nnode + i;
// - extend system
nnode += ndim;
ndof += ndim * ndim;
// - extend nodal position
// - assign dummy positions (to facilitate further use)
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < ndim ; ++i )
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < ndim ; ++j )
x0(nodesVirtual(i),j) = 0.0;
// nodal displacements
// - allocate as a column of vectors; like "x0"
MatD u(nnode,ndim);
// - zero-initialize
// DOF-numbers for each vector component of each node (sequential)
MatS dofs = GooseFEM::Mesh::dofs(nnode,ndim);
// -----------
// periodicity
// -----------
// allocate size of the independent and dependent parts of the system and tying matrix
size_t nni,nnd;
MatD C_di;
// renumber DOFs in the order [ iii , iid ]; create matrix with nodal tyings
// - get periodic nodes
MatS nodesPeriodic = mesh.nodesPeriodic();
// - sizes
nnd = ndim * nodesPeriodic.rows();
nni = ndof - nnd;
// - allocate lists of dependent/independent DOFs
ColS iid(nnd);
// - extract dependent DOFs
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nodesPeriodic.rows() ; ++i )
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < ndim ; ++j )
iid(i*ndim+j) = dofs(nodesPeriodic(i,1),j);
// - renumber DOFs in the following order [ iii , iid ]
dofs = GooseFEM::Mesh::renumber( dofs , iid , "end" );
// - allocate matrix with nodal tyings
// - zero initialize
// - fill
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nodesPeriodic.rows() ; ++i )
// -- get dependent ("dep") and independent ("ind") node numbers
size_t nd_dep = nodesPeriodic(i,1);
size_t nd_ind = nodesPeriodic(i,0);
// -- tie all DOFs of those nodes
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < ndim ; ++j )
// --- get relevant DOF numbers
size_t df_dep = dofs(nd_dep,j);
size_t df_ind = dofs(nd_ind,j);
// --- u_dep = u_ind + ...
C_di( df_dep-nni , df_ind ) = +1.0;
// --- u_dep = ... + (F-I).dot(X_dep - X_ind)
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < ndim ; ++k )
C_di( df_dep-nni , dofs(nodesVirtual(j),k) ) = x0(nd_dep,k) - x0(nd_ind,k);
// -------------------
// boundary conditions
// -------------------
// allocate size of the partitioned parts
size_t nnp = ( ndim+1 ) * ndim;
size_t nnu = nni - nnp;
// - allocate lists of prescribed/unknown DOFs and their values
ColS iip (nnp);
ColS iiu (nnu);
ColD DU_p(nnp);
// set prescribed/unknown DOFs and their values
// - reference node to suppress rigid body motion
size_t nodeRef = mesh.nodesRef();
// - macroscopic deformation gradient update
// -- allocate
T2 Fbar(0.0);
// -- set non-zeros values
Fbar(0,1) += 0.01;
// - prescribe displacement-update DOFs and their values
// -- counter
size_t k = 0;
// -- macroscopic deformation
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < ndim ; ++i ) {
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < ndim ; ++j ) {
iip(k) = dofs(nodesVirtual(i),j); DU_p(k) = Fbar(i,j); ++k;
// -- suppress rigid body motion
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < ndim ; ++j ) {
iip(k) = dofs(nodeRef,j); DU_p(k) = 0.; ++k;
// -- list with all 'independent' DOFs
ColS dofs_p = ColS::LinSpaced(nni, 0, nni);
// -- temporary copy of "iip"
ColS tmp = iip;
// -- sort "iip"
std::sort (, );
// -- "iiu" = setdiff ( "dofs_p" , "iip" )
std::set_difference (,,,, );
// --------
// material
// --------
std::vector<GooseElas::Cartesian3d::Material> mat;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < 1 ; ++i )
// set elastic parameters
double E = 100.0;
double nu = 0.3;
double kappa,G;
// convert elastic parameters to the pair required by "GooseElas::Cartesian3d::Material"
std::tie(kappa,G) = GooseElas::ConvertParameters("E,nu",E,nu,"K,G");
// element material definition: linear elasticity
GooseElas::Cartesian3d::Material emat = GooseElas::Cartesian3d::Material(kappa,G);
// add to list
for ( size_t i = 1 ; i < nelem ; ++i )
// set elastic parameters
double E = 1.0;
double nu = 0.3;
double kappa,G;
// convert elastic parameters to the pair required by "GooseElas::Cartesian3d::Material"
std::tie(kappa,G) = GooseElas::ConvertParameters("E,nu",E,nu,"K,G");
// element material definition: linear elasticity
GooseElas::Cartesian3d::Material emat = GooseElas::Cartesian3d::Material(kappa,G);
// add to list
// -------------------------
// global system - variables
// -------------------------
// global system - partitioned in independent and dependent DOFs
MatD K_ii(nni,nni); // stiffness (matrix)
MatD K_id(nni,nnd); // "
MatD K_di(nnd,nni); // "
MatD K_dd(nnd,nnd); // "
ColD F_i (nni ); // internal force (column)
ColD F_d (nnd ); // "
ColD DU_i(nni ); // displacement update (column)
ColD DU_d(nnd ); // "
// --------------------------------------
// element & quadrature-point - variables
// --------------------------------------
// quadrature-point tensors
// - displacement gradient (2-D)
MatD gradu(ndim,ndim);
// - strain, stress, and stiffness (3-D; strain has zero z-components)
T2s eps(0.0), sig;
T4 K4;
// element arrays
MatD k_e (nne*ndim,nne*ndim); // element stiffness (matrix)
ColD f_e (nne*ndim ); // element internal force (column)
ColS dof_e(nne*ndim ); // array with DOF numbers of each row/column of "f_e" and "k_e"
MatD x0_e (nne , ndim); // nodal positions (column of vectors)
MatD u_e (nne , ndim); // nodal displacements (column of vectors)
// ------------------------
// global system - assemble
// ------------------------
// zero-initialize
F_i .setZero();
F_d .setZero();
// loop over all elements
for ( size_t e = 0 ; e < nelem ; ++e )
// - DOF numbers; nodal positions and displacements for element "e"
for ( size_t m = 0 ; m < nne ; ++m ) x0_e .row(m) = x0 .row(conn(e,m));
for ( size_t m = 0 ; m < nne ; ++m ) u_e .row(m) = u .row(conn(e,m));
for ( size_t m = 0 ; m < nne ; ++m ) dof_e.segment(m*ndim,ndim) = dofs.row(conn(e,m));
// - zero initialize element stiffness and internal force
// - loop over the quadrature-points
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < el.QuadGaussNumPoints() ; ++k )
// -- evaluate the (gradient of the) shape functions
el.eval( x0_e, k );
// -- local displacement gradient
gradu = el.dNdx.transpose() * u_e;
// -- local strain tensor (stored symmetrically, 2-D plane strain: all z-components zero)
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < ndim ; ++i )
for ( size_t j = i ; j < ndim ; ++j )
eps(i,j) = 0.5 * ( gradu(i,j) + gradu(j,i) );
// -- local constitutive response: stiffness and stress tensors
std::tie(K4,sig) = mat[e].tangent_stress(eps);
// -- add stress and stiffness tensors to element internal force column and stiffness matrix
f_e += el.gradN_tensor2(sig);
k_e += el.gradN_tensor4_gradNT(K4);
// - assemble element internal force to global system
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nne*ndim ; ++i ) {
if ( dof_e(i) < nni ) F_i ( dof_e(i) ) += f_e ( i );
else F_d ( dof_e(i)-nni ) += f_e ( i );
// - assemble element stiffness to global system
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nne*ndim ; ++i ) {
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < nne*ndim ; ++j ) {
if ( dof_e(i) < nni and dof_e(j) < nni ) K_ii(dof_e(i) , dof_e(j) ) += k_e(i,j);
else if ( dof_e(i) < nni ) K_id(dof_e(i) , dof_e(j)-nni) += k_e(i,j);
else if ( dof_e(j) < nni ) K_di(dof_e(i)-nni, dof_e(j) ) += k_e(i,j);
else K_dd(dof_e(i)-nni, dof_e(j)-nni) += k_e(i,j);
// ------------------------
// eliminate dependent DOFs
// ------------------------
// eliminate dependent DOFs from the system
K_ii += K_id * C_di + C_di.transpose() * K_di + C_di.transpose() * K_dd * C_di;
F_i += C_di.transpose() * F_d;
// -------------------
// partition and solve
// -------------------
// allocate partitioned system
MatD K_uu(nnu,nnu);
MatD K_up(nnu,nnp);
MatD K_pu(nnp,nnu);
MatD K_pp(nnp,nnp);
ColD F_u (nnu );
ColD DU_u(nnu );
// partition system
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nnu ; ++i )
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < nnu ; ++j )
K_uu(i,j) = K_ii( iiu(i) , iiu(j) );
// -
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nnu ; ++i )
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < nnp ; ++j )
K_up(i,j) = K_ii( iiu(i) , iip(j) );
// -
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nnp ; ++i )
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < nnu ; ++j )
K_pu(i,j) = K_ii( iip(i) , iiu(j) );
// -
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nnp ; ++i )
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < nnp ; ++j )
K_pp(i,j) = K_ii( iip(i) , iip(j) );
// -
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nnu ; ++i ) F_u ( i ) = F_i ( iiu(i) );
// solve for the unknown DOFs
DU_u = K_uu.ldlt().solve( - F_u - K_up * DU_p );
// place to global system of independent DOFs
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nnu ; ++i ) DU_i( iiu(i) ) = DU_u(i);
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nnp ; ++i ) DU_i( iip(i) ) = DU_p(i);
// reconstruct the displacement of the dependent DOFs
DU_d = C_di * DU_i;
// add displacement update to global system
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < ndof ; ++i ) {
if ( dofs(i) < nni ) u ( i ) += DU_i ( dofs(i) );
else u ( i ) += DU_d ( dofs(i) - nni );
// print the result to the screen
std::cout << "new nodal coordinates = " << std::endl << x0 + u << std::endl << std::endl;
// ----------------------
// compute reaction force
// ----------------------
// zero-initialize
// also compute volume averaged stress tensor, to show that is the same as the reaction force
T2 sigbar(0.0);
// loop over all elements
for ( size_t e = 0 ; e < nelem ; ++e )
// - DOF numbers, nodal positions, and displacements for element "e"
for ( size_t m = 0 ; m < nne ; ++m ) x0_e .row(m) = x0 .row(conn(e,m));
for ( size_t m = 0 ; m < nne ; ++m ) u_e .row(m) = u .row(conn(e,m));
for ( size_t m = 0 ; m < nne ; ++m ) dof_e.segment(m*ndim,ndim) = dofs.row(conn(e,m));
// - zero initialize element and internal force
// - loop over the quadrature-points
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < el.QuadGaussNumPoints() ; ++k )
// -- evaluate the (gradient of the) shape functions
el.eval( x0_e, k );
// -- local displacement gradient
gradu = el.dNdx.transpose() * u_e;
// -- local strain tensor (stored symmetrically, 2-D plane strain: all z-components zero)
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < ndim ; ++i )
for ( size_t j = i ; j < ndim ; ++j )
eps(i,j) = 0.5 * ( gradu(i,j) + gradu(j,i) );
// -- local constitutive response: stress tensor
sig = mat[e].stress(eps);
// -- add stress tensor to element internal force column
f_e += el.gradN_tensor2(sig);
// -- add to volume averaged stress tensor
sigbar += sig * el.V;
// - assemble internal force column to global system
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nne*ndim ; ++i ) {
if ( dof_e(i) < nni ) F_i( dof_e(i) ) += f_e(i);
else F_d( dof_e(i)-nni ) += f_e(i);
// eliminate dependent DOFs
F_i += C_di.transpose() * F_d;
// show macroscopic reaction force
MatD Tbar(ndim,ndim);
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < ndim ; ++i )
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < ndim ; ++j )
Tbar(i,j) = F_i ( dofs(nodesVirtual(i),j) );
// print to screen
std::cout << "Tbar = " << std::endl << Tbar << std::endl;
std::cout << "sigbar = " << std::endl;
return 0;

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