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classdef GridFlex < uix.GridFlex
%uiextras.GridFlex Container with contents arranged in a resizable grid
% obj = uiextras.GridFlex() creates a new new grid layout with
% draggable dividers between elements. The number of rows and columns
% to use is determined from the number of elements in the RowSizes
% and ColumnSizes properties respectively. Child elements are
% arranged down column one first, then column two etc. If there are
% insufficient columns then a new one is added. The output is a new
% layout object that can be used as the parent for other
% user-interface components. The output is a new layout object that
% can be used as the parent for other user-interface components.
% obj = uiextras.GridFlex(param,value,...) also sets one or more
% parameter values.
% See the <a href="matlab:doc uiextras.GridFlex">documentation</a> for more detail and the list of properties.
% Examples:
% >> f = figure();
% >> g = uiextras.GridFlex( 'Parent', f, 'Spacing', 5 );
% >> uicontrol( 'Parent', g, 'Background', 'r' )
% >> uicontrol( 'Parent', g, 'Background', 'b' )
% >> uicontrol( 'Parent', g, 'Background', 'g' )
% >> uiextras.Empty( 'Parent', g )
% >> uicontrol( 'Parent', g, 'Background', 'c' )
% >> uicontrol( 'Parent', g, 'Background', 'y' )
% >> set( g, 'ColumnSizes', [-1 100 -2], 'RowSizes', [-1 -2] );
% See also: uiextras.Grid
% uiextras.HBoxFlex
% uiextras.VBoxFlex
% uiextras.Empty
% Copyright 2009-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: 1062 $ $Date: 2014-10-30 13:30:17 +0000 (Thu, 30 Oct 2014) $
properties( Hidden, Access = public, Dependent )
Enable % deprecated
RowSizes % heights of contents, in pixels and/or weights
MinimumRowSizes % minimum heights of contents, in pixels
ColumnSizes % widths of contents, in pixels and/or weights
MinimumColumnSizes % minimum widths of contents, in pixels
function obj = GridFlex( varargin )
% Call uix constructor
obj@uix.GridFlex( varargin{:} )
% Auto-parent
if ~ismember( 'Parent', varargin(1:2:end) )
obj.Parent = gcf();
end % constructor
end % structors
function value = get.Enable( ~ )
% Warn
% warning( 'uiextras:Deprecated', ...
% 'Property ''Enable'' will be removed in a future release.' )
% Return
value = 'on';
end % get.Enable
function set.Enable( ~, value )
% Check
assert( ischar( value ) && any( strcmp( value, {'on','off'} ) ), ...
'uiextras:InvalidPropertyValue', ...
'Property ''Enable'' must be ''on'' or ''off''.' )
% Warn
% warning( 'uiextras:Deprecated', ...
% 'Property ''Enable'' will be removed in a future release.' )
end % set.Enable
function value = get.RowSizes( obj )
% Get
value = obj.Heights;
end % get.RowSizes
function set.RowSizes( obj, value )
% Set
obj.Heights = value;
end % set.RowSizes
function value = get.MinimumRowSizes( obj )
% Get
value = obj.MinimumHeights;
end % get.MinimumRowSizes
function set.MinimumRowSizes( obj, value )
% Set
obj.MinimumHeights = value;
end % set.MinimumRowSizes
function value = get.ColumnSizes( obj )
% Get
value = obj.Widths;
end % get.ColumnSizes
function set.ColumnSizes( obj, value )
% Get
obj.Widths = value;
end % set.ColumnSizes
function value = get.MinimumColumnSizes( obj )
% Get
value = obj.MinimumWidths;
end % get.MinimumColumnSizes
function set.MinimumColumnSizes( obj, value )
% Get
obj.MinimumWidths = value;
end % set.MinimumColumnSizes
function value = get.ShowMarkings( obj )
% Get
value = obj.DividerMarkings;
end % get.ShowMarkings
function set.ShowMarkings( obj, value )
% Set
obj.DividerMarkings = value;
end % set.ShowMarkings
end % accessors
end % classdef

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