%data_source=true %title=Ecdl850Scan function runNewportTlbScan() % Get the unique instance of MyCollector C = MyCollector.instance(); name = 'runNewportTlbScan'; if ~ismember(name, C.running_instruments) % Create an instrument instance App = NewportTlbScan( ... 'scope_name', 'Dpo4034nano2', ... 'laser_name', 'ECDL850He3'); % Add instrument to Collector addInstrument(C, name, App); % It is also a gui itself setInstrumentProp(C, name, 'Gui', App); % Display the instrument's name Fig = findFigure(App); if ~isempty(Fig) Fig.Name = char(name); else warning('No UIFigure found to assign the name') end % Apply color scheme applyLocalColorScheme(Fig); % Move the app figure to the center of the screen centerFigure(Fig); else disp([name ' is already running']) App = getInstrument(C, name); setFocus(App); end end