% Input parser, which functionality was extended to automatically add % class properties to the scheme and assign the results after parsing is % done. classdef MyClassParser < inputParser methods (Access = public) function this = MyClassParser(varargin) this@inputParser(); if nargin() == 1 % If an object is supplied via varargin, add its properties % to the parser scheme addClassProperties(this, varargin{1}); end end % Add all the properties the class which are not already present % in the scheme of the parser and which have set access % permitted for MyClassParser function addClassProperties(this, Obj) ObjMetaclass = metaclass(Obj); for i=1:length(ObjMetaclass.PropertyList) Tmp = ObjMetaclass.PropertyList(i); % If parameter is already present in the parser scheme, % skip if ismember(Tmp.Name, this.Parameters) continue end % Constant, Dependent and Abstract propeties cannot be set, % so skip in this case also. if Tmp.Constant || Tmp.Abstract|| ... (Tmp.Dependent && isempty(Tmp.SetMethod)) continue end % Check if the parser has access to the property. This % can be true in two cases: 1) SetAccess is public % 2) MyClassParser class was explicitly given access sa = Tmp.SetAccess; if ischar(sa) has_access = strcmpi(sa,'public'); elseif iscell(sa) % Case when SetAcces is specified as cell array of % metaclasses has_access = any(... cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.Name, class(this)),sa)); else has_access=false; end % If the property has set access and default value, % add it as parameter to the parser scheme if has_access if Tmp.HasDefault def = Tmp.DefaultValue; % Create validation function based on the class of % default value validationFcn = @(x)assert(isa(x, class(def)),... ['The value must be of the class ' ... class(def) ' while the present one is ' ... 'of the class ' class(x) '.']); opt_vars = {def, validationFcn}; else def = []; opt_vars = {def}; end addParameter(this, Tmp.Name, opt_vars{:}); end end end % parse varargin and assign results to class properties % with the same names as parameters function processInputs(this, Obj, varargin) parse(this, varargin{:}); % assign results that have associated class properties with % public set access for i=1:length(this.Parameters) par = this.Parameters{i}; if ~ismember(par, this.UsingDefaults) && isprop(Obj, par) try Obj.(par) = this.Results.(par); catch ME warning(['Value of the input parameter ''' par ... ''' could not be assigned to property. ' ... ME.message]) end end end end end end