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classdef (ConstructOnLoad=true) GraphicsPlaceholder < graphics.Graphics
% GraphicsPlaceholder Default graphics object.
% The graphics.GraphicsPlaceholder class defines the default graphics
% object. Instances of this class appear as:
% * Elements of pre-allocated arrays created with hobjects.
% * Unassigned array element placeholders
% * Graphics object properties that hold object handles, but are set
% to empty values
% * Empty values returned by functions that return object handles (for
% example, findobj).
% Usage:
% graphics.GraphicsPlaceholder() - Creates a GraphicsPlaceholder.
% Example:
% x = linspace(0,20,101);
% y = sin(x);
% %
% hPlot = plot(x,y);
% hCBar(3) = cursorbar(hPlot);
% hGPHolder = hCBar(1)
% GraphicsPlaceholder Constructor:
% GraphicsPlaceholder - GraphicsPlaceholder constructor.
% Inherited <a href="matlab:help matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay">matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay</a> Methods:
% details - Fully detailed formal object display.
% disp - Simple informal object display.
% display - Print variable name and display object.
% Inherited <a href="matlab:help matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous">matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous</a> Methods:
% cat - Concatenation for heterogeneous arrays.
% horzcat - Horizontal concatenation for
% heterogeneous arrays.
% vertcat - Vertical concatenation for
% heterogeneous arrays.
% Inherited <a href="matlab:help handle">handle</a> Methods:
% addlistener - Add listener for event.
% delete - Delete a handle object.
% eq - Test handle equality.
% findobj - Find objects with specified property
% values.
% findprop - Find property of MATLAB handle object.
% ge - Greater than or equal relation.
% gt - Greater than relation.
% isvalid - Test handle validity.
% le - Less than or equal relation for handles.
% lt - Less than relation for handles.
% ne - Not equal relation for handles.
% notify - Notify listeners of event.
% Inherited <a href="matlab:help handle">handle</a> Events:
% ObjectBeingDestroyed - Notifies listeners that a particular
% object has been destroyed.
% Web:
% <a href="">Undocumented Matlab: Undocumented cursorbar object</a>.
% See also: graphics.Graphics, hobjects.
% Thanks to <a href="">Yaroslav Don</a> for his assistance in updating cursorbar for
% MATLAB Graphics and for his contribution of new functionality.
% Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.
%% Main methods
function hThis = GraphicsPlaceholder()
% GRAPHICSPLACEHOLDER A GraphicsPlaceholder constructor.
% See also: GraphicsPlaceholder.
% Check MATLAB Graphics system version
if verLessThan('matlab','8.4.0')
error('graphics:GraphicsPlaceholder:GraphicsPlaceholder:oldVersion', ...
'GraphicsPlaceholder requires the new MATLAB graphics system that was introduced in R2014b.');

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