% Class that implements fitting routines with interactive capabilities. classdef MyFit < dynamicprops & matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay %Note that dynamicprops classes are handle classes. properties (Access=public) Data MyTrace %MyTrace object contains the data to be fitted to lim_lower %Lower limits for fit parameters lim_upper %Upper limits for fit parameters enable_plot %If enabled, plots initial parameters in the Axes Axes %The handle which the fit is plotted in fit_color='black' %Color of the fit line fit_length=1e3 %Number of points in the fit trace end properties (GetAccess=public, SetAccess=protected) Fit %MyTrace object containing the fit Gui %Gui handles %Output structures from fit: FitResult cfit Gof struct FitInfo struct param_vals %Values of fit parameters %Parameters of the specific fit. fit_name fit_function fit_tex fit_params fit_param_names anon_fit_fun end %Dependent variables with no set methods properties (Dependent=true, GetAccess=public, SetAccess=private) n_params end properties (Access=protected) %Structure used for initializing GUI of userpanel UserGui struct enable_gui=1 %Vectors for varying the range of the sliders for different fits slider_vecs end properties (Dependent=true, Access=protected) %These are used to create the usergui n_user_fields user_field_tags user_field_names end %Events for communicating with outside entities events NewFit end methods (Access=public) function this=MyFit(varargin) %Parse the arguments supplied to the constructor p=inputParser(); addParameter(p,'fit_name','') addParameter(p,'fit_function','x') addParameter(p,'fit_tex','') addParameter(p,'fit_params',{}) addParameter(p,'fit_param_names',{}) addParameter(p,'Data', MyTrace()); addParameter(p,'x',[]); addParameter(p,'y',[]); addParameter(p,'enable_gui',1); addParameter(p,'enable_plot',1); addParameter(p,'Axes',[]); addParameter(p,'standalone_mode',true,@islogical); % These parameters are only active when GUI is enabled addParameter(p,'base_dir', ''); addParameter(p,'session_name','placeholder'); addParameter(p,'file_name','placeholder'); parse(p, varargin{:}); for i=1:length(p.Parameters) %Takes the value from the inputParser to the appropriate %property. if isprop(this, p.Parameters{i}) this.(p.Parameters{i})= p.Results.(p.Parameters{i}); end end this.Fit = MyTrace(); %Generates the anonymous fit function from the input fit %function. This is used for fast plotting of the initial %values. args=['@(', strjoin([{'x'}, this.fit_params], ','),')']; this.anon_fit_fun=... str2func(vectorize([args,this.fit_function])); %Sets dummy values for the GUI this.param_vals=zeros(1,this.n_params); this.lim_lower=-Inf(1,this.n_params); this.lim_upper=Inf(1,this.n_params); %Allows us to load either x/y data or a MyTrace object directly if ismember('Data',p.UsingDefaults) &&... ~ismember('x',p.UsingDefaults) &&... ~ismember('y',p.UsingDefaults) this.Data.x=p.Results.x; this.Data.y=p.Results.y; end %Creates the structure that contains variables for calibration %of fit results createUserGuiStruct(this); %Creates the gui if the flag is enabled. This function is in a %separate file. if this.enable_gui createGui(this) %Generates the slider lookup table genSliderVecs(this); if isempty(p.Results.base_dir) try bd = getLocalSettings('measurement_base_dir'); catch ME warning(ME.message) bd = ''; end else bd = ''; end this.Gui.BaseDir.String = bd; this.Gui.SessionName.String = p.Results.session_name; this.Gui.FileName.String = p.Results.file_name; end %If data was supplied, generates initial fit parameters if ~ismember('Data', p.UsingDefaults) || ... ~ismember('x', p.UsingDefaults) || ... ~ismember('y', p.UsingDefaults) genInitParams(this) end end %Deletion function of object function delete(this) if this.enable_gui %Avoids loops set(this.Gui.Window,'CloseRequestFcn',''); %Deletes the figure delete(this.Gui.Window); %Removes the figure handle to prevent memory leaks this.Gui=[]; end if ismethod(this.Fit, 'delete') % Delete the fit trace, in particular, inrder to remove the % fit curve from the axes delete(this.Fit); end end %Close figure callback simply calls delete function for class function closeFigure(this,~,~) delete(this); end %Saves the metadata function saveParams(this,varargin) p=inputParser; addParameter(p,'save_user_params',true); addParameter(p,'save_gof',true); parse(p,varargin{:}); %Flags for saving the user parameters or goodness of fit save_user_params=p.Results.save_user_params; save_gof=p.Results.save_gof; assert(~isempty(this.param_vals) && ... length(this.param_vals)==this.n_params,... ['The number of calculated coefficients (%i) is not',... ' equal to the number of parameters (%i).', ... ' Perform a fit before trying to save parameters.'],... length(this.param_vals),this.n_params); %Creates combined strings of form: Linewidth (b), where %Linewidth is the parameter name and b is the parameter tag headers=cellfun(@(x,y) sprintf('%s (%s)',x,y),... this.fit_param_names, this.fit_params,'UniformOutput',0); save_data=this.param_vals; if save_user_params %Creates headers for the user fields user_field_headers=cellfun(@(x,y) ... sprintf('%s. %s',this.UserGui.Fields.(x).parent,y),... this.user_field_tags,this.user_field_names,... 'UniformOutput',0)'; %Appends the user headers and data to the save data headers=[headers, user_field_headers]; save_data=[save_data,this.user_field_vals'] end if save_gof %Appends GOF headers and data to the save data headers=[headers,fieldnames(this.Gof)']; save_data=[save_data,struct2array(this.Gof)]; end %Find out at the end how many columns we have n_columns=length(headers); %Sets the column width. Pads 2 for legibility. col_width=cellfun(@(x) length(x), headers)+2; %Min column width of 24 col_width(col_width<24)=24; %Create the right directories if ~exist(this.base_dir,'dir') mkdir(this.base_dir) end if ~exist(this.save_path,'dir') mkdir(this.save_path) end fullpath=[this.save_path,this.filename,'.txt']; %We automatically append to the file if it already exists, %otherwise create a new file if exist(fullpath,'file') fileID=fopen(fullpath,'a'); fprintf('Appending data to %s \n',fullpath); else fileID=fopen(fullpath,'w'); pre_fmt_str=repmat('%%%is\\t',1,n_columns); fmt_str=sprintf([pre_fmt_str,'\r\n'],col_width); fprintf(fileID,fmt_str,headers{:}); end pre_fmt_str_nmb=repmat('%%%i.15e\\t',1,n_columns); nmb_fmt_str=sprintf([pre_fmt_str_nmb,'\r\n'],col_width); fprintf(fileID,nmb_fmt_str,save_data); fclose(fileID); end %We can load a fit from a file with appropriately formatted columns %We simply load the coefficients from the file into the fit. function loadFit(this,fullfilename,varargin) p=inputParser addParameter(p,'line_no',1); parse(p,varargin{:}) n=p.Results.line_no; load_table=readtable(fullfilename); load_names=fieldnames(load_table); for i=1:this.n_params this.param_vals(i)=load_table.(load_names{i})(n); end end %This function is used to set the coefficients, to avoid setting it %to a number not equal to the number of parameters function setFitParams(this,param_vals) assert(length(param_vals)==this.n_params,... ['The length of the coefficient vector (currently %i) ',... 'must be equal to the number of parameters (%i)'],... length(this.param_vals),this.n_params) this.param_vals=param_vals; end %Fits the trace using currently set parameters, depending on the %model. function fitTrace(this) %Check the validity of data validateData(this); %Check for valid limits lim_check=this.lim_upper>this.lim_lower; assert(all(lim_check),... sprintf(['All upper limits must exceed lower limits. ',... 'Check limit %i, fit parameter %s'],find(~lim_check,1),... this.fit_params{find(~lim_check,1)})); %Check the consistency of initial parameters assert(isnumeric(this.param_vals) && isvector(this.param_vals) && ... length(this.param_vals)==this.n_params, ['Starting points must be given as ' ... 'a vector of size %d'],this.n_params); assert(isnumeric(this.lim_lower) && isvector(this.lim_lower) && ... length(this.lim_lower)==this.n_params, ['Lower limits must be given as ' ... 'a vector of size %d'], this.n_params); assert(isnumeric(this.lim_upper) && isvector(this.lim_upper) && ... length(this.lim_upper)==this.n_params, ['Upper limits must be given as ' ... 'a vector of size %d'], this.n_params); %Perform the fit. doFit(this); %Calculate the fit curve. calcFit(this); %Calculate user parameters calcUserParams(this); updateFitMetadata(this); %Updates the gui if it is enabled if this.enable_gui genSliderVecs(this); updateGui(this); end %Plots the fit if the flag is on if this.enable_plot plotFit(this); end %Triggers new fit event triggerNewFit(this); end %Clears the plots function clearFit(this) cellfun(@(x) delete(x), this.Fit.PlotLines); end %Plots the trace contained in the Fit MyTrace object after %calculating the new values function plotFit(this, varargin) assert((isa(this.Axes,'matlab.graphics.axis.Axes')||... isa(this.Axes,'matlab.ui.control.UIAxes')),... 'Axes property must be defined to valid axis in order to plot') plot(this.Fit, this.Axes, 'Color', this.fit_color, varargin{:}); end %Generates model-dependent initial parameters, lower and upper %boundaries. function genInitParams(this) validateData(this); calcInitParams(this); calcFit(this); %Plots the fit function with the new initial parameters if this.enable_plot plotFit(this) end %Updates the GUI and creates new lookup tables for the init %param sliders if this.enable_gui genSliderVecs(this); updateGui(this); end end end methods (Access=protected) %Creates the GUI of MyFit, in separate file. createGui(this); %Does the fit with the currently set parameters. This method is %often overloaded in subclasses to improve performance. function doFit(this) %Use current coefficients as initial paramters init_params = this.param_vals; Ft=fittype(this.fit_function,'coefficients',this.fit_params); Opts=fitoptions('Method','NonLinearLeastSquares',... 'Lower',this.lim_lower,... 'Upper',this.lim_upper,... 'StartPoint',init_params,... 'MaxFunEvals',2000,... 'MaxIter',2000,... 'TolFun',1e-6,... 'TolX',1e-6); %Fits with the below properties. Chosen for maximum accuracy. [this.FitResult,this.Gof,this.FitInfo]=... fit(this.Data.x,this.Data.y,Ft,Opts); %Puts the coefficients into the class variable. this.param_vals=coeffvalues(this.FitResult); end %This struct is used to generate the UserGUI. Fields are seen under %tabs in the GUI. To create a new tab, you have to enter it under %this.UserGui.Tabs. A tab must have a tab_title and a field to add %Children. To add a field, use the addUserField function. function createUserGuiStruct(this) this.UserGui=struct('Fields',struct(),'Tabs',struct()); end %Low level function that generates initial parameters. %The default version of this function is not meaningful, it %should be overloaded in subclasses. function [init_params,lim_lower,lim_upper]=calcInitParams(this) init_params=ones(1,this.n_params); lim_lower=-Inf(1,this.n_params); lim_upper=Inf(1,this.n_params); %Loads the results into the class variables this.param_vals=init_params; this.lim_lower=lim_lower; this.lim_upper=lim_upper; end %Calculate user parameters from fit parameters. %Dummy method that needs to be overloaded in subclasses. function calcUserParams(this) %#ok end %Parent is the parent tab for the userfield, tag is the tag given %to the GUI element, title is the text written next to the field, %initial value is the initial value of the property and change_flag %determines whether the gui element is enabled for writing or not. %conv_factor is used to have different units in the field. In the %program, the value is always saved as the bare value. function addUserField(this, parent, tag, title, ... init_val,varargin) %Parsing inputs p=inputParser(); addRequired(p,'Parent'); addRequired(p,'Tag'); addRequired(p,'Title'); addRequired(p,'init_val'); addParameter(p,'enable_flag','on'); addParameter(p,'Callback',''); addParameter(p,'conv_factor',1); parse(p,parent,tag,title,init_val,varargin{:}); tag=p.Results.Tag; %Populates the UserGui struct this.UserGui.Fields.(tag).parent=p.Results.Parent; this.UserGui.Fields.(tag).title=p.Results.Title; this.UserGui.Fields.(tag).init_val=p.Results.init_val; this.UserGui.Fields.(tag).enable_flag=... p.Results.enable_flag; this.UserGui.Fields.(tag).conv_factor=p.Results.conv_factor; this.UserGui.Fields.(tag).Callback=... p.Results.Callback; this.UserGui.Tabs.(p.Results.Parent).Children{end+1}=tag; %Adds the new property to the class addUserProp(this, tag); end %Every user field has an associated property, which is added by %this function. The get and set functions are set to use the GUI %through the getUserVal and setUserVal functions if the GUI is %enabled. function addUserProp(this,tag) prop=addprop(this,tag); if this.enable_gui prop.GetMethod=@(this) getUserVal(this,tag); prop.SetMethod=@(this, val) setUserVal(this, val, tag); prop.Dependent=true; end end %This function gets the value of the userprop from the GUI. The GUI %is the single point of truth function val=getUserVal(this, tag) conv_factor=this.UserGui.Fields.(tag).conv_factor; val=str2double(this.Gui.([tag,'Edit']).String)*conv_factor; end %As above, but instead we set the GUI through setting the property function setUserVal(this, val, tag) conv_factor=this.UserGui.Fields.(tag).conv_factor; this.Gui.([tag,'Edit']).String=num2str(val/conv_factor); end %Creates the user values panel with associated tabs. The cellfun here %creates the appropriately named tabs. To add a tab, add a new field to the %UserGuiStruct using the class functions in MyFit. This function %can be overloaded, though some care must be taken to not exceed %the size given by the GUI function createUserGui(this, bg_color, button_h) usertabs=fieldnames(this.UserGui.Tabs); if ~isempty(usertabs) cellfun(@(x) createTab(this,x,bg_color,button_h),usertabs); this.Gui.TabPanel.TabTitles=... cellfun(@(x) this.UserGui.Tabs.(x).tab_title, usertabs,... 'UniformOutput',0); end end %Can be overloaded to have more convenient sliders function genSliderVecs(this) %Return values of the slider slider_vals=1:101; %Default scaling vector def_vec=10.^((slider_vals-51)/50); %Sets the cell to the default value for i=1:this.n_params this.slider_vecs{i}=def_vec*this.param_vals(i); set(this.Gui.(sprintf('Slider_%s', this.fit_params{i})),... 'Value',50); end end %Checks if the class is ready to perform a fit function validateData(this) assert(~isempty(this.Data.x) && ~isempty(this.Data.y) && ... length(this.Data.x)==length(this.Data.y) && ... length(this.Data.x)>=this.n_params, ... ['The data must be vectors of equal length greater ' ... 'than the number of fit parameters.', ... ' Currently the number of fit parameters is %i, the', ... ' length of x is %i and the length of y is %i'], ... this.n_params, length(this.Data.x), length(this.Data.y)); end %Calculates the trace object that represents the fitted curve function calcFit(this) this.Fit.x=linspace(min(this.Data.x), max(this.Data.x), ... this.fit_length); input_coeffs=num2cell(this.param_vals); this.Fit.y=this.anon_fit_fun(this.Fit.x, input_coeffs{:}); end % Create metadata with all the fitting and user-defined parameters function createMetadata(this) % Field for the fit parameters FitMdt = MyMetadata('title', 'FittingParameters'); addObjProp(FitMdt, this, 'fit_name'); addObjProp(FitMdt, this, 'fit_function'); for i=1:length(this.fit_params) addParam(FitMdt, this.fit_params{i}, this.param_vals(i),... 'comment', this.fit_param_names{i}); end % Field for the goodness of fit which copies the fields of % corresponding structure GofMdt = MyMetadata('title', 'GoodnessOfFit'); addParam(GofMdt, 'sse', [], 'comment', ... 'Sum of squares due to error'); addParam(GofMdt, 'rsquare', [], 'comment', ... 'R-squared (coefficient of determination)'); addParam(GofMdt, 'dfe', [], 'comment', ... 'Degrees of freedom in the error'); addParam(GofMdt, 'adjrsquare', [], 'comment', ... 'Degree-of-freedom adjusted coefficient of determination'); addParam(GofMdt, 'rmse', [], 'comment', ... 'Root mean squared error (standard error)'); % Field for the user parameters UserParMdt = MyMetadata('title', 'UserParameters'); user_params = this.user_field_tags; for i=1:length(user_params) tag = user_params{i}; addParam(UserParMdt, tag, this.(tag), ... 'comment', this.UserGui.Fields.(tag).title); end this.Fit.UserMetadata = [FitMdt, UserParMdt, GofMdt]; end function updateFitMetadata(this) if isempty(this.Fit.UserMetadata) createMetadata(this); end FitMdt = this.Fit.UserMetadata(1); UserParMdt = this.Fit.UserMetadata(2); GofMdt = this.Fit.UserMetadata(3); % Update metadata parameters for i=1:length(this.fit_params) FitMdt.ParamList.(this.fit_params{i}) = this.param_vals(i); end user_params = this.user_field_tags; for i=1:length(user_params) tag = user_params{i}; UserParMdt.ParamList.(tag) = this.(tag); end gof_params = fieldnames(this.Gof); for i=1:length(gof_params) tag = gof_params{i}; GofMdt.ParamList.(tag) = this.Gof.(tag); end end %Overload a method of matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay in order to %separate the display of user properties from the others. function PrGroups = getPropertyGroups(this) user_params = this.user_field_tags; static_props = setdiff(properties(this), user_params); PrGroups = [matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup(static_props), ... matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup(user_params)]; end end %Callbacks methods (Access=protected) %Save fit function callback function saveFitCallback(this,~,~) base_dir=this.Gui.BaseDir.String; session_name=this.Gui.SessionName.String; file_name=this.Gui.FileName.String; % Add extension to the file name if missing [~,~,ext]=fileparts(file_name); if isempty(ext) || (length(ext) > 5) || any(isspace(ext)) file_name=[file_name, '.txt']; end save_path=createSessionPath(base_dir, session_name); assert(~isempty(base_dir),'Save directory is not specified'); assert(ischar(base_dir),... ['Save directory is not specified.',... ' Should be of type char but is %s.'], ... class(base_dir)) save(this.Fit, fullfile(save_path, file_name)); end %Callback for saving parameters function saveParamCallback(this,~,~) saveParams(this); end %Creates callback functions for sliders in GUI. Uses ind to find %out which slider the call is coming from. Note that this gets %triggered whenever the value of the slider is changed. function f = createSliderStateChangedCallback(this, ind) edit_field_name = sprintf('Edit_%s',this.fit_params{ind}); function sliderStateChangedCallback(hObject, ~) %Gets the value from the slider val=hObject.Value; %Find out if the current slider value is correct for the %current init param value. If so, do not change anything. %This is required as the callback also gets called when %the slider values are changed programmatically [~, slider_ind]=... min(abs(this.param_vals(ind)-this.slider_vecs{ind})); if slider_ind~=(val+1) %Updates the scale with a new value from the lookup %table this.param_vals(ind)=... this.slider_vecs{ind}(val+1); %Updates the edit box with the new value from the %slider set(this.Gui.(edit_field_name),... 'String', sprintf('%3.3e',this.param_vals(ind))); %Re-calculate the fit curve. calcFit(this); if this.enable_plot plotFit(this); end end end f = @sliderStateChangedCallback; end function f = createParamFieldEditedCallback(this, ind) function paramEditFieldCallback(hObject, ~) val=str2double(hObject.String); updateParamVal(this, ind, val); end f = @paramEditFieldCallback; end function f = createSliderMouseReleasedCallback(this, ind) function sliderMouseReleasedCallback(hObject, ~) slider_ind=hObject.Value; val = this.slider_vecs{ind}(slider_ind+1); updateParamVal(this, ind, val); end f = @sliderMouseReleasedCallback; end %Callback function for the manual update of the values of fit %parameters in GUI. Triggered when values in the boxes are editted %and when pulling a slider is over. function updateParamVal(this, ind, new_val) %Updates the correct initial parameter this.param_vals(ind)=new_val; %Re-calculate the fit curve. calcFit(this); if this.enable_plot plotFit(this) end %Centers the slider set(this.Gui.(sprintf('Slider_%s',this.fit_params{ind})),... 'Value',50); %Generate the new slider vectors genSliderVecs(this); %Calculate user parameters calcUserParams(this); updateFitMetadata(this); end function f = createLowerLimEditCallback(this, ind) function lowerLimEditCallback(hObject, ~) this.lim_lower(ind)=str2double(hObject.String); end f = @lowerLimEditCallback; end function f = createUpperLimEditCallback(this, ind) function upperLimEditCallback(hObject, ~) this.lim_upper(ind)=str2double(hObject.String); end f = @upperLimEditCallback; end %Callback function for analyze button in GUI. Checks if the data is %ready for fitting. function analyzeCallback(this, ~, ~) fitTrace(this); end %Callback for clearing the fits on the axis. function clearFitCallback(this,~,~) clearFit(this); end %Callback function for generate init parameters button. function initParamCallback(this,~,~) genInitParams(this); end %Callback function for scaleData button function scaleDataCallback(this,hObject) if hObject.Value hObject.BackgroundColor=0.9*[1,1,1]; this.scale_data=true; else hObject.BackgroundColor=[1,1,1]; this.scale_data=false; end end end %Private methods methods(Access=private) %Creates a panel for the GUI, in separate file createTab(this, tab_tag, bg_color, button_h); %Creats two vboxes (from GUI layouts) to display values of %quantities createUnitBox(this, bg_color, h_parent, name); %Creates an edit box inside a UnitDisp for showing label and value of %a quantity. Used in conjunction with createUnitBox createUnitDisp(this,varargin); %Triggers the NewFit event such that other objects can use this to %e.g. plot new fits function triggerNewFit(this) notify(this,'NewFit'); end %Updates the GUI if the edit or slider boxes are changed from %elsewhere. function updateGui(this) for i=1:this.n_params str=this.fit_params{i}; set(this.Gui.(sprintf('Edit_%s',str)),... 'String',sprintf('%3.3e',this.param_vals(i))); set(this.Gui.(sprintf('Lim_%s_upper',str)),... 'String',sprintf('%3.3e',this.lim_upper(i))); set(this.Gui.(sprintf('Lim_%s_lower',str)),... 'String',sprintf('%3.3e',this.lim_lower(i))); end end end % Get functions for dependent variables methods %Calculates the number of parameters in the fit function function n_params=get.n_params(this) n_params=length(this.fit_params); end %Used when creating the UserGUI, finds the number of user fields. function n_user_fields=get.n_user_fields(this) n_user_fields=length(this.user_field_tags); end %Finds all the user field tags function user_field_tags=get.user_field_tags(this) user_field_tags=fieldnames(this.UserGui.Fields); end %Finds all the titles of the user field tags function user_field_names=get.user_field_names(this) user_field_names=cellfun(@(x) this.UserGui.Fields.(x).title,... this.user_field_tags,'UniformOutput',0); end end end