% Class for performing ringdown measurements of mechanical oscillators % using Zurich Instruments UHF or MF lock-in. % % Operation: sweep the driving tone (drive_osc) using the sweep module % in LabOne web user interface, when the magnitude of the demodulator % signal exceeds trig_threshold the driving tone is switched off and % the recording of demodulated signal is started, the signal is recorded % for the duration of record_time. % % Features: % % Adaptive measurement oscillator frequency % % Averaging % % Auto saving % % Auxiliary output signal: If enable_aux_out=true % then after a ringdown is started a sequence of pulses is applied % to the output consisting of itermittent on and off periods % starting from on. classdef MyZiRingdown < MyZiLockIn & MyDataSource properties (Access = public, SetObservable = true) % Ringdown is recorded if the signal in the triggering demodulation % channel exceeds this value trig_threshold = 1e-3 % V % Duration of the recorded ringdown record_time = 1 % (s) % If enable_acq is true, then the drive is on and the acquisition % of record is triggered when signal exceeds trig_threshold enable_acq = false % Auxiliary output signal during ringdown. enable_aux_out = false % If auxiliary output is applied % time during which the output is in aux_out_on_lev state aux_out_on_t = 1 % (s) % time during which the output is in aux_out_off_lev state aux_out_off_t = 1 % (s) aux_out_on_lev = 1 % (V), output trigger on level aux_out_off_lev = 0 % (V), output trigger off level % Average the trace over n points to reduce amount of stored data % while keeping the demodulator bandwidth large downsample_n = 1 fft_length = 128 auto_save = false % if all ringdowns should be automatically saved % In adaptive measurement oscillator mode the oscillator frequency % is continuously changed to follow the signal frequency during % ringdown acquisition. This helps against the oscillator frequency % drift. adaptive_meas_osc = false end % The properties which are read or set only once during the class % initialization properties (GetAccess = public, SetAccess = {?MyClassParser}, ... SetObservable = true) % enumeration for demodulators, oscillators and output starts from 1 demod = 1 % demodulator used for both triggering and measurement % Enumeration in the node structure starts from 0, so, for example, % the default path to the trigger demodulator refers to the % demodulator #1 demod_path = '/dev4090/demods/0' drive_osc = 1 meas_osc = 2 % Signal input, integers above 1 correspond to main inputs, aux % input etc. (see the user interface for device-specific details) signal_in = 1 drive_out = 1 % signal output used for driving % Number of an auxiliary channel used for the output of triggering % signal, primarily intended to switch the measurement apparatus % off during a part of the ringdown and thus allow for free % evolution of the oscillator during that period. aux_out = 1 % Poll duration of 1 ms practically means that ziDAQ('poll', ... % returns immediately with the data accumulated since the % previous function call. poll_duration = 0.001 % s poll_timeout = 50 % ms % Margin for adaptive oscillator frequency adjustment - oscillator % follows the signal if the dispersion of frequency in the % demodulator band is below ad_osc_margin times the demodulation % bandwidth (under the condition that adaptive_meas_osc=true) ad_osc_margin = 0.1 end % Internal variables properties (GetAccess = public, SetAccess = protected, ... SetObservable = true) recording = false % true if a ringdown is being recorded % true if adaptive measurement oscillator mode is on and if the % measurement oscillator is actually actively following. ad_osc_following = false % Reference timestamp at the beginning of measurement record. % Stored as uint64. t0 elapsed_t = 0 % Time elapsed since the last recording was started DemodSpectrum % MyTrace object to store FFT of the demodulator data end % Other dependent variables that are not device properties properties (Dependent = true) % Downsample the measurement record to reduce the amount of data % while keeping the large demodulation bandwidth. % (samples/s), sampling rate of the trace after avraging downsampled_rate % Provides public access to properties of private AvgTrace n_avg % number of ringdowns to be averaged avg_count % the average counter fft_rbw % resolution bandwidth of fft poll_period % (s) end % Keeping handle objects fully private is the only way to restrict set % access to their properties properties (Access = private) PollTimer AuxOutOffTimer % Timer responsible for switching the aux out off AuxOutOnTimer % Timer responsible for switching the aux out on % Demodulator samples z(t) stored to continuously calculate % spectrum, the values of z are complex here, z=x+iy. % osc_freq is the demodulation frequency DemodRecord = struct('t',[],'z',[],'osc_freq',[]) AvgTrace % MyAvgTrace object used for averaging ringdowns end events NewDemodSample % New demodulator samples received RecordingStarted % Acquisition of a new trace triggered end methods (Access = public) %% Constructor and destructor function this = MyZiRingdown(varargin) % Extract poll period from varargin p = inputParser(); p.KeepUnmatched = true; addParameter(p, 'poll_period', 0.05, @isnumeric); parse(p, varargin{:}); varargin = struct2namevalue(p.Unmatched); this = this@MyZiLockIn(varargin{:}); % Create and configure trace objects % Trace is inherited from the superclass this.Trace = MyTrace(... 'name_x','Time',... 'unit_x','s',... 'name_y','Magnitude r',... 'unit_y','V'); this.DemodSpectrum = MyTrace(... 'name_x','Frequency',... 'unit_x','Hz',... 'name_y','PSD',... 'unit_y','V^2/Hz'); this.AvgTrace = MyAvgTrace(); % Set up the poll timer. Using a timer for anyncronous % data readout allows to use the wait time for execution % of other programs. % Fixed spacing is preferred as it is the most robust mode of % operation when keeping the intervals between callbacks % precisely defined is not the biggest concern. % Busy mode is 'drop' - there is no need to accumulate timer % callbacks as the data is stored in the buffer of zi data % server since the previous poll. this.PollTimer = timer(... 'BusyMode', 'drop',... 'ExecutionMode', 'fixedSpacing',... 'Period', p.Results.poll_period,... 'TimerFcn', @this.pollTimerCallback); % Aux out timers use fixedRate mode for more precise timing. % The two timers are executed periodically with a time lag. % The first timer switches the auxiliary output off this.AuxOutOffTimer = timer(... 'ExecutionMode', 'fixedRate',... 'TimerFcn', @this.auxOutOffTimerCallback); % The second timer switches the auxiliary output on this.AuxOutOnTimer = timer(... 'ExecutionMode', 'fixedRate',... 'TimerFcn', @this.auxOutOnTimerCallback); this.demod_path = sprintf('/%s/demods/%i', this.dev_id, ... this.demod-1); createCommandList(this); end function delete(this) % delete function should never throw errors, so protect % statements with try-catch try stopPoll(this) catch warning(['Could not usubscribe from the demodulator ', ... 'or stop the poll timer.']) end % Delete timers to prevent them from running indefinitely in % the case of program crash try delete(this.PollTimer) catch warning('Could not delete the poll timer.') end try stop(this.AuxOutOffTimer); delete(this.AuxOutOffTimer); catch warning('Could not stop and delete AuxOutOff timer.') end try stop(this.AuxOutOnTimer); delete(this.AuxOutOnTimer); catch warning('Could not stop and delete AuxOutOn timer.') end end %% Other methods function startPoll(this) sync(this); % Configure the oscillators, demodulator and driving output % -1 accounts for the difference in enumeration conventions % in the software names (starting from 1) and node numbers % (starting from 0). % First, update the demodulator path this.demod_path = sprintf('/%s/demods/%i', ... this.dev_id, this.demod-1); % Set the data transfer rate so that it satisfies the Nyquist % criterion (>x2 the bandwidth of interest) this.demod_rate = 4*this.lowpass_bw; % Configure the demodulator. Signal input: ziDAQ('setInt', ... [this.demod_path,'/adcselect'], this.signal_in-1); % Oscillator: ziDAQ('setInt', ... [this.demod_path,'/oscselect'], this.drive_osc-1); % Enable data transfer from the demodulator to the computer ziDAQ('setInt', [this.demod_path,'/enable'], 1); % Configure the signal output - disable all the oscillator % contributions excluding the driving tone path = sprintf('/%s/sigouts/%i/enables/*', ... this.dev_id, this.drive_out-1); ziDAQ('setInt', path, 0); path = sprintf('/%s/sigouts/%i/enables/%i', ... this.dev_id, this.drive_out-1, this.drive_osc-1); ziDAQ('setInt', path, 1); % Enable output this.drive_on = true; % By convention, we start form 'enable_acq=false' state this.enable_acq = false; % Configure the auxiliary trigger output - put it in the manual % mode so it does not output demodulator readings path = sprintf('/%s/auxouts/%i/outputselect', ... this.dev_id, this.aux_out-1); ziDAQ('setInt', path, -1); % The convention is that aux out is on by default this.aux_out_on = true; % Subscribe to continuously receive samples from the % demodulator. Samples accumulated between timer callbacks % will be read out using ziDAQ('poll', ... ziDAQ('subscribe', [this.demod_path,'/sample']); % Start continuous polling start(this.PollTimer) end function stopPoll(this) stop(this.PollTimer) ziDAQ('unsubscribe', [this.demod_path,'/sample']); end % Main function that polls data from the device demodulator function pollTimerCallback(this, ~, ~) this.auto_sync = false; % ziDAQ('poll', ... with short poll_duration returns % immediately with the data accumulated since the last timer % callback Data = ziDAQ('poll', this.poll_duration, this.poll_timeout); try % Demodulator returns data DemodSample = Data.(this.dev_id).demods(this.demod).sample; catch this.auto_sync = true; return end % Append new samples to the record and recalculate spectrum appendSamplesToBuff(this, DemodSample); calcfft(this); if this.recording % If the recording has just started, save the start % time if isempty(this.Trace.x) this.t0 = DemodSample.timestamp(1); end % If recording is under way, append the new samples to % the trace rec_finished = appendSamplesToTrace(this, DemodSample); % Recording can be manually stopped by setting % enable_acq=false if ~this.enable_acq rec_finished = true; end % Update elapsed time this.elapsed_t = this.Trace.x(end); % If the adaptive measurement frequency mode is on, % update the measurement oscillator frequency. % Make sure that the demodulator record actually % contains a signal by comparing the dispersion of % frequency to the demodulator bandwidth. if this.adaptive_meas_osc [df_avg, df_dev] = calcfreq(this); if df_dev < this.ad_osc_margin*this.lowpass_bw this.meas_osc_freq = df_avg; % Change indicator this.ad_osc_following = true; else this.ad_osc_following = false; end else this.ad_osc_following = false; end else r = sqrt(DemodSample.x.^2+DemodSample.y.^2); if this.enable_acq && max(r)>this.trig_threshold % Start acquisition of a new trace if the maximum % of the signal exceeds threshold this.recording = true; this.elapsed_t = 0; % Switch the drive off this.drive_on = false; % Set the measurement oscillator frequency to be % the frequency at which triggering occurred this.meas_osc_freq = this.drive_osc_freq; % Switch the oscillator this.current_osc = this.meas_osc; % Clear the buffer on ZI data server from existing % demodulator samples, as these samples were % recorded with drive on ziDAQ('poll', this.poll_duration, this.poll_timeout); % Optionally start the auxiliary output timers if this.enable_aux_out % Configure measurement periods and delays T = this.aux_out_on_t + this.aux_out_off_t; this.AuxOutOffTimer.Period = T; this.AuxOutOnTimer.Period = T; this.AuxOutOffTimer.startDelay =... this.aux_out_on_t; this.AuxOutOnTimer.startDelay = T; % Start timers start(this.AuxOutOffTimer) start(this.AuxOutOnTimer) end % Clear trace clear(this.Trace); notify(this, 'RecordingStarted'); end rec_finished = false; % Indicator for adaptive measurement is off, since % recording is not under way this.ad_osc_following = false; end notify(this,'NewDemodSample'); % Stop recording if a record was completed if rec_finished % stop recording this.recording = false; this.ad_osc_following = false; % Stop auxiliary timers stop(this.AuxOutOffTimer); stop(this.AuxOutOnTimer); % Return the drive and aux out to the default state this.aux_out_on = true; this.current_osc = this.drive_osc; this.drive_on = true; % Downsample the trace to reduce the amount of data downsample(this.Trace, this.downsample_n, 'avg'); % Do trace averaging. If the new data length is not of % the same size as the length of the existing data % (which should happen only when the record period was % changed during recording or when recording was % manually stopped), truncate to the minimum length if ~isempty(this.AvgTrace.x) && ... (length(this.AvgTrace.y)~=length(this.Trace.y)) l = min(length(this.AvgTrace.y), ... length(this.Trace.y)); this.AvgTrace.y = this.AvgTrace.y(1:l); this.AvgTrace.x = this.AvgTrace.x(1:l); this.Trace.y = this.Trace.y(1:l); this.Trace.x = this.Trace.x(1:l); disp('Ringdown record was truncated') end avg_compl = addAverage(this.AvgTrace, this.Trace); % Trigger NewData if this.n_avg>1 end_str = sprintf('_%i', this.AvgTrace.avg_count); else end_str = ''; end triggerNewData(this, 'save', this.auto_save, ... 'filename_ending', end_str); % If the ringdown averaging is complete, disable % further triggering to exclude data overwriting if avg_compl this.enable_acq = false; if this.n_avg>1 end_str = '_avg'; % Trigger one more time to transfer the average % trace. % A new measurement header is not necessary % as the delay since the last triggering is % minimum. triggerNewData(this, ... 'Trace', copy(this.AvgTrace), ... 'save', this.auto_save, ... 'filename_ending', end_str); end end end this.auto_sync = true; end % Append timestamps vs r=sqrt(x^2+y^2) to the measurement record. % Starting index can be supplied as varargin. % The output variable tells if the record is finished. function isfin = appendSamplesToTrace(this, DemodSample) r = sqrt(DemodSample.x.^2 + DemodSample.y.^2); % Subtract the reference time, convert timestamps to seconds ts = double(DemodSample.timestamp - this.t0)/this.clockbase; % Check if recording should be stopped isfin = (ts(end)>=this.record_time); if isfin % Remove excess data points from the new data ind = (tsflen this.DemodRecord.t = this.DemodRecord.t(end-flen+1:end); this.DemodRecord.z = this.DemodRecord.z(end-flen+1:end); this.DemodRecord.osc_freq = ... this.DemodRecord.osc_freq(end-flen+1:end); end end function calcfft(this) flen = min(this.fft_length, length(this.DemodRecord.t)); [freq, spectr] = xyFourier( ... this.DemodRecord.t(end-flen+1:end), ... this.DemodRecord.z(end-flen+1:end)); this.DemodSpectrum.x = freq; this.DemodSpectrum.y = abs(spectr).^2; end % Calculate the average frequency and dispersion of the demodulator % signal function [f_avg, f_dev] = calcfreq(this) if ~isempty(this.DemodSpectrum.x) norm = sum(this.DemodSpectrum.y); % Calculate the center frequency of the spectrum f_avg = dot(this.DemodSpectrum.x, ... this.DemodSpectrum.y)/norm; f_dev = sqrt(dot(this.DemodSpectrum.x.^2, ... this.DemodSpectrum.y)/norm-f_avg^2); % Shift the FFT center by the demodulation frequency to % output absolute value f_avg = f_avg + mean(this.DemodRecord.osc_freq); else f_avg = []; f_dev = []; end end % Provide restricted access to private AvgTrace function resetAveraging(this) % Clear data and reset the counter clear(this.AvgTrace); end function auxOutOffTimerCallback(this, ~, ~) this.aux_out_on = false; end function auxOutOnTimerCallback(this, ~, ~) this.aux_out_on = true; end end methods (Access = protected) function createCommandList(this) addCommand(this, 'drive_osc_freq', ... 'readFcn', @this.readDriveOscFreq, ... 'writeFcn', @this.writeDriveOscFreq); addCommand(this, 'meas_osc_freq', ... 'readFcn', @this.readMeasOscFreq, ... 'writeFcn', @this.writeMeasOscFreq); addCommand(this, 'drive_on', ... 'readFcn', @this.readDriveOn, ... 'writeFcn', @this.writeDriveOn); addCommand(this, 'current_osc', ... 'readFcn', @this.readCurrentOsc, ... 'writeFcn', @this.writeCurrentOsc); addCommand(this, 'drive_amp', ... 'readFcn', @this.readDriveAmp, ... 'writeFcn', @this.writeDriveAmp); addCommand(this, 'lowpass_order', ... 'readFcn', @this.readLowpassOrder, ... 'writeFcn', @this.writeLowpassOrder, ... 'default', 1); addCommand(this, 'lowpass_bw', ... 'readFcn', @this.readLowpassBw, ... 'writeFcn', @this.writeLowpassBw); addCommand(this, 'demod_rate', ... 'readFcn', @this.readDemodRate, ... 'writeFcn', @this.writeDemodRate); addCommand(this, 'aux_out_on', ... 'readFcn', @this.readAuxOutOn, ... 'writeFcn', @this.writeAuxOutOn); end function val = readDriveOscFreq(this) path = sprintf('/%s/oscs/%i/freq', this.dev_id, ... this.drive_osc-1); val = ziDAQ('getDouble', path); end function writeDriveOscFreq(this, val) path = sprintf('/%s/oscs/%i/freq', this.dev_id, ... this.drive_osc-1); ziDAQ('setDouble', path, val); end function val = readMeasOscFreq(this) path = sprintf('/%s/oscs/%i/freq', this.dev_id, ... this.meas_osc-1); val = ziDAQ('getDouble', path); end function writeMeasOscFreq(this, val) path = sprintf('/%s/oscs/%i/freq', this.dev_id, ... this.meas_osc-1); ziDAQ('setDouble', path, val); end function val = readDriveOn(this) path = sprintf('/%s/sigouts/%i/on', this.dev_id, ... this.drive_out-1); val = logical(ziDAQ('getInt', path)); end function writeDriveOn(this, val) path = sprintf('/%s/sigouts/%i/on', this.dev_id, ... this.drive_out-1); % Use double() to convert from logical ziDAQ('setInt', path, double(val)); end function val = readCurrentOsc(this) val = double(ziDAQ('getInt', ... [this.demod_path,'/oscselect']))+1; end function writeCurrentOsc(this, val) assert((val==this.drive_osc) || (val==this.meas_osc), ... ['The number of current oscillator must be that of ', ... 'the drive or measurement oscillator, not ', num2str(val)]) ziDAQ('setInt', [this.demod_path,'/oscselect'], val-1); end function val = readDriveAmp(this) path = sprintf('/%s/sigouts/%i/amplitudes/%i', ... this.dev_id, this.drive_out-1, this.drive_osc-1); val = ziDAQ('getDouble', path); end function writeDriveAmp(this, val) path=sprintf('/%s/sigouts/%i/amplitudes/%i', ... this.dev_id, this.drive_out-1, this.drive_osc-1); ziDAQ('setDouble', path, val); end function n = readLowpassOrder(this) n = ziDAQ('getInt', [this.demod_path,'/order']); end function writeLowpassOrder(this, val) assert(any(val==[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]), ['Low-pass filter ', ... 'order must be an integer between 1 and 8']) ziDAQ('setInt', [this.demod_path,'/order'], val); end function bw = readLowpassBw(this) tc = ziDAQ('getDouble', [this.demod_path,'/timeconstant']); bw = ziTC2BW(tc, this.lowpass_order); end function writeLowpassBw(this, val) tc = ziBW2TC(val, this.lowpass_order); ziDAQ('setDouble', [this.demod_path,'/timeconstant'], tc); end function val = readDemodRate(this) val = ziDAQ('getDouble', [this.demod_path,'/rate']); end function writeDemodRate(this, val) ziDAQ('setDouble', [this.demod_path,'/rate'], val); end function bool = readAuxOutOn(this) path = sprintf('/%s/auxouts/%i/offset', ... this.dev_id, this.aux_out-1); val = ziDAQ('getDouble', path); % Signal from the auxiliary output is continuous, we make the % binary decision about the output state depending on if % the signal is closer to the ON or OFF level bool = (abs(val-this.aux_out_on_lev) < ... abs(val-this.aux_out_off_lev)); end function writeAuxOutOn(this, bool) path = sprintf('/%s/auxouts/%i/offset', ... this.dev_id, this.aux_out-1); if bool out_offset = this.aux_out_on_lev; else out_offset = this.aux_out_off_lev; end ziDAQ('setDouble', path, out_offset); end function createMetadata(this) createMetadata@MyZiLockIn(this); % Demodulator parameters addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'demod', 'comment', ... 'Number of the demodulator in use (starting from 1)'); addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'meas_osc', 'comment', ... 'Measurement oscillator number'); % Signal input addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'signal_in', 'comment', ... 'Singnal input number'); % Drive parameters addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'drive_out', 'comment', ... 'Driving output number'); addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'drive_osc', 'comment', ... 'Swept oscillator number'); % Parameters of the auxiliary output addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'aux_out', 'comment', ... 'Auxiliary output number'); addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'enable_aux_out', 'comment',... 'Auxiliary output is applied during ringdown'); addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'aux_out_on_lev', ... 'comment', '(V)'); addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'aux_out_off_lev', ... 'comment', '(V)'); addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'aux_out_on_t', ... 'comment', '(s)'); addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'aux_out_off_t', ... 'comment', '(s)'); % Software parameters addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'trig_threshold', 'comment',... '(V), threshold for starting a ringdown record'); addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'record_time', ... 'comment', '(s)'); addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'downsampled_rate', ... 'comment', ['(samples/s), rate to which a ringown ', ... 'trace is downsampled with averaging after acquisition']); addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'auto_save', 'comment', '(s)'); % Adaptive measurement oscillator addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'adaptive_meas_osc', ... 'comment', ['If true the measurement oscillator ', ... 'frequency is adjusted during ringdown']); addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'ad_osc_margin'); addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'fft_length', ... 'comment', '(points)'); % Timer poll parameters addParam(this.Metadata, 'poll_period', [],... 'comment', '(s)'); addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'poll_duration', ... 'comment', '(s)'); addObjProp(this.Metadata, this, 'poll_timeout', ... 'comment', '(ms)'); end end %% Set and get methods. methods function set.downsample_n(this, val) n = round(val); assert(n>=1, ['Number of points for trace averaging must ', ... 'be greater than 1']) this.downsample_n = n; end function set.downsampled_rate(this, val) dr = this.demod_rate; % Downsampled rate should not exceed the data transfer rate val = min(val, dr); % Round so that the averaging is done over an integer number of % points this.downsample_n = round(dr/val); end function val = get.downsampled_rate(this) val = this.demod_rate/this.downsample_n; end function set.fft_length(this, val) % Round val to the nearest 2^n to make the calculation of % Fourier transform efficient n = round(log2(max(val, 1))); this.fft_length = 2^n; end function val = get.fft_rbw(this) val = this.demod_rate/this.fft_length; end function set.fft_rbw(this, val) assert(val>0,'FFT resolution bandwidth must be greater than 0') % Rounding of fft_length to the nearest integer is handled by % its own set method this.fft_length = this.demod_rate/val; end function set.n_avg(this, val) this.AvgTrace.n_avg = val; end function val = get.n_avg(this) val = this.AvgTrace.n_avg; end function val = get.avg_count(this) val = this.AvgTrace.avg_count; end function set.aux_out_on_t(this, val) assert(val>0.001, ... 'Aux out on time must be greater than 0.001 s.') this.aux_out_on_t = val; end function set.aux_out_off_t(this, val) assert(val>0.001, ... 'Aux out off time must be greater than 0.001 s.') this.aux_out_off_t = val; end function set.enable_acq(this, val) this.enable_acq = logical(val); end function val = get.poll_period(this) val = this.PollTimer.Period; end end end