%Class for NewData events that are generated by MyDataSource and its %subclasses, including MyInstrument classdef MyNewDataEvent < event.EventData properties (Access=public) % Name of the instrument that triggered the event. Usefult for % passing the event data forward, e.g. by triggering % NewDataWithHeaders src_name = 'UnknownInstrument' % New acquired trace. Should be passed by value in order to prevent % race condition when multiple NewData events are triggered by % the same instrument in a short period of time. Passing by value % makes sure that the trace is not modified before it is received % by Daq. Trace % If false then MyCollector does not acquire new measurement % headers for this trace. Setting new_header = false allows % transferring an existing trace to Daq by triggering NewData. new_header = true % If the new data should be automatically saved by Daq. save = false % If 'save' is true and 'filename' is not empty, Daq uses the % supplied file name to save the trace. This file name is relative % to the measurement session folder. filename = '' end methods % Use parser to process properties supplied as name-value pairs via % varargin function this=MyNewDataEvent(varargin) P=MyClassParser(this); addParameter(P, 'Trace', []); processInputs(P, this, varargin{:}); end end %% Set and get methods methods % Ensures that the source name is a valid Matlab variable function set.src_name(this, str) assert(ischar(str), ['The value assigned to ''src_name'' ' ... 'must be char']) if ~isempty(str) str=matlab.lang.makeValidName(str); else str='UnknownInstrument'; end this.src_name=str; end function set.Trace(this, Val) assert(isa(Val, 'MyTrace'), ['Trace must be a derivative ' ... 'of MyTrace class.']) this.Trace=Val; end end end