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#include <GooseFEM/GooseFEM.h>
#include <cppmat/cppmat.h>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> MatD;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<size_t, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> MatS;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, Eigen::ColMajor> ColD;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<size_t, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, Eigen::ColMajor> ColS;
// =================================================================================================
// simulation: global arrays
// =================================================================================================
template<class Element>
class Simulation
// class variables
// ---------------
// decoupled element response
std::unique_ptr<Element> elem;
// mesh : nodal quantities and connectivity
MatS dofs; // DOF-numbers of each node [nnode,ndim]
MatS conn; // node numbers of each element [nelem,nne ]
MatD x; // positions of each node [nnode,ndim]
MatD u; // displacements of each node [nnode,ndim]
// mesh : size
size_t nnode, ndim, nelem, nne, ndof;
// linear system
ColD F; // internal force [ndof]
// class functions
// ---------------
// constructor
Simulation(std::unique_ptr<Element> elem, const MatD &x, const MatS &conn, const MatS &dofs);
// convert global arrays to arrays per element (making them fully decoupled)
void system2elem_x();
void system2elem_u();
// compute global internal force
void compute_F();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class Element>
std::unique_ptr<Element> _elem, const MatD &_x, const MatS &_conn, const MatS &_dofs
// copy from input
x = _x;
conn = _conn;
dofs = _dofs;
elem = std::move(_elem);
// extract mesh size
nnode = static_cast<size_t>(x .rows());
ndim = static_cast<size_t>(x .cols());
nelem = static_cast<size_t>(conn.rows());
nne = static_cast<size_t>(conn.cols());
ndof = dofs.maxCoeff()+1;
// allocate and zero-initialize nodal quantities
// allocate and zero-initialize linear system
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class Element>
void Simulation<Element>::system2elem_x()
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for
for ( size_t e = 0 ; e < nelem ; ++e )
for ( size_t m = 0 ; m < nne ; ++m )
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < ndim ; ++i )
elem->x(e,m,i) = x(conn(e,m),i);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class Element>
void Simulation<Element>::system2elem_u()
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for
for ( size_t e = 0 ; e < nelem ; ++e )
for ( size_t m = 0 ; m < nne ; ++m )
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < ndim ; ++i )
elem->u(e,m,i) = u(conn(e,m),i);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class Element>
void Simulation<Element>::compute_F()
// convert global arrays to arrays per element (making them fully decoupled)
// compute element response (gradient of the shape functions -> strain -> stress -> force)
// global internal force
// - zero-initialize
// - assemble
#pragma omp parallel
// -- total force, per thread
ColD Ft(ndof);
// -- compute total force by looping over elements
#pragma omp for
for ( size_t e = 0 ; e < nelem ; ++e )
for ( size_t m = 0 ; m < nne ; ++m )
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < ndim ; ++i )
Ft(dofs(conn(e,m),i)) += elem->f(e,m,i);
// -- reduce "Ft" per thread to one column "F"
#pragma omp critical
F += Ft;
// =================================================================================================
// all the element operations (fully decoupled), depends on the constitutive response in "Material"
// =================================================================================================
template<class Material>
class Element
// class variables
// ---------------
std::unique_ptr<Material> mat;
cppmat::matrix<double> x, u, f, dNdx, dNdxi, w, V;
size_t nelem, nip=4, nne=4, ndim=2;
// class functions
// ---------------
Element(std::unique_ptr<Material> mat, size_t nelem);
void compute_dNdx();
void compute_eps();
void compute_sig();
void compute_f();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class Material>
Element<Material>::Element(std::unique_ptr<Material> _mat, size_t _nelem)
// copy from input
nelem = _nelem;
mat = std::move(_mat);
// allocate matrices
// - element vectors
x .resize({nelem,nne,ndim});
u .resize({nelem,nne,ndim});
f .resize({nelem,nne,ndim});
// - element vectors at the integration point
dNdx .resize({nelem,nip,nne,ndim});
// - element scalars at the integration point
V .resize({nelem,nip});
// - constant integration point vectors
// - constant integration point scalars
w .resize({nip});
// set shape function gradients in local coordinates
// - k == 0
dNdxi(0,0,0) = -.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(0,0,1) = -.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.));
dNdxi(0,1,0) = +.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(0,1,1) = -.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.));
dNdxi(0,2,0) = +.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(0,2,1) = +.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.));
dNdxi(0,3,0) = -.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(0,3,1) = +.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.));
// - k == 1
dNdxi(1,0,0) = -.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(1,0,1) = -.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.));
dNdxi(1,1,0) = +.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(1,1,1) = -.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.));
dNdxi(1,2,0) = +.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(1,2,1) = +.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.));
dNdxi(1,3,0) = -.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(1,3,1) = +.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.));
// - k == 2
dNdxi(2,0,0) = -.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(2,0,1) = -.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.));
dNdxi(2,1,0) = +.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(2,1,1) = -.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.));
dNdxi(2,2,0) = +.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(2,2,1) = +.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.));
dNdxi(2,3,0) = -.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(2,3,1) = +.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.));
// - k == 3
dNdxi(3,0,0) = -.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(3,0,1) = -.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.));
dNdxi(3,1,0) = +.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(3,1,1) = -.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.));
dNdxi(3,2,0) = +.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(3,2,1) = +.25*(1.-1./std::sqrt(3.));
dNdxi(3,3,0) = -.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.)); dNdxi(3,3,1) = +.25*(1.+1./std::sqrt(3.));
// set integration point weights
w(0) = 1.;
w(1) = 1.;
w(2) = 1.;
w(3) = 1.;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class Material>
void Element<Material>::compute_dNdx()
#pragma omp parallel
cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2<double> J, Jinv;
double Jdet;
#pragma omp for
for ( size_t e = 0 ; e < nelem ; ++e )
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < nip ; ++k )
// - Jacobian
// J(i,j) += dNdxi(m,i) * xe(m,j)
for ( size_t m = 0 ; m < nne ; ++m )
J(0,0) += dNdxi(k,m,0) * x(e,m,0);
J(0,1) += dNdxi(k,m,0) * x(e,m,1);
J(1,0) += dNdxi(k,m,1) * x(e,m,0);
J(1,1) += dNdxi(k,m,1) * x(e,m,1);
// - determinant and inverse of the Jacobian
Jdet = J.det();
Jinv = J.inv();
// - integration point volume
V(e,k) = w(k) * Jdet;
// - shape function gradients (global coordinates)
// dNdx(m,i) += Jinv(i,j) * dNdxi(m,j)
for ( size_t m = 0 ; m < nne ; ++m )
dNdx(e,k,m,0) = Jinv(0,0) * dNdxi(k,m,0) + Jinv(0,1) * dNdxi(k,m,1);
dNdx(e,k,m,1) = Jinv(1,0) * dNdxi(k,m,0) + Jinv(1,1) * dNdxi(k,m,1);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class Material>
void Element<Material>::compute_eps()
#pragma omp parallel
cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2<double> gradu;
#pragma omp for
for ( size_t e = 0 ; e < nelem ; ++e )
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < nip ; ++k )
// - displacement gradient
// gradu(i,j) += dNdx(m,i) * ue(m,j)
for ( size_t m = 0 ; m < nne ; ++m )
gradu(0,0) += dNdx(e,k,m,0) * u(e,m,0);
gradu(0,1) += dNdx(e,k,m,0) * u(e,m,1);
gradu(1,0) += dNdx(e,k,m,1) * u(e,m,0);
gradu(1,1) += dNdx(e,k,m,1) * u(e,m,1);
// - strain
// eps(i,j) = .5 * ( gradu(i,j) + gradu(j,i) )
mat->eps(e,k,0,0) = gradu(0,0);
mat->eps(e,k,0,1) = .5 * ( gradu(0,1) + gradu(1,0) );
mat->eps(e,k,1,0) = .5 * ( gradu(0,1) + gradu(1,0) );
mat->eps(e,k,1,1) = gradu(1,1);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class Material>
void Element<Material>::compute_sig()
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class Material>
void Element<Material>::compute_f()
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for
for ( size_t e = 0 ; e < nelem ; ++e )
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < nip ; ++k )
// - assemble to element force
// fe(m,j) += dNdx(m,i) * sig(i,j) * V;
for ( size_t m = 0 ; m < nne ; ++m )
f(e,m,0) += dNdx(e,k,m,0)*mat->sig(e,k,0,0)*V(e,k) + dNdx(e,k,m,1)*mat->sig(e,k,1,0)*V(e,k);
f(e,m,1) += dNdx(e,k,m,0)*mat->sig(e,k,0,1)*V(e,k) + dNdx(e,k,m,1)*mat->sig(e,k,1,1)*V(e,k);
// =================================================================================================
// constitutive response of each integration point (decoupled)
// =================================================================================================
class Material
// class variables
// ---------------
cppmat::matrix<double> eps, sig;
size_t nip, nelem, ndim=2;
// class functions
// ---------------
Material(size_t nelem, size_t nip);
void compute_sig();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Material::Material(size_t _nelem, size_t _nip)
// copy from input
nip = _nip;
nelem = _nelem;
// allocate data
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Material::compute_sig()
#pragma omp parallel
cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2d<double> I = cppmat::cartesian2d::identity2();
cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2s<double> Eps, Epsd, Sig;
double Epsm;
double K=1., G=1.;
#pragma omp for
for ( size_t e = 0 ; e < nelem ; ++e )
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < nip ; ++k )
// - copy to local tensor
Eps(0,0) = eps(e,k,0,0);
Eps(0,1) = eps(e,k,0,1);
Eps(1,1) = eps(e,k,1,1);
// - decompose strain
Epsm = Eps.trace() / 2.;
Epsd = Eps - Epsm * I;
// - compute stress
Sig = ( K * Epsm ) * I + G * Epsd;
// - store in global array
sig(e,k,0,0) = Sig(0,0);
sig(e,k,0,1) = Sig(0,1);
sig(e,k,1,0) = Sig(1,0);
sig(e,k,1,1) = Sig(1,1);
// =================================================================================================
// some example, with geometry
// 3 4 5
// <==+-------+-------+==>
// | | |
// | 0 | 1 |
// | | |
// <==+-------+-------+==>
// 0 1 2
// =================================================================================================
int main()
size_t ndim = 2;
size_t nne = 4;
size_t nip = 4;
size_t nelem = 2;
size_t nnode = 6;
MatS conn(nelem,nne );
MatD coor(nnode,ndim);
MatS dofs(nnode,ndim);
coor(0,0) = 0.; coor(0,1) = 0.;
coor(1,0) = 1.; coor(1,1) = 0.;
coor(2,0) = 2.; coor(2,1) = 0.;
coor(3,0) = 0.; coor(3,1) = 1.;
coor(4,0) = 1.; coor(4,1) = 1.;
coor(5,0) = 2.; coor(5,1) = 1.;
dofs(0,0) = 0; dofs(0,1) = 1;
dofs(1,0) = 2; dofs(1,1) = 3;
dofs(2,0) = 4; dofs(2,1) = 5;
dofs(3,0) = 6; dofs(3,1) = 7;
dofs(4,0) = 8; dofs(4,1) = 9;
dofs(5,0) = 10; dofs(5,1) = 11;
conn(0,0) = 0; conn(0,1) = 1; conn(0,2) = 4; conn(0,3) = 3;
conn(1,0) = 1; conn(1,1) = 2; conn(1,2) = 5; conn(1,3) = 4;
using Elem = Element<Material>;
using Sim = Simulation<Elem>;
Simulation<Elem> sim(
sim.u(0,0) = -0.1; sim.u(3,0) = -0.1;
sim.u(1,0) = 0.0; sim.u(4,0) = 0.0;
sim.u(2,0) = +0.1; sim.u(5,0) = +0.1;
std::cout << sim.F << std::endl;

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