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function [hCursorbar, hCrossbar] = crossbar(hTarget,varargin)
% CROSSBAR Creates two perpendicular linked cursorbars.
% The cursorbar can be dragged interactively across the axes. If
% attached to a plot, the cursor points are updated as well. The
% cursorbar can be either horizontal or vertical.
% The two crossed cursorbars are linked in position. Dragging one will
% update the position of the other to the cursor's location as well.
% Cursorbar requires the new MATLAB graphics system that was
% introduced in R2014b
% Usage:
% crossbar(hTarget) - Creates two perpendicular linked
% cursorbars on a target Axes or Chart.
% crossbar(hTarget, ...) - Creates two perpendicular linked
% cursorbars on a target Axes or Chart
% with additional property-value pairs.
% hCursorbars = crossbar(...) - Returns the handles to the two
% cursorbars.
% [hCo,hCross]= crossbar(...) - Returns the handles to the main
% cursorbar and to the crossed one.
% See <a href="matlab:help graphics.Cursorbar">graphics.Cursorbar</a> for the full list of Cursorbar's properties.
% Example 1: Simple Crossbars
% x = linspace(-10,10,101);
% y = erf(x/5);
% %
% h = plot(x,y);
% crossbar(h);
% Example 2: Update Properties
% x = linspace(-10,10,49);
% M = peaks(length(x));
% %
% h = imagesc(x,x,M);
% [cb,cr] = crossbar(h,'ShowText','off','TargetMarkerStyle','none');
% %
% set(cr,'ShowText','on','TargetIntersections','single', ...
% 'TextDescription','long');
% set([cb; cr], {'CursorLineColor'},{[1.0 0.8 0.8];[1.0 1.0 0.8];});
% %
% cb.Position = [-7 3 0];
% Example 3: Link Cursorbars
% t = linspace(0,12*pi,10001)';
% x = 2*cos(t) + 2*cos(t/6);
% y = 2*sin(t) - 2*sin(t/6);
% %
% h = plot(x,y,'LineWidth',2);
% axis([-4 4 -4 4]);
% cb1 = crossbar(h,'CursorLineColor',[1 0 0],'Position',[-1 -1 0], ...
% 'TargetIntersections','single','CursorLineStyle','--');
% cb2 = crossbar(h,'CursorLineColor',[1 0 1],'Position',[ 1 1 0], ...
% 'TargetIntersections','single','CursorLineStyle','--');
% %
% l(1)=addlistener( cb1(1),'Location','PostSet', ...
% @(~,~) set ( cb2(1),'Location',cb1(1).Location+2));
% l(2)=addlistener( cb1(2),'Location','PostSet', ...
% @(~,~) set ( cb2(2),'Location',cb1(2).Location+2));
% l(3)=addlistener( cb2(1),'Location','PostSet', ...
% @(~,~) set ( cb1(1),'Location',cb2(1).Location-2));
% l(4)=addlistener( cb2(2),'Location','PostSet', ...
% @(~,~) set ( cb1(2),'Location',cb2(2).Location-2));
% See also: cursorbar, hobjects, graphics.Cursorbar.
% Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Check MATLAB Graphics system version
if verLessThan('matlab','8.4.0')
error('crossbar:oldVersion', ...
'Crossbar requires the new MATLAB graphics system that was introduced in R2014b.');
% error check
narginchk (1,Inf);
% draw cursorbar
hTemp(1) = graphics.Cursorbar(hTarget,varargin{:});
hTemp(2) = drawCrossbar(hTemp(1), varargin{:});
% output
switch nargout
case 0
% never mind ...
case 1
hCursorbar = hTemp;
case 2
hCursorbar = hTemp(1);
hCrossbar = hTemp(2);

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