% Generic instrument superclass % % Undefined/dummy methods: % queryString(this, cmd) % % These methods are intentionally not introduced as abstract as under % some conditions they are not necessary classdef MyInstrument < dynamicprops & matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay properties (Access = public) % Synchronize all properties after setting new value to one auto_sync = true end properties (SetAccess = protected, GetAccess = public) CommandList = struct() % identification string idn_str = '' end properties (Dependent = true) command_names end properties (Access = protected) % Copying existing metadata is much faster than creating a new one Metadata = MyMetadata.empty() end methods (Access = public) function this = MyInstrument(varargin) P = MyClassParser(this); processInputs(P, this, varargin{:}); end % Read all parameters of the physical device function sync(this) read_ind = structfun(@(x) ~isempty(x.readFcn), ... this.CommandList); read_cns = this.command_names(read_ind); for i=1:length(read_cns) tag = read_cns{i}; read_value = this.CommandList.(tag).readFcn(); % Compare to the previous value and update if different. % Comparison prevents overhead for objects that listen to % the changes of property values. if ~isequal(this.CommandList.(tag).last_value, read_value) % Assign value without writing to the instrument this.CommandList.(tag).Psl.Enabled = false; this.(tag) = read_value; this.CommandList.(tag).Psl.Enabled = true; end end end function addCommand(this, tag, varargin) p = inputParser(); % Name of the command addRequired(p,'tag', @(x)isvarname(x)); % Functions for reading and writing the property value to the % instrument addParameter(p, 'readFcn', function_handle.empty(), ... @(x)isa(x, 'function_handle')); addParameter(p, 'writeFcn', function_handle.empty(), ... @(x)isa(x, 'function_handle')); % Function applied before writeFcn addParameter(p, 'validationFcn', function_handle.empty(), ... @(x)isa(x, 'function_handle')); % Function or list of functions executed after updating the % class property value addParameter(p, 'postSetFcn', function_handle.empty(), ... @(x)isa(x, 'function_handle')); addParameter(p, 'value_list', {}, @iscell); addParameter(p, 'default', 0); addParameter(p, 'info', '', @ischar); parse(p,tag,varargin{:}); assert(~isprop(this, tag), ['Property named ' tag ... ' already exists in the class.']); for fn = fieldnames(p.Results)' this.CommandList.(tag).(fn{1}) = p.Results.(fn{1}); end this.CommandList.(tag).info = ... toSingleLine(this.CommandList.(tag).info); vl = this.CommandList.(tag).value_list; if ~isempty(vl) && isempty(p.Results.validationFcn) this.CommandList.(tag).validationFcn = ... createListValidationFcn(this, vl); end % Assign default value from the list if not given explicitly if ~isempty(vl) && ismember('default', p.UsingDefaults) default = vl{1}; else default = p.Results.default; end % Create and configure a dynamic property H = addprop(this, tag); H.GetAccess = 'public'; H.SetObservable = true; H.SetMethod = createCommandSetFcn(this, tag); % Assign the default value with post processing this.(tag) = default; if ~isempty(this.CommandList.(tag).writeFcn) H.SetAccess = 'public'; else H.SetAccess = {'MyInstrument'}; end % Listener to PostSet event this.CommandList.(tag).Psl = addlistener(this, tag, ... 'PostSet', @this.commandPostSetCallback); end % Identification function [str, msg] = idn(this) assert(ismethod(this, 'queryString'), ['The instrument ' ... 'class must define queryString method in order to ' ... 'attempt identification.']) try str = queryString(this,'*IDN?'); catch ME str = ''; msg = ME.message; end this.idn_str = str; end % Measurement header function Mdt = readSettings(this) if isempty(this.Metadata) createMetadata(this); end % Ensure that instrument parameters are up to data sync(this); param_names = fieldnames(this.Metadata.ParamList); for i = 1:length(param_names) tag = param_names{i}; this.Metadata.ParamList.(tag) = this.(tag); end Mdt = copy(this.Metadata); end % Write settings from structure function writeSettings(this, Mdt) assert(isa(Mdt, 'MyMetadata'), ... 'Mdt must be of MyMetadata class.'); param_names = fieldnames(Mdt.ParamList); for i=1:length(param_names) tag = param_names{i}; if isprop(this, tag) this.(tag) = Mdt.ParamList.(tag); end end end end methods (Access = protected) function createMetadata(this) this.Metadata = MyMetadata('title', class(this)); % Add identification string addParam(this.Metadata, 'idn', this.idn_str); for i = 1:length(this.command_names) cmd = this.command_names{i}; addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, cmd, ... 'comment', this.CommandList.(cmd).info); end end % Create set methods for dynamic properties function f = createCommandSetFcn(~, tag) function commandSetFcn(this, val) % Validate new value vFcn = this.CommandList.(tag).validationFcn; if ~isempty(vFcn) vFcn(val); end % Store unprocessed value for quick reference in the future % and change tracking this.CommandList.(tag).last_value = val; % Assign the value with post processing pFcn = this.CommandList.(tag).postSetFcn; if ~isempty(pFcn) val = pFcn(val); end this.(tag) = val; end f = @commandSetFcn; end function f = createListValidationFcn(~, value_list) function listValidationFcn(val) assert( ... any(cellfun(@(y) isequal(val, y), value_list)), ... ['Value must be one from the following list:', ... newline, var2str(value_list)]); end f = @listValidationFcn; end % Post set function for dynamic properties - writing the new value % to the instrument and optionally reading it back to confirm the % change function commandPostSetCallback(this, Src, ~) tag = Src.Name; this.CommandList.(tag).writeFcn(this.(tag)); if this.auto_sync sync(this); end end % Overload a method of matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay in order to % modify the display of object. This serves two purposes % a) separate commands from other properties % b) order commands in a systematic way function PrGroups = getPropertyGroups(this) cmds = this.command_names; % We separate the display of non-command properties from the % rest props = setdiff(properties(this), cmds); PrGroups = [matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup(props), ... matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup(cmds)]; end end %% Set and Get methods methods function val = get.command_names(this) val = fieldnames(this.CommandList); end function set.idn_str(this, str) this.idn_str = toSingleLine(str); end end end