% Communicator container. % This class provides extended functionality for communication using VISA, % tcpip and serial objects or any other objects that have a similar usage. classdef MyCommCont < handle % Giving explicit set access to this class makes properties protected % instead of private properties (GetAccess=public, SetAccess={?MyClassParser,?MyCommCont}) interface = 'serial' address = 'placeholder' end properties (GetAccess = public, SetAccess = protected) Comm % Communication object end methods (Access = public) %% Constructor and destructor function this = MyCommCont(varargin) P = MyClassParser(this); processInputs(P, this, varargin{:}); try connect(this); catch ME warning(ME.message); % Create a dummy this.Comm = serial('placeholder'); end configureCommDefault(this); end function delete(this) % Close the connection to the device try closeComm(this); catch warning('Connection could not be closed.'); end % Delete the device object try delete(this.Comm); catch warning('Communication object could not be deleted.'); end end %% Set up communication % Create an interface object function connect(this) switch lower(this.interface) % Use 'constructor' interface to create an object with % more that one parameter passed to the constructor case 'constructor' % In this case 'address' is a MATLAB command that % creates communication object when executed. % Such commands, for example, are returned by % instrhwinfo as ObjectConstructorName. this.Comm=eval(this.address); case 'visa' % visa brand is 'ni' by default this.Comm=visa('ni', this.address); case 'tcpip' % Works only with default socket. Use 'constructor' % if socket or other options need to be specified this.Comm=tcpip(this.address); case 'serial' this.Comm=serial(this.address); otherwise error(['Unknown interface ''' this.interface ... ''', a communication object is not created.' ... ' Valid interfaces are ',... '''constructor'', ''visa'', ''tcpip'' and ''serial''']) end end % Set larger buffer sizes and longer timeout than the MATLAB default function configureCommDefault(this) comm_props = properties(this.Comm); if ismember('OutputBufferSize',comm_props) this.Comm.OutputBufferSize = 1e7; % bytes end if ismember('InputBufferSize',comm_props) this.Comm.InputBufferSize = 1e7; % bytes end if ismember('Timeout',comm_props) this.Comm.Timeout = 10; % s end end function bool = isopen(this) try bool = strcmp(this.Comm.Status, 'open'); catch warning('Cannot access the communicator Status property'); bool = false; end end % Opens the device if it is not open. Does not throw error if % device is already open for communication with another object, but % tries to close existing connections instead. function openComm(this) try fopen(this.Comm); catch % try to find and close all the devices with the same % VISA resource name instr_list = instrfind('RsrcName',this.Comm.RsrcName); fclose(instr_list); fopen(this.Comm); warning(['Multiple instrument objects of ' ... 'address %s exist'], this.address); end end function closeComm(this) fclose(this.Comm); end %% Communication % Write textual command function writeString(this, cmd) try fprintf(this.Comm, cmd); catch ME try % Attempt re-opening communication openComm(this); fprintf(this.Comm, cmd); catch rethrow(ME); end end end % Query textual command function result = queryString(this, cmd) try result = query(this.Comm, cmd); catch ME try % Attempt re-opening communication openComm(this); result = query(this.Comm, cmd); catch rethrow(ME); end end end end end