% Create and add to Collector an instrument logger using buil-in method % of the instrument class. % % This function is called with two syntaxes: % % runLogger(instr_name) where instr_name corresponds to an entry in % the local InstrumentList % % runLogger(Instrument) where Instrument is an object that is % already present in the collector function [Lg, Gui] = runLogger(arg) % Get the instance of collector C = MyCollector.instance(); if ischar(arg) % The function is called with an instrument name instr_name = arg; Instr = runInstrument(instr_name); else % The function is called with an instrument object Instr = arg; % Find the instrument name from the collector ri = C.running_instruments; ind = cellfun(@(x)isequal(Instr, getInstrument(C, x)), ri); assert(nnz(ind) == 1, ['Instrument must be present ' ... 'in Collector']); instr_name = ri{ind}; end % Make a logger name name = [instr_name 'Logger']; % Add logger to the collector so that it can transfer data to Daq if ~isrunning(C, name) assert(ismethod(Instr, 'createLogger'), ['A logger is not ' ... 'created as instrument class ' class(Instr) ... ' does not define ''createLogger'' method.']) % Create and set up a new logger try dir = getLocalSettings('default_log_dir'); catch try dir = getLocalSettings('measurement_base_dir'); dir = createSessionPath(dir, [instr_name ' log']); catch dir = ''; end end Lg = createLogger(Instr); createLogFileName(Lg, dir, instr_name); % Add logger to Collector addInstrument(C, name, Lg, 'collect_header', false); else disp(['Logger for ' instr_name ' is already running. ' ... 'Returning existing.']) Lg = getInstrument(C, name); end % Check if the logger already has a GUI Gui = getInstrumentGui(C, name); if isempty(Gui) % Run a new GUI and store it in the collector Gui = GuiLogger(Lg); addInstrumentGui(C, name, Gui); % Display the instrument's name Fig = findFigure(Gui); if ~isempty(Fig) Fig.Name = char(name); else warning('No UIFigure found to assign the name') end % Apply color scheme applyLocalColorScheme(Fig); else % Bring the window of existing GUI to the front try setFocus(Gui); catch end end end