classdef MyCollector < MySingleton properties (GetAccess = public, SetAccess = private, ... SetObservable = true) % Structure accomodating handles of instrument objects InstrList = struct() % Properties of instruments InstrProps = struct() % Structure accomodating handles of apps which contain user % interface elements (excluding instrument GUIs) AppList = struct() end properties (Access = private) Listeners = struct() % Metadata indicating the state of Collector Metadata = MyMetadata.empty() end properties (Dependent = true) running_instruments running_apps end events NewDataWithHeaders end methods (Access = private) % The constructor of a singleton class must be private function this = MyCollector() end end methods (Access = public) function delete(this) cellfun(@(x) deleteListeners(this, x), ... this.running_instruments); end function addInstrument(this, name, Instrument, varargin) assert(isvarname(name), ['Instrument name must be a valid ' ... 'MATLAB variable name.']) assert(~ismember(name, this.running_instruments), ... ['Instrument ' name ' is already present in the ' ... 'collector. Delete the existing instrument before ' ... 'adding a new one with the same name.']) p = inputParser(); % Optional - put the instrument in global workspace addParameter(p, 'make_global', true, @islogical); % Read the settings of this instrument when new data is % acquired addParameter(p, 'collect_header', true, @islogical); parse(p, varargin{:}); this.InstrList.(name) = Instrument; % Configure instrument properties this.InstrProps.(name) = struct( ... 'collect_header', p.Results.collect_header, ... 'global_name', '', ... 'Gui', []); if p.Results.make_global global_name = name; % Assign instrument handle to a variable in global % workspace for quick reference if isValidBaseVar(global_name) base_ws_vars = evalin('base', 'who'); warning(['A valid variable named ''' global_name ... ''' already exists in global workspace.']) % Generate a new name excluding all the variable names % existing in the base workspace global_name = matlab.lang.makeUniqueStrings( ... global_name, base_ws_vars); end % Put the instrument in global workspace assignin('base', global_name, Instrument); this.InstrProps.(name).global_name = global_name; end if this.InstrProps.(name).collect_header && ... ~ismethod(Instrument, 'readSettings') % If the class does not have a header generation function, % it can still be added to the collector and transfer data % to Daq this.InstrProps.(name).collect_header = false; warning(['%s does not have a readSettings function, ',... 'measurement headers will not be collected from ',... 'this instrument.'],name) end % If the added instrument has a newdata event, we add a % listener for it. if ismember('NewData', events(this.InstrList.(name))) this.Listeners.(name).NewData = ... addlistener(this.InstrList.(name),'NewData',... @(~, EventData) acquireData(this, name, EventData)); end %Cleans up if the instrument is closed this.Listeners.(name).Deletion = ... addlistener(this.InstrList.(name), ... 'ObjectBeingDestroyed', ... @(~,~) instrumentDeletedCallback(this, name)); end % Get existing instrument function Instr = getInstrument(this, name) assert(isfield(this.InstrList, name), ... ['Name must correspond to one of the running ' ... 'instruments.']) Instr = this.InstrList.(name); end % Interface for accessing internally stored instrument properties function val = getInstrumentProp(this, instr_name, prop_name) assert(isfield(this.InstrProps, instr_name), ... ['''instr_name'' must correspond to one of the ' ... 'running instruments.']) assert(isfield(this.InstrProps.(instr_name), prop_name), ... ['''prop_name'' must correspond to one of the following'... 'instrument properties: ' ... var2str(fieldnames(this.InstrProps.(instr_name)))]) val = this.InstrProps.(instr_name).(prop_name); end function setInstrumentProp(this, instr_name, prop_name, val) assert(isfield(this.InstrProps, instr_name), ... ['''instr_name'' must correspond to one of the ' ... 'running instruments.']) assert(isfield(this.InstrProps.(instr_name), prop_name), ... ['''prop_name'' must correspond to one of the following'... 'instrument properties: ' ... var2str(fieldnames(this.InstrProps.(instr_name)))]) this.InstrProps.(instr_name).(prop_name) = val; end function addApp(this, App, app_name) assert(~isfield(this.AppList, app_name), ['App with name ''' ... app_name ''' is already present in the collector.']) this.AppList.(app_name) = App; % Set up a listener that will update the list when the app % is deleted addlistener(App, 'ObjectBeingDestroyed', ... @(~,~)appDeletedCallback(this, app_name)); end function App = getApp(this, app_name) assert(isfield(this.AppList, app_name), ... '''app_name'' must correspond to one of the running apps.') App = this.AppList.(app_name); end function acquireData(this, name, InstrEventData) src = InstrEventData.Source; % Check that event data object is MyNewDataEvent, % and fix otherwise if ~isa(InstrEventData,'MyNewDataEvent') InstrEventData = MyNewDataEvent(); InstrEventData.new_header = true; InstrEventData.Trace = copy(src.Trace); end % Indicate the name of acquiring instrument InstrEventData.src_name = name; % Collect the headers if the flag is on and if the triggering % instrument does not request suppression of header collection if InstrEventData.new_header % Add the name of acquisition instrument AcqInstrMdt = MyMetadata('title', 'AcquiringInstrument'); addParam(AcqInstrMdt, 'Name', InstrEventData.src_name); % Make the full metadata Mdt = [AcqInstrMdt, acquireHeaders(this)]; %We copy the MeasHeaders to both copies of the trace - the %one that is with the source and the one that is forwarded %to Daq. InstrEventData.Trace.MeasHeaders = copy(Mdt); src.Trace.MeasHeaders = copy(Mdt); end triggerNewDataWithHeaders(this, InstrEventData); end % Collects headers for open instruments with the header flag on function Mdt = acquireHeaders(this) Mdt = MyMetadata.empty(); for i = 1:length(this.running_instruments) name = this.running_instruments{i}; if this.InstrProps.(name).collect_header try TmpMdt = readSettings(this.InstrList.(name)); TmpMdt.title = name; Mdt = [Mdt, TmpMdt]; %#ok catch ME warning(['Error while reading metadata from ' ... '%s. Measurement header collection is '... 'switched off for this instrument.' ... '\nError: %s'], name, ME.message) this.InstrProps.(name).collect_header = false; end end end % Add field indicating the time when the trace was acquired TimeMdt = MyMetadata.time('title', 'AcquisitionTime'); % Add the state of Collector CollMdt = getMetadata(this); Mdt = [TimeMdt, Mdt, CollMdt]; end function bool = isrunning(this, name) assert(ischar(name)&&isvector(name),... 'Instrument name must be a character vector, not %s',... class(name)); bool = ismember(name, this.running_instruments); end % Remove instrument from collector without deleting the instrument % object function removeInstrument(this, name) if isrunning(this, name) % Remove the instrument entries this.InstrList = rmfield(this.InstrList, name); this.InstrProps = rmfield(this.InstrProps, name); deleteListeners(this, name); end end % Delete all presesently running instruments function flush(this) instr_names = this.running_instruments; for i = 1:length(instr_names) nm = instr_names{i}; % We rely on the deletion callbacks to do cleanup delete(this.InstrList.(nm)); end end end methods (Access = private) function instrumentDeletedCallback(this, name) % Clear the base workspace wariable gn = this.InstrProps.(name).global_name; if ~isempty(gn) try evalin('base', sprintf('clear(''%s'');', gn)); catch ME warning(['Could not clear global variable ''' ... gn '''. Error: ' ME.message]); end end % Remove the instrument entry from Collector removeInstrument(this, name); end function appDeletedCallback(this, name) this.AppList = rmfield(this.AppList, name); end % Create metadata that stores information about the Collector % state function Mdt = getMetadata(this) % Create new metadata if it has not yet been initialized if isempty(this.Metadata) this.Metadata = MyMetadata('title', 'SessionInfo'); addParam(this.Metadata, 'instruments', {}); addParam(this.Metadata, 'Props', struct()); end % Update metadata parameters this.Metadata.ParamList.instruments = this.running_instruments; for fn = this.running_instruments' this.Metadata.ParamList.Props.(fn).collect_header = ... this.InstrProps.collect_header; this.Metadata.ParamList.Props.(fn).is_global = ... ~isempty(this.InstrProps.global_name); % Indicate if the instrument has gui this.Metadata.ParamList.Props.(fn).has_gui = ... ~isempty(this.InstrProps.Gui); end Mdt = copy(this.Metadata); end end methods(Static = true) % Singletone constructor. function this = instance() persistent UniqueInstance if isempty(UniqueInstance)||(~isvalid(UniqueInstance)) disp('Creating a new instance of MyCollector') this = MyCollector(); UniqueInstance = this; else this = UniqueInstance; end end end methods (Access = private) function triggerNewDataWithHeaders(this, InstrEventData) notify(this, 'NewDataWithHeaders', InstrEventData); end %deleteListeners is in a separate file deleteListeners(this, obj_name); end methods function val = get.running_instruments(this) val = fieldnames(this.InstrList); end function val = get.running_apps(this) val = fieldnames(this.AppList); end end end