% Class featuring a specialized framework for instruments supporting SCPI % % Undefined/dummy methods: % queryString(this, cmd) % writeString(this, cmd) classdef MyScpiInstrument < MyInstrument methods (Access = public) % Extend the functionality of base class method function addCommand(this, tag, command, varargin) p = inputParser(); p.KeepUnmatched = true; addRequired(p, 'command', @ischar); addParameter(p, 'access', 'rw', @ischar); addParameter(p, 'format', '%e', @ischar); addParameter(p, 'value_list', {}, @iscell); addParameter(p, 'validationFcn', function_handle.empty(), ... @(x)isa(x, 'function_handle')); addParameter(p, 'default', 0); % Command ending for reading addParameter(p, 'read_ending', '?', @ischar); % Command ending for writing, e.g. '%10e' addParameter(p, 'write_ending', '', @ischar); parse(p, command, varargin{:}); % Create a list of remaining parameters to be supplied to % the base class method sub_varargin = struct2namevalue(p.Unmatched); % Introduce variables for brevity format = p.Results.format; write_ending = p.Results.write_ending; if ismember('format', p.UsingDefaults) && ... ~ismember('write_ending', p.UsingDefaults) % Extract format specifier and symbol from the write ending [smb, format] = parseFormat(this, write_ending); else % Extract format symbol smb = parseFormat(this, format); end if ismember('b', smb) % '%b' is a non-MATLAB format specifier that is introduced % to designate logical variables format = replace(format, '%b', '%i'); write_ending = replace(write_ending, '%b', '%i'); end this.CommandList.(tag).format = format; % Add the full read form of the command, e.g. ':FREQ?' if contains(p.Results.access, 'r') read_command = [p.Results.command, p.Results.read_ending]; readFcn = ... @()sscanf(queryString(this, read_command), format); sub_varargin = [sub_varargin, {'readFcn', readFcn}]; else read_command = ''; end this.CommandList.(tag).read_command = read_command; % Add the full write form of the command, e.g. ':FREQ %e' if contains(p.Results.access,'w') if ismember('write_ending', p.UsingDefaults) write_command = [p.Results.command, ' ', format]; else write_command = [p.Results.command, write_ending]; end writeFcn = ... @(x)writeString(this, sprintf(write_command, x)); sub_varargin = [sub_varargin, {'writeFcn', writeFcn}]; else write_command = ''; end this.CommandList.(tag).write_command = write_command; % If the value list contains textual values, extend it with % short forms and add a postprocessing function value_list = p.Results.value_list; validationFcn = p.Results.validationFcn; if ~isempty(value_list) if any(cellfun(@ischar, value_list)) % Put only unique full-named values in the value list [long_vl, short_vl] = splitValueList(this, value_list); value_list = long_vl; % For validation, use an extended list made of full and % abbreviated name forms and case-insensitive % comparison validationFcn = createScpiListValidationFcn(this, ... [long_vl, short_vl]); postSetFcn = createToStdFormFcn(this, tag, long_vl); sub_varargin = [sub_varargin, ... {'postSetFcn', postSetFcn}]; end end % Assign validation function based on the value format if isempty(validationFcn) validationFcn = createArrayValidationFcn(this, smb); end sub_varargin = [sub_varargin, { ... 'value_list', value_list, ... 'validationFcn', validationFcn}]; % Assign default based on the format of value if ~ismember('default', p.UsingDefaults) default = p.Results.default; elseif ~isempty(value_list) default = value_list{1}; else default = createValidValue(this, smb); end sub_varargin = [sub_varargin, {'default', default}]; % Execute the base class method addCommand@MyInstrument(this, tag, sub_varargin{:}); end % Redefine the base class method to use a single read operation for % faster communication function sync(this) cns = this.command_names; ind_r = structfun(@(x) ~isempty(x.read_command), ... this.CommandList); read_cns = cns(ind_r); % List of names of readable commands read_commands = cellfun(... @(x) this.CommandList.(x).read_command, read_cns,... 'UniformOutput',false); res_list = queryStrings(this, read_commands{:}); if length(read_cns)==length(res_list) % Assign outputs to the class properties for i=1:length(read_cns) tag = read_cns{i}; val = sscanf(res_list{i}, ... this.CommandList.(tag).format); if ~isequal(this.CommandList.(tag).last_value, val) % Assign value without writing to the instrument this.CommandWriteEnabled.(tag) = false; this.(tag) = val; this.CommandWriteEnabled.(tag) = true; end end else warning(['Not all the properties could be read, ',... 'instrument class values are not updated.']); end end %% Write/query % These methods implement handling multiple SCPI commands. Unless % overloaded, they rely on write/readString methods for % communication with the device, which particular subclasses must % implement or inherit separately. % Write command strings listed in varargin function writeStrings(this, varargin) if ~isempty(varargin) % Concatenate commands and send to the device cmd_str = join(varargin,';'); cmd_str = cmd_str{1}; writeString(this, cmd_str); end end % Query commands and return the resut as cell array of strings function res_list = queryStrings(this, varargin) if ~isempty(varargin) % Concatenate commands and send to the device cmd_str = join(varargin,';'); cmd_str = cmd_str{1}; res_str = queryString(this, cmd_str); % Drop the end-of-the-string symbol and split res_list = split(deblank(res_str),';'); else res_list = {}; end end end methods (Access = protected) %% Misc utility methods % Split the list of string values into a full-form list and a % list of abbreviations, where the abbreviated forms are inferred % based on case. For example, the value that has the full name % 'AVErage' has the short form 'AVE'. function [long_vl, short_vl] = splitValueList(~, vl) short_vl = {}; % Abbreviated forms % Iterate over the list of values for i=1:length(vl) % Short forms exist only for string values if ischar(vl{i}) idx = isstrprop(vl{i},'upper'); short_form = vl{i}(idx); if ~isequal(vl{i}, short_form) && ~isempty(short_form) short_vl{end+1} = short_form; %#ok end end end % Remove duplicates short_vl = unique(lower(short_vl)); % Make the list of full forms without reordering long_vl = setdiff(lower(vl), short_vl, 'stable'); end % Create a function that returns the long form of value from % value_list function f = createToStdFormFcn(this, cmd, value_list) function std_val = toStdForm(val) % Standardization is applicable to char-valued properties % which have value list if isempty(value_list) || ~ischar(val) std_val = val; return end % find matching values n = length(val); ismatch = cellfun(@(x) strncmpi(val, x, ... min([n, length(x)])), value_list); assert(any(ismatch), ... sprintf(['%s is not present in the list of values ' ... 'of command %s.'], val, cmd)); % out of the matching values pick the longest mvals = value_list(ismatch); n_el = cellfun(@(x) length(x), mvals); std_val = mvals{n_el==max(n_el)}; end assert(ismember(cmd, this.command_names), ['''' cmd ... ''' is not an instrument command.']) f = @toStdForm; end % Find the format specifier symbol and options function [smb, format] = parseFormat(~, fmt_spec) [start, stop, tok] = regexp(fmt_spec, '%([\d\.]*)([a-z])', ... 'start', 'end', 'tokens'); assert(~isempty(tok) && ~isempty(tok{1}{2}), ... ['Format symbol is not found in ' fmt_spec]); % The first cell index corresponds to different matches if % there are more than one specifier smb = cellfun(@(x)x{2}, tok); % Return a substring that includes all the specifiers format = fmt_spec(min(start):max(stop)); end function createMetadata(this) createMetadata@MyInstrument(this); % Re-iterate the creation of command parameters to add the % format specifier for i = 1:length(this.command_names) cmd = this.command_names{i}; addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, cmd, ... 'comment', this.CommandList.(cmd).info, ... 'fmt_spec', this.CommandList.(cmd).format); end end % List validation function with case-insensitive comparison function f = createScpiListValidationFcn(~, value_list) function listValidationFcn(val) val = lower(val); assert( ... any(cellfun(@(y) isequal(val, y), value_list)), ... ['Value must be one from the following list:', ... newline, var2str(value_list)]); end f = @listValidationFcn; end % smb is an array of format specifier symbols function f = createArrayValidationFcn(~, smb) function validateNumeric(val) assert((length(val) == length(smb)) && isnumeric(val), ... ['Value must be a numeric array of length ' ... length(smb) '.']) end function validateInteger(val) assert((length(val) == length(smb)) && ... all(floor(val) == val), ['Value must be an ' ... 'integer array of length ' length(smb) '.']) end function validateLogical(val) assert((length(val) == length(smb)) && ... all(val==1 | val==0), ['Value must be a logical ' ... 'array of length ' length(smb) '.']) end function valudateCharacterString(val) assert(ischar(val), 'Value must be a character string.'); end % Determine the type of validation function if all(smb == 's' | smb == 'c') f = @valudateCharacterString; elseif all(smb == 'b') f = @validateLogical; elseif all(smb == 'b' | smb == 'i') f = @validateInteger; else f = @validateNumeric; end end function val = createValidValue(~, smb) if all(smb == 's' | smb == 'c') val = ''; elseif all(smb == 'b') val = false(length(smb), 1); else val = zeros(length(smb), 1); end end end end