classdef MyInstrument < dynamicprops properties (SetAccess=protected, GetAccess=public) name=''; interface=''; address=''; visa_brand=''; %Contains the device object. struct() is a dummy, as Device %needs to always support properties for consistency. Device=struct(); %Input parser for class constructor ConstructionParser; %Contains a list of the commands available for the instrument as %well as the default values and input requirements CommandList=struct(); %Parses commands using an inputParser object CommandParser; %Trace object for storing data Trace=MyTrace(); end properties (Constant=true) % Default parameters for VISA connection DEFAULT_INP_BUFF_SIZE = 1e7; % buffer size bytes DEFAULT_OUT_BUFF_SIZE = 1e7; % buffer size bytes DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10; % Timeout in s DEFAULT_VISA_BRAND = 'ni'; end properties (Dependent=true) command_names; command_no; write_commands; read_commands; end events NewData; end methods (Access=private) function p = createConstructionParser(this) p=inputParser(); % Ignore unmatched parameters p.KeepUnmatched = true; addRequired(p,'interface',@ischar); addRequired(p,'address',@ischar); addParameter(p,'name','',@ischar); addParameter(p,'visa_brand',this.DEFAULT_VISA_BRAND,@ischar); this.ConstructionParser=p; end end methods (Access=public) function this=MyInstrument(interface, address, varargin) p = createConstructionParser(this); parse(p,interface,address,varargin{:}); %Loads parsed variables into class properties; this.interface=p.Results.interface; this.address=p.Results.address; this.visa_brand=p.Results.visa_brand; end function delete(this) %Closes the connection to the device closeDevice(this); %Deletes the device object delete(this.Device); clear('this.Device'); end %% Read and write commands %Writes properties to device. Can take multiple inputs. With the %option all, the function writes default to all the %available writeable parameters. function writeProperty(this, varargin) %Parses the inputs using the CommandParser parse(this.CommandParser, varargin{:}); if this.CommandParser.Results.all % If the 'all' is true, write all the commands exec=this.write_commands; else % Check which commands were passed values ind_val=cellfun(@(x)... (~ismember(x, this.CommandParser.UsingDefaults)),... this.write_commands); exec=this.write_commands(ind_val); end for i=1:length(exec) %Creates the write command using the right string spec write_command=[this.CommandList.(exec{i}).command,... ' ',this.CommandList.(exec{i}).str_spec]; %Gets the value to write to the device this.(exec{i})=this.CommandParser.Results.(exec{i}); command=sprintf(write_command, this.(exec{i})); %Sends command to device fprintf(this.Device, command); end end % Wrapper for writeProperty that opens and closes the device function writePropertyHedged(this, varargin) openDevice(this); try writeProperty(this, varargin{:}); catch warning('Error while writing the properties:'); disp(varargin); end readProperty(this, 'all'); closeDevice(this); end function result=readProperty(this, varargin) result = struct(); read_all_flag = any(strcmp('all',varargin)); if read_all_flag % Read all the commands with read access exec=this.read_commands; else ind_r=ismember(varargin,this.read_commands); exec=varargin(ind_r); if any(~ind_r) % Issue warnings for commands not in the command_names warning('The following are not valid read commands:'); disp(varargin(~ind_r)); end end % concatenate all commands in one string read_command=join(cellfun(... @(cmd)this.CommandList.(cmd).command,exec,... 'UniformOutput',false),'?;:'); read_command=[read_command{1},'?;']; res_str = query(this.Device,read_command); % drop the end-of-the-string symbol and split res_str = split(res_str(1:end-1),';'); if length(exec)==length(res_str) for i=1:length(exec) result.(exec{i})=sscanf(res_str{i},... this.CommandList.(exec{i}).str_spec); %Assign the values to the MyInstrument properties this.(exec{i})=result.(exec{i}); end else warning(['Not all the properties could be read, ',... 'no instrument class values are not updated']); end end % Wrapper for readProperty that opens and closes the device function result=readPropertyHedged(this, varargin) openDevice(this); try result = readProperty(this, varargin{:}); catch warning('Error while reading the properties:'); disp(varargin); end closeDevice(this); end %Triggers event for acquired data function triggerNewData(this) notify(this,'NewData') end function HdrStruct=readHeader(this) Values=readPropertyHedged(this,'all'); for i=1:length(this.read_commands) HdrStruct.(this.read_commands{i}).value=... Values.(this.read_commands{i}); HdrStruct.(this.read_commands{i}).str_spec=... this.CommandList.(this.read_commands{i}).str_spec; end end %% Processing of the class variable values % Extend the property value based on val_list function std_val = standardizeValue(this, cmd, varargin) if ~ismember(cmd,this.command_names) warning('%s is not a valid command',cmd); std_val = ''; return end vlist = this.CommandList.(cmd).val_list; % The value to normalize can be explicitly passed as % varargin{1}, otherwise use this.cmd as value if isempty(varargin) val = this.(cmd); else val = varargin{1}; end % find matching commands ismatch = false(1,length(vlist)); for i=1:length(vlist) n = min([length(val), length(vlist{i})]); % compare first n symbols disregarding case ismatch(i) = strncmpi(val, vlist{i},n); end % out of matching names pick the longest if any(ismatch) mvlist = vlist(ismatch); %Finds the length of each element of mvlist n_el=cellfun(@(x) length(x), mvlist); %Sets std_val to the longest element std_val=mvlist{n_el==max(n_el)}; % sets the property if value was not given explicitly if isempty(varargin) this.(cmd) = std_val; end else warning(['The value %s is not in the val_list ',... 'of %s command'], val, cmd) std_val = val; end end % Return the list of long command values excluding abbreviations function std_val_list = stdValueList(this, cmd) if ~ismember(cmd,this.command_names) warning('%s is not a valid command',cmd); std_val_list = {}; return end vlist = this.CommandList.(cmd).val_list; % Select the commands, which appear only once in the beginnings % of the strings in val_list long_val_ind = cellfun(... @(x)(sum(startsWith(vlist,x,'IgnoreCase',true))==1),vlist); std_val_list = vlist(long_val_ind); end %% Connect, open, configure and close the device % Connects to the device function connectDevice(this, interface, address) try % visa brand, DEFAULT_VISA_BRAND if not specified vb = this.visa_brand; switch lower(interface) case 'instr_list' % load the InstrumentList structure InstrumentList = getLocalSettings('InstrumentList'); % In this case 'address' is the instrument name in % the list instr_name = address; if ~isfield(InstrumentList, instr_name) error('%s is not a field of InstrumentList',... instr_name) end % A check to prevent hypothetical endless recursion if isequal(InstrumentList.(instr_name).interface,'instr_list') error('') end % Connect using the loaded parameters connectDevice(this,... InstrumentList.(instr_name).interface,... InstrumentList.(instr_name).address); % Assign name automatically, but not overwrite if % already specified if isempty( = instr_name; end case 'constructor' % in this case the 'address' is a command % (ObjectConstructorName) as returned by the % instrhwinfo this.Device=eval(address); case 'visa' this.Device=visa(vb, address); case 'tcpip' this.Device=visa(vb, sprintf(... 'TCPIP0::%s::inst0::INSTR',this.address)); case 'usb' this.Device=visa(vb, sprintf(... 'USB0::%s::INSTR',address)); otherwise warning('Device is not connected: unknown interface'); end configureDeviceDefault(this); catch warning('Device is not connected'); end end % Opens the device if it is not open function openDevice(this) if ~isopen(this) try fopen(this.Device); catch % try to find and close all the devices with the same % VISA resource name try instr_list=instrfind('RsrcName',this.Device.RsrcName); fclose(instr_list); fopen(this.Device); warning('Multiple instrument objects of address %s exist',... this.address); catch error('Could not open device') end end end end % Closes the connection to the device function closeDevice(this) if isopen(this) fclose(this.Device); end end function configureDeviceDefault(this) dev_prop_list = properties(this.Device); if ismember('OutputBufferSize',dev_prop_list) this.Device.OutputBufferSize = this.DEFAULT_OUT_BUFF_SIZE; end if ismember('InputBufferSize',dev_prop_list) this.Device.InputBufferSize = this.DEFAULT_INP_BUFF_SIZE; end if ismember('Timeout',dev_prop_list) this.Device.Timeout = this.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; end end %Checks if the connection to the device is open function bool=isopen(this) try bool=strcmp(this.Device.Status, 'open'); catch warning('Cannot verify device Status property'); bool=false; end end %% addCommand %Adds a command to the CommandList function addCommand(this, tag, command, varargin) p=inputParser(); addRequired(p,'tag',@ischar); addRequired(p,'command',@ischar); addParameter(p,'default','placeholder'); addParameter(p,'classes',{},@iscell); addParameter(p,'attributes',{},@iscell); addParameter(p,'str_spec','%e',@ischar); % list of the values the variable can take, {} means no % restriction addParameter(p,'val_list',{},@iscell); addParameter(p,'access','rw',@ischar); parse(p,tag,command,varargin{:}); %Adds the command to be sent to the device this.CommandList.(tag).command=command; this.CommandList.(tag).access=p.Results.access; this.CommandList.(tag).write_flag=contains(p.Results.access,'w'); this.CommandList.(tag).read_flag=contains(p.Results.access,'r'); this.CommandList.(tag).default=p.Results.default; this.CommandList.(tag).val_list=p.Results.val_list; % Adds the string specifier to the list. if the format % specifier is not given explicitly, try to infer if ismember('str_spec', p.UsingDefaults) this.CommandList.(tag).str_spec=... formatSpecFromAttributes(this,p.Results.classes... ,p.Results.attributes); elseif strcmp(p.Results.str_spec,'%b') % b is a non-system specifier to represent the % logical type this.CommandList.(tag).str_spec='%i'; else this.CommandList.(tag).str_spec=p.Results.str_spec; end % Adds the attributes for the input to the command. If not % given explicitly, infer from the format specifier if ismember('classes',p.UsingDefaults) [this.CommandList.(tag).classes,... this.CommandList.(tag).attributes]=... attributesFromFormatSpec(this, p.Results.str_spec); else this.CommandList.(tag).classes=p.Results.classes; this.CommandList.(tag).attributes=p.Results.attributes; end % Adds a property to the class corresponding to the tag if ~isprop(this,tag) addprop(this,tag); end this.(tag)=p.Results.default; end %Creates inputParser using the command list function p = createCommandParser(this) %Use input parser %Requires input of the appropriate class p=inputParser; p.StructExpand=0; %Flag for whether the command should initialize the device with %defaults addParameter(p, 'all',false,@islogical); for i=1:length(this.write_commands) %Adds optional inputs for each command, with the %appropriate default value from the command list and the %required attributes for the command input. tag=this.write_commands{i}; % Create validation function based on properties: % class, attributes and list of values if ~isempty(this.CommandList.(tag).val_list) if all(cellfun(@ischar, this.CommandList.(tag).val_list)) % for textual values use case insentice string comparison v_func = @(x) any(cellfun(@(y) strcmpi(y, x),... this.CommandList.(tag).val_list)); else % for everything else compare as it is v_func = @(x) any(cellfun(@(y) isequal(y, x),... this.CommandList.(tag).val_list)); end else v_func = @(x) validateattributes(x,... this.CommandList.(tag).classes,... this.CommandList.(tag).attributes); end addParameter(p, tag,... this.CommandList.(tag).default, v_func); end this.CommandParser=p; end %% Auxiliary functions for auto format assignment to commands function str_spec=formatSpecFromAttributes(~,classes,attributes) if ismember('char',classes) str_spec='%s'; elseif ismember('logical',classes)||... (ismember('numeric',classes)&&... ismember('integer',attributes)) str_spec='%i'; else %assign default value, i.e. double str_spec='%e'; end end function [class,attribute]=attributesFromFormatSpec(~, str_spec) % find index of the first letter after the % sign ind_p=strfind(str_spec,'%'); ind=ind_p+find(isletter(str_spec(ind_p:end)),1)-1; str_spec_letter=str_spec(ind); switch str_spec_letter case {'d','f','e','g'} class={'numeric'}; attribute={}; case 'i' class={'numeric'}; attribute={'integer'}; case 's' class={'char'}; attribute={}; case 'b' class={'logical'}; attribute={}; otherwise % Any of the above classes will pass class={'numeric','char','logical'}; attribute={}; end end end %% Get functions methods function command_names=get.command_names(this) command_names=fieldnames(this.CommandList); end function write_commands=get.write_commands(this) ind_w=structfun(@(x) x.write_flag, this.CommandList); write_commands=this.command_names(ind_w); end function read_commands=get.read_commands(this) ind_r=structfun(@(x) x.read_flag, this.CommandList); read_commands=this.command_names(ind_r); end function command_no=get.command_no(this) command_no=length(this.command_names); end end end