% Set of colors indended to introduce some uniformity in GUIs classdef MyAppColors methods (Static) %% Predefined colors % Colors are represented by rgb triplets returned by static methods function rgb = warning() rgb = [0.93, 0.69, 0.13]; % Orange end function rgb = error() rgb = [1,0,0]; % Red end % Labview-style lamp indicator colors function rgb = lampOn() rgb = [0,1,0]; % Bright green end function rgb = lampOff() rgb = [0,0.4,0]; % Dark green end % Recolor app according to a new color scheme function applyScheme(Obj, scheme) persistent init_default default_main_color ... default_label_text_color default_edit_text_color ... default_edit_field_color default_axes_label_color if ~exist('scheme', 'var') scheme = 'default'; end switch lower(scheme) case 'dark' main_color = [0,0.0,0.4]; label_text_color = [1,1,1]; edit_text_color = [0,0,0]; edit_field_color = [1,1,1]; axes_label_color = [0.9,0.9,1]; case 'bright' main_color = [1,1,1]; label_text_color = [0,0,0.4]; edit_text_color = [0,0,0.]; edit_field_color = [1,1,1]; axes_label_color = [0,0,0]; case 'default' if isempty(init_default) % Create invisible components and read their % colors Uf = uifigure('Visible', false); Ef = uieditfield(Uf); Lbl = uilabel(Uf); Ax = axes(Uf); default_main_color = Uf.Color; default_label_text_color = Lbl.FontColor; default_edit_text_color = Ef.FontColor; default_edit_field_color = Ef.BackgroundColor; default_axes_label_color = Ax.XColor; delete(Uf); init_default = false; end main_color = default_main_color; label_text_color = default_label_text_color; edit_text_color = default_edit_text_color; edit_field_color = default_edit_field_color; axes_label_color = default_axes_label_color; otherwise error('Unknown scheme %s', scheme) end if isa(Obj, 'matlab.apps.AppBase') Fig = findFigure(Obj); MyAppColors.applyScheme(Fig, scheme); return end switch Obj.Type case 'figure' Obj.Color = main_color; case 'uitabgroup' % Nothing to do case 'uitab' Obj.ForegroundColor = edit_text_color; Obj.BackgroundColor = main_color; case 'uibutton' Obj.FontColor = label_text_color; Obj.BackgroundColor = main_color; case 'uistatebutton' Obj.FontColor = label_text_color; Obj.BackgroundColor = main_color; case 'uidropdown' Obj.FontColor = label_text_color; Obj.BackgroundColor = main_color; case 'uicheckbox' Obj.FontColor = label_text_color; case 'uieditfield' Obj.FontColor = edit_text_color; Obj.BackgroundColor = edit_field_color; case 'uilabel' Obj.FontColor = label_text_color; case 'uilistbox' Obj.FontColor = edit_text_color; Obj.BackgroundColor = edit_field_color; case 'uitextarea' Obj.FontColor = edit_text_color; Obj.BackgroundColor = edit_field_color; case 'uipanel' Obj.ForegroundColor = label_text_color; Obj.BackgroundColor = main_color; case 'axes' Obj.BackgroundColor = main_color; Obj.XColor = axes_label_color; Obj.YColor = axes_label_color; Obj.GridColor = [0.15, 0.15, 0.15]; case 'uimenu' Obj.ForegroundColor = edit_text_color; end if isprop(Obj, 'Children') % Recolor children for i = 1:length(Obj.Children) MyAppColors.applyScheme(Obj.Children(i), scheme); end end end end end