% Spectrum analyzer based on Zurich Instruments UHFLI or MFLI classdef MyZiScopeFt < MyZiLi & MyDataSource properties (GetAccess=public, SetAccess={?MyClassParser}) n_scope=1 % number of hardware scope n_ch=1 % number of scope channel % Input numbers between 1 and 148 correspond to various signals % including physical inputs, outputs, demodulator channels and % results of arthmetic operations. See the LabOne user interface % for the complete list of choices and corresponding numbers. % This number is shifted by +1 compare to the hardware node % enumeration as usual. signal_in=1 % Deas time between scope frame acquisitions. Smaller time results % in faster averaging but may not look nice during real time % gui update. trigholdoff=0.02 % seconds end properties (Access=private) scope_module % 'handle' (in quotes) to a ZI software scope module PollTimer % Timer that regularly reads data drom the scope TmpTrace % Temporary variable used for averaging end properties (Dependent=true) scope_path scope_rate % samples/sec n_pt % length of scope wave fft_rbw % Spacing between fft bins end events NewWave % Triggered when the scope acquires new waves end methods (Access=public) function this = MyZiScopeFt(dev_serial, varargin) this=this@MyZiLi(dev_serial); P=MyClassParser(this); addRequired(P, dev_serial, @ischar) % Poll timer period addParameter(P,'poll_period',0.042,@isnumeric); processInputs(P, this, dev_serial, varargin{:}); % Trace object in this case is directly used for averaging this.Trace=MyAvgTrace(... 'name_x','Time',... 'unit_x','s',... 'name_y','Magnitude r',... 'unit_y','V'); this.TmpTrace=MyTrace(); this.PollTimer=timer(... 'ExecutionMode','fixedSpacing',... 'Period',P.Results.poll_period,... 'TimerFcn',@(~,~)pollTimerCallback(this)); end function delete(this) % delete function should never throw errors, so protect % statements with try-catch try stopPoll(this) catch warning(['Could not usubscribe from the scope node ', ... 'or stop the poll timer.']) end % Clear the module's thread. try ziDAQ('clear', this.scope_module); catch warning('Could not clear the scope module.') end % Delete timers to prevent them from running indefinitely in % the case of program crash try delete(this.PollTimer) catch warning('Could not delete the poll timer.') end end function startPoll(this) % Configure hardware scope % Signal input path=sprintf('%s/channels/%i/inputselect', ... this.scope_path, this.n_ch); ziDAQ('setInt', path, this.signal_in-1); % Disable segmented mode of data transfer. This mode is only % useful if records longer than 5Mpts are required. ziDAQ('setInt', [this.scope_path '/segments/enable'], 0); % Take continuous records ziDAQ('setInt', [this.scope_path '/single'], 0); % Disable the scope trigger ziDAQ('setInt', [this.scope_path '/trigenable'], 0); % The scope hold off time inbetween acquiring triggers (still % relevant if triggering is disabled). ziDAQ('setDouble', [this.scope_path '/trigholdoff'], ... this.trigholdoff); % Enable the scope ziDAQ('setInt', [this.scope_path '/enable'], 1); % Initialize and configure a software Scope Module. this.scope_module = ziDAQ('scopeModule'); % Do not average ziDAQ('set', this.scope_module, ... 'scopeModule/averager/weight', 1); % Set the Scope Module's mode to return frequency domain data. ziDAQ('set', this.scope_module, 'scopeModule/mode', 3); % Use rectangular window function. ziDAQ('set', this.scope_module, 'scopeModule/fft/window', 0); ziDAQ('set', this.scope_module, 'scopeModule/fft/power', 1); ziDAQ('set', this.scope_module, ... 'scopeModule/fft/spectraldensity', 1); ziDAQ('subscribe', this.scope_module, ... [this.scope_path '/wave']); ziDAQ('execute', this.scope_module); start(this.PollTimer); end function stopPoll(this) stop(this.PollTimer); ziDAQ('finish', this.scope_module); end function pollTimerCallback(this) Data = ziDAQ('read', this.scope_module); if ziCheckPathInData(Data, [this.scope_path,'/wave']) % Get the list of scope waves recorded since the previous % poll new_waves=Data.(this.dev_id).scopes(this.n_scope).wave; % Add waves to the average trace for i=1:length(new_waves) dt=new_waves{i}.dt; n=double(new_waves{i}.totalsamples); % Calculate the frequency axis this.TmpTrace.x=linspace(0, (1-1/n)/(2*dt), n); this.TmpTrace.y=new_waves{i}.wave; is_compl=addAverage(this.Trace, this.TmpTrace); if is_compl && strcmpi(this.Trace.avg_type, 'lin') triggerNewData(this); end end notify(this, 'NewWave'); end end function Hdr=readHeader(this) Hdr=readHeader@MyZiLi(this); addObjProp(Hdr, this, 'n_scope', 'comment', ... 'Hardware scope number'); addObjProp(Hdr, this, 'n_ch', 'comment', ... 'Scope channel'); addObjProp(Hdr, this, 'signal_in', 'comment', ... 'Signal input number'); addObjProp(Hdr, this, 'trigholdoff', 'comment', ... ['(s), the scope hold off time inbetween acquiring ' ... 'triggers']); addParam(Hdr, this.name, 'poll_period', ... this.PollTimer.Period, 'comment', '(s)'); end end %% Set and get methods methods function val=get.scope_path(this) val=sprintf('/%s/scopes/%i',this.dev_id,this.n_scope-1); end function val=get.scope_rate(this) tn=ziDAQ('getDouble', [this.scope_path '/time']); val=this.clockbase/(2^tn); end function set.scope_rate(this, val) tn=round(log2(this.clockbase/val)); % Trim to be withn 0 and 16 tn=max(0,tn); tn=min(tn, 16); ziDAQ('setDouble', [this.scope_path '/time'], tn); clearData(this.Trace); notify(this, 'NewSetting'); end function val=get.fft_rbw(this) l=length(this.Trace.x); if l>=2 val=this.Trace.x(2)-this.Trace.x(1); else val=Inf; end end function val=get.n_pt(this) val=ziDAQ('getDouble', [this.scope_path '/length']); end function set.n_pt(this, val) ziDAQ('setDouble', [this.scope_path '/length'], val); clearData(this.Trace); notify(this, 'NewSetting'); end end end