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Wed, Feb 19, 00:11


function [x,y,n] = closestvertex(hThis,pos,orient)
% CLOSESTVERTEX Return X,Y location of closest Target vertex
% Thanks to <a href="">Yaroslav Don</a> for his assistance in updating cursorbar for
% MATLAB Graphics and for his contribution of new functionality.
% Copyright 2003-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Change Log:
% 13 Feb 2015: First version posted on the MathWorks file exchange.
% 14 May 2015: Added logarithmic scale support.
% input check
if nargin<3 || isempty(orient)
orient = hThis.Orientation;
% initialize
hTarget = hThis.Target;
hAxes = hThis.Parent;
x = [];
y = [];
% don't need to find closest vertex if the Target is an axes
if isTargetAxes(hThis)
% get XData and YData
x = hThis.TargetXData;
y = hThis.TargetYData;
n = hThis.TargetNData;
% logarithmic scale requires a logarithmic distance
switch hAxes.XScale
case 'linear'
pos_dist(1) = pos(1);
x_dist = x;
case 'log'
pos_dist(1) = log10(pos(1));
x_dist = log10(x);
switch hAxes.YScale
case 'linear'
pos_dist(2) = pos(2);
y_dist = y;
case 'log'
pos_dist(2) = log10(pos(2));
y_dist = log10(y);
% translate to pixels
pixperdata = getPixelsPerData(hThis);
pos_dist = pos_dist .* pixperdata;
x_dist = x_dist * pixperdata(1);
y_dist = y_dist * pixperdata(2);
% determine distance
is_2D_target = any( strcmp(class(hTarget),graphics.Cursorbar.Permitted2DTargets) ) ...
|| strcmp(hThis.TargetIntersections,'single');
is_single_target = isscalar(hTarget);
if is_2D_target
% determine distance to the closest target
dist = hypot(pos_dist(1) - x_dist, pos_dist(2) - y_dist);
elseif is_single_target
% determine distance in a single dimension, dependent on Orientation
switch orient
case 'vertical'
dist = abs(pos_dist(1) - x_dist);
case 'horizontal'
dist = abs(pos_dist(2) - y_dist);
% determine distance to the closest target, dependent on Orientation
distX = abs(pos_dist(1) - x_dist);
distY = abs(pos_dist(2) - y_dist);
% punish the secondary distance if the primary distance is too large
pixoffset = 3; % the error range
switch orient
case 'vertical'
distY(distX-min(distX)>pixoffset) = Inf;
case 'horizontal'
distX(distY-min(distY)>pixoffset) = Inf;
dist = hypot(distX, distY);
% get index for minimum distance
[~,ind] = min(dist);
% set output variables
x = x(ind);
y = y(ind);
n = n(ind);

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