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<title>Why use layouts?</title>
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<h2>1.5: Why use layouts?&nbsp;<a href="User_guide1.html"><img src="Images/uparrow.png" border="0" align="top" alt="Go back up one level"/></a></h2>
<p>MATLAB ships with a GUI design tool called <a href="matlab:doc GUIDE"><code class="FUNCTION">GUIDE</code></a>. This
doesn't use layouts, but forces users to manually position each element. This approach
is a much faster way to build simple user-interfaces, so why would you want to
use layouts?</p>
<p>The over-riding reason for using layouts or layout managers is
to gain control of the resizing behaviour of the interface without
having to write a complex "ResizeFcn". If you simply position user-interface elements
directly (either using <a href="matlab:doc GUIDE"><code class="FUNCTION">GUIDE</code></a> or programmatically), you
have two choices about what happens when the window resizes:
<h3>For example:</h3>
<para><b>1. The user-interface components scale with the window (normalised units)</b><br/>We didn't really want the buttons to grow but everything resizes in proportion.</para>
<pre style="background-color: #eeeeff; margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px"><font color="#000011">f = <a href="matlab:doc figure"><code class="FUNCTION">figure</code></a>( 'Position', 200*ones(1,4) );
<a href="matlab:doc axes"><code class="FUNCTION">axes</code></a>( 'Parent', f, ...
'Units', 'Normalized', ...
'OuterPosition', [0.02 0.2 0.96 0.8] );
<a href="matlab:doc uicontrol"><code class="FUNCTION">uicontrol</code></a>( 'Parent', f, ...
'Units', 'Normalized', ...
'Position', [0.02 0.02 0.46 0.16], ...
'String', 'Button 1' );
<a href="matlab:doc uicontrol"><code class="FUNCTION">uicontrol</code></a>( 'Parent', f, ...
'Units', 'Normalized', ...
'Position', [0.52 0.02 0.46 0.16], ...
'String', 'Button 2' );</font></pre>
<p style="background-color: #ddddee; margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px"><font color="#000022"><center><img src="Images/why_normalized1.png"/>.<img src="Images/why_normalized2.png"/></center></font></p>
<para><b>2. The user-interface components stay fixed and the window resize creates empty space (pixel units)</b><br/>Although the buttons don't now grow, neither does the axes, which looks very odd.</para>
<pre style="background-color: #eeeeff; margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px"><font color="#000011">f = <a href="matlab:doc figure"><code class="FUNCTION">figure</code></a>( 'Position', 200*ones(1,4) );
<a href="matlab:doc axes"><code class="FUNCTION">axes</code></a>( 'Parent', f, ...
'Units', 'Pixels', ...
'OuterPosition', [10 35 190 175] );
<a href="matlab:doc uicontrol"><code class="FUNCTION">uicontrol</code></a>( 'Parent', f, ...
'Units', 'Pixels', ...
'Position', [5 5 90 25], ...
'String', 'Button 1' );
<a href="matlab:doc uicontrol"><code class="FUNCTION">uicontrol</code></a>( 'Parent', f, ...
'Units', 'Pixels', ...
'Position', [105 5 90 25], ...
'String', 'Button 2' );</font></pre>
<p style="background-color: #ddddee; margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px"><font color="#000022"><center><img src="Images/why_fixed1.png"/>.<img src="Images/why_fixed2.png"/></center></font></p>
<p>Neither of these alternatives is particularly useful for a serious
user-interface. Typically there are user-interface components that should
be fixed size: icons, buttons, selectors etc; and others that should resize
with the window: graphs, images, prose text etc. To achieve this one needs
to be able to specify which interface components should be fixed size and
which variable. Over the last two decades, layouts have been shown to be
the method of choice for achieving this.</p>
<h3>For example:</h3>
<para>Using layouts, some user-interface components scale with the window, others stay fixed</para>
<pre style="background-color: #eeeeff; margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px"><font color="#000011">f = <a href="matlab:doc figure"><code class="FUNCTION">figure</code></a>( 'Position', 200*ones(1,4) );
vbox = <a href="uix.VBox.html"><code class="FUNCTION">uix.VBox</code></a>( 'Parent', f );
axes( 'Parent', vbox );
hbox = <a href="uix.HButtonBox.html"><code class="FUNCTION">uix.HButtonBox</code></a>( 'Parent', vbox, 'Padding', 5 );
<a href="matlab:doc uicontrol"><code class="FUNCTION">uicontrol</code></a>( 'Parent', hbox, ...
'String', 'Button 1' );
<a href="matlab:doc uicontrol"><code class="FUNCTION">uicontrol</code></a>( 'Parent', hbox, ...
'String', 'Button 2' );
set( vbox, 'Heights', [-1 35] )</font></pre>
<p style="background-color: #ddddee; margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px"><font color="#000022"><center><img src="Images/why_layout1.png"/>.<img src="Images/why_layout2.png"/></center></font></p>
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