% Class for performing ringdown measurements of mechanical oscillators % using Zurich Instruments UHF or MF lock-in. % % Operation: sweep the driving tone (drive_osc) using the sweep module % in LabOne web user interface, when the magnitude of the demodulator % signal exceeds trig_threshold the driving tone is switched off and % the recording of demodulated signal is started, the signal is recorded % for the duration of record_time. % % Features: % Adaptive measurement oscillator frequency % Averaging % % Auto saving % % Auxiliary output signal: If enable_aux_out=true % then after a ringdown is started a sequence of pulses is applied % to the output consisting of itermittent on and off periods % starting from on. classdef MyZiRingdown < MyDataSource properties (Access=public) % Ringdown is recorded if the signal in the triggering demodulation % channel exceeds this value trig_threshold=1e-3 % V % Duration of the recorded ringdown record_time=1 % (s) % If enable_trig is true, then the drive is on and the acquisition % of record is triggered when signal exceeds trig_threshold enable_trig=false % Auxiliary output signal during ringdown. enable_aux_out=false % If auxiliary output is applied % time during which the output is in aux_out_on_lev state aux_out_on_t=1 % (s) % time during which the output is in aux_out_off_lev state aux_out_off_t=1 % (s) aux_out_on_lev=1 % (V), output trigger on level aux_out_off_lev=0 % (V), output trigger off level % Average the trace over n points to reduce amount of stored data % while keeping the demodulator bandwidth large downsample_n=1 fft_length=128 n_avg=1 % number of ringdowns to be averaged auto_save=false % if all ringdowns should be automatically saved % In adaptive measurement oscillator mode the oscillator frequency % is continuously changed to follow the signal frequency during % ringdown acquisition. This helps against the oscillator frequency % drift. adaptive_meas_osc=false end % The properties which are read or set only once during the class % initialization properties (GetAccess=public, SetAccess={?MyClassParser}) dev_serial='dev4090' % enumeration for demodulators, oscillators and output starts from 1 demod=1 % demodulator used for both triggering and measurement % Enumeration in the node structure starts from 0, so, for example, % the default path to the trigger demodulator refers to the % demodulator #1 demod_path='/dev4090/demods/0' drive_osc=1 meas_osc=2 % Signal input, integers above 1 correspond to main inputs, aux % input etc. (see the user interface for device-specific details) signal_in=1 drive_out=1 % signal output used for driving % Number of an auxiliary channel used for the output of triggering % signal, primarily intended to switch the measurement apparatus % off during a part of the ringdown and thus allow for free % evolution of the oscillator during that period. aux_out=1 % Device clock frequency, i.e. the number of timestamps per second clockbase % The string that specifies the device name as appears % in the server's node tree. Can be the same as dev_serial. dev_id % Device information string containing the data returned by % ziDAQ('discoveryGet', ... idn_str % Poll duration of 1 ms practically means that ziDAQ('poll', ... % returns immediately with the data accumulated since the % previous function call. poll_duration=0.001 % s poll_timeout=50 % ms % Margin for adaptive oscillator frequency adjustment - oscillator % follows the signal if the dispersion of frequency in the % demodulator band is below ad_osc_margin times the demodulation % bandwidth (under the condition that adaptive_meas_osc=true) ad_osc_margin=0.1 end % Internal variables properties (GetAccess=public, SetAccess=protected) recording=false % true if a ringdown is being recorded % true if adaptive measurement oscillator mode is on and if the % measurement oscillator is actually actively following. ad_osc_following=false % Reference timestamp at the beginning of measurement record. % Stored as uint64. t0 elapsed_t=0 % Time elapsed since the last recording was started DemodSpectrum % MyTrace object to store FFT of the demodulator data end % Setting or reading the properties below automatically invokes % communication with the device properties (Dependent=true) drive_osc_freq meas_osc_freq drive_on % true when the dirive output is on % demodulator sampling rate (as transferred to the computer) demod_rate % The properties below are only used within the program to display % the information about device state. drive_amp % (V), peak-to-peak amplitude of the driving tone lowpass_order % low-pass filter order lowpass_bw % low-pass filter bandwidth end % Other dependent variables that are dont device properties properties (Dependent=true) % Downsample the measurement record to reduce the amount of data % while keeping the large demodulation bandwidth. % (samples/s), sampling rate of the trace after avraging downsampled_rate % number of the oscillator presently in use with the demodulator current_osc % true/false, true if the signal output from aux out is in on state aux_out_on % Provides public access to the average counter of private AvgTrace n_avg_completed fft_rbw % resolution bandwidth of fft end % Keeping handle objects fully private is the only way to restrict set % access to their properties properties (Access=private) PollTimer AuxOutOffTimer % Timer responsible for switching the aux out off AuxOutOnTimer % Timer responsible for switching the aux out on % Demodulator samples z(t) stored to continuously calculate % spectrum, values of z are complex here, z=x+iy. % osc_freq is the demodulation frequency DemodRecord=struct('t',[],'z',[],'osc_freq',[]) AvgTrace % MyAvgTrace object used for averaging ringdowns end events % New demodulator samples received NewDemodSample % Device settings changed, used mostly for syncronization with Gui NewSetting end methods (Access=public) %% Constructor and destructor function this = MyZiRingdown(dev_serial, varargin) P=MyClassParser(this); % Poll timer period addParameter(P,'poll_period',0.1,@isnumeric); processInputs(P, this, varargin{:}); % Create and configure trace objects % Trace is inherited from the superclass this.Trace=MyTrace(... 'name_x','Time',... 'unit_x','s',... 'name_y','Magnitude r',... 'unit_y','V'); this.DemodSpectrum=MyTrace(... 'name_x','Frequency',... 'unit_x','Hz',... 'name_y','PSD',... 'unit_y','V^2/Hz'); this.AvgTrace=MyAvgTrace(); % Set up the poll timer. Using a timer for anyncronous % data readout allows to use the wait time for execution % of other programs. % Fixed spacing is preferred as it is the most robust mode of % operation when keeping the intervals between callbacks % precisely defined is not the biggest concern. this.PollTimer=timer(... 'ExecutionMode','fixedSpacing',... 'Period',P.Results.poll_period,... 'TimerFcn',@(~,~)pollTimerCallback(this)); % Aux out timers use fixedRate mode for more precise timing. % The two timers are executed periodically with a time lag. % The first timer switches the auxiliary output off this.AuxOutOffTimer=timer(... 'ExecutionMode','fixedRate',... 'TimerFcn',@(~,~)auxOutOffTimerCallback(this)); % The second timer switches the auxiliary output on this.AuxOutOnTimer=timer(... 'ExecutionMode','fixedRate',... 'TimerFcn',@(~,~)auxOutOnTimerCallback(this)); % Check the ziDAQ MEX (DLL) and Utility functions can be found in Matlab's path. if ~(exist('ziDAQ', 'file') == 3) && ~(exist('ziCreateAPISession', 'file') == 2) fprintf('Failed to either find the ziDAQ mex file or ziDevices() utility.\n') fprintf('Please configure your path using the ziDAQ function ziAddPath().\n') fprintf('This can be found in the API subfolder of your LabOne installation.\n'); fprintf('On Windows this is typically:\n'); fprintf('C:\\Program Files\\Zurich Instruments\\LabOne\\API\\MATLAB2012\\\n'); return end % Do not throw errors in the constructor to allow creating an % instance when the physical device is disconnected try % Create an API session and connect to the correct Data % Server. This is a high level function that uses % ziDAQ('connect',.. and ziDAQ('connectDevice', ... when % necessary apilevel=6; [this.dev_id,~]=ziCreateAPISession(dev_serial, apilevel); % Read the divice clock frequency this.clockbase = ... double(ziDAQ('getInt',['/',this.dev_id,'/clockbase'])); catch ME warning(ME.message) end end function delete(this) % delete function should never throw errors, so protect % statements with try-catch try stopPoll(this) catch warning(['Could not usubscribe from the demodulator ', ... 'or stop the poll timer.']) end % Delete timers to prevent them from running indefinitely in % the case of program crash try delete(this.PollTimer) catch warning('Could not delete the poll timer.') end try stop(this.AuxOutOffTimer); delete(this.AuxOutOffTimer); catch warning('Could not stop and delete AuxOutOff timer.') end try stop(this.AuxOutOnTimer); delete(this.AuxOutOnTimer); catch warning('Could not stop and delete AuxOutOn timer.') end end %% Other methods function startPoll(this) % Configure the oscillators, demodulator and driving output % -1 accounts for the difference in enumeration conventions % in the software names (starting from 1) and node numbers % (starting from 0) this.demod_path = sprintf('/%s/demods/%i', ... this.dev_id, this.demod-1); % Set the data transfer rate so that it satisfies the Nyquist % criterion (>x2 the bandwidth of interest) this.demod_rate=4*this.lowpass_bw; % Configure the demodulator. Signal input: ziDAQ('setInt', ... [this.demod_path,'/adcselect'], this.signal_in-1); % Oscillator: ziDAQ('setInt', ... [this.demod_path,'/oscselect'], this.drive_osc-1); % Enable data transfer from the demodulator to the computer ziDAQ('setInt', [this.demod_path,'/enable'], 1); % Configure the signal output - disable all the oscillator % contributions excluding the driving tone path = sprintf('/%s/sigouts/%i/enables/*', ... this.dev_id, this.drive_out-1); ziDAQ('setInt', path, 0); this.drive_on=true; % By convention, we start form 'enable_trig=false' state this.enable_trig=false; % Configure the auxiliary trigger output - put it in the manual % mode so it does not output demodulator readings path=sprintf('/%s/auxouts/%i/outputselect', ... this.dev_id, this.aux_out-1); ziDAQ('setInt', path, -1); % The convention is that aux out is on by default this.aux_out_on=true; % Subscribe to continuously receive samples from the % demodulator. Samples accumulated between timer callbacks % will be read out using ziDAQ('poll', ... ziDAQ('subscribe',[this.demod_path,'/sample']); % Start continuous polling start(this.PollTimer) end function stopPoll(this) stop(this.PollTimer) ziDAQ('unsubscribe',[this.demod_path,'/sample']); end % Main function that polls data from the device demodulator function pollTimerCallback(this) % ziDAQ('poll', ... with short poll_duration returns % immediately with the data accumulated since the last timer % callback Data = ziDAQ('poll', this.poll_duration, this.poll_timeout); if ziCheckPathInData(Data, [this.demod_path,'/sample']) % Demodulator returns data DemodSample= ... Data.(this.dev_id).demods(this.demod).sample; % Append new samples to the record and recalculate spectrum appendSamplesToBuff(this, DemodSample); calcfft(this); if this.recording % If recording is under way, append the new samples to % the trace rec_finished = appendSamplesToTrace(this, DemodSample); % Update elapsed time this.elapsed_t=this.Trace.x(end); % If the adaptive measurement frequency mode is on, % update the measurement oscillator frequency. % Make sure that the demodulator record actually % contains signal by comparing the dispersion of % frequency to demodulator bandwidth. if this.adaptive_meas_osc [df_avg, df_dev]=calcfreq(this); if df_dev < this.ad_osc_margin*this.lowpass_bw this.meas_osc_freq=df_avg; % Change indicator this.ad_osc_following=true; else this.ad_osc_following=false; end else this.ad_osc_following=false; end else r=sqrt(DemodSample.x.^2+DemodSample.y.^2); if this.enable_trig && max(r)>this.trig_threshold % Start acquisition of a new trace if the maximum % of the signal exceeds threshold this.recording=true; % Find index at which the threshold was % exceeded ind0=find(r>this.trig_threshold,1,'first'); this.t0=DemodSample.timestamp(ind0); this.elapsed_t=0; % Switch the drive off this.drive_on=false; % Set the measurement oscillator frequency to be % the frequency at which triggering occurred this.meas_osc_freq=this.drive_osc_freq; % Switch the oscillator this.current_osc=this.meas_osc; % Optionally start the auxiliary output timers if this.enable_aux_out % Configure measurement periods and delays T=this.aux_out_on_t+this.aux_out_off_t; this.AuxOutOffTimer.Period=T; this.AuxOutOnTimer.Period=T; this.AuxOutOffTimer.startDelay=... this.aux_out_on_t; this.AuxOutOnTimer.startDelay=T; % Start timers start(this.AuxOutOffTimer) start(this.AuxOutOnTimer) end % Clear trace and append new data starting from the % index, at which triggering occurred clearData(this.Trace); rec_finished = ... appendSamplesToTrace(this, DemodSample, ind0); else rec_finished=false; end % Indicator for adaptive measurement is off, since % recording is not under way this.ad_osc_following=false; end notify(this,'NewDemodSample'); % Stop recording if a record was completed if rec_finished % stop recording this.recording=false; this.ad_osc_following=false; % Stop auxiliary timers stop(this.AuxOutOffTimer); stop(this.AuxOutOnTimer); % Return the drive and aux out to the default state this.aux_out_on=true; this.current_osc=this.drive_osc; this.drive_on=true; % Downsample the trace to reduce the amount of data downsample(this.Trace, this.downsample_n, 'avg'); % Do trace averaging addAverage(this.AvgTrace, this.Trace); triggerNewData(this, 'save', this.auto_save); % If the ringdown averaging is complete, disable % further triggering to exclude data overwriting if this.AvgTrace.avg_count>=this.n_avg this.enable_trig=false; this.Trace.x=this.AvgTrace.x; this.Trace.y=this.AvgTrace.y; % Trigger one more time to transfer the average % trace. New measurement header is not necessary as % the delay since the last triggering is minimum. triggerNewData(this, 'save', this.auto_save, ... 'new_header', false); end end end end % Append timestamps vs r=sqrt(x^2+y^2) to the measurement record. % Starting index can be supplied as varargin. % The output variable tells if the record is finished. function isfin = appendSamplesToTrace(this, DemodSample, varargin) if isempty(varargin) startind=1; else startind=varargin{1}; end r=sqrt(DemodSample.x(startind:end).^2 + ... DemodSample.y(startind:end).^2); % Subtract the reference time, convert timestamps to seconds ts=double(DemodSample.timestamp(startind:end) -... this.t0)/this.clockbase; % Check if recording should be stopped isfin=(ts(end)>=this.record_time); if isfin % Remove excess data points from the new data ind=(tsflen this.DemodRecord.t = this.DemodRecord.t(end-flen+1:end); this.DemodRecord.z = this.DemodRecord.z(end-flen+1:end); end end function calcfft(this) flen=min(this.fft_length, length(this.DemodRecord.t)); [freq, spectr]=xyFourier( ... this.DemodRecord.t(end-flen+1:end), ... this.DemodRecord.z(end-flen+1:end)); this.DemodSpectrum.x=freq; this.DemodSpectrum.y=abs(spectr).^2; end % Calculate the average frequency and dispersion of the demodulator % signal function [f_avg, f_dev]=calcfreq(this) if ~isempty(this.DemodSpectrum) norm=sum(this.DemodSpectrum.y); % Calculate the center frequency of the spectrum f_avg=dot(this.DemodSpectrum.x, this.DemodSpectrum.y)/norm; % Shift the FFT center by the demodulation frequency to % output absolute value f_avg=f_avg+mean(this.DemodRecord.osc_freq); f_dev=sqrt(dot(this.DemodSpectrum.x.^2, ... this.DemodSpectrum.y)/norm-f_avg^2); else f_avg=[]; f_dev=[]; end end % Provide restricted access to private AvgTrace function resetAveraging(this) resetCounter(this.AvgTrace); notify(this,'NewSetting'); end function str=idn(this) DevProp=ziDAQ('discoveryGet', this.dev_id); str=this.dev_id; if isfield(DevProp, 'devicetype') str=[str,'; device type: ', DevProp.devicetype]; end if isfield(DevProp, 'options') % Print options from the list as comma-separated values and % discard the last comma. opt_str=sprintf('%s,',DevProp.options{:}); str=[str,'; options: ', opt_str(1:end-1)]; end if isfield(DevProp, 'serverversion') str=[str,'; server version: ', DevProp.serverversion]; end this.idn_str=str; end function auxOutOffTimerCallback(this) this.aux_out_on=false; end function auxOutOnTimerCallback(this) this.aux_out_on=true; end %% measurement header functionality function Hdr=readHeader(this) Hdr=MyMetadata(); % name is always a valid variable as ensured by its set method addField(Hdr, this.name); % Instrument identification addParam(Hdr, this.name, 'idn', this.idn_str); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'clockbase', 'comment', ... ['Device clock frequency, i.e. the number of ', ... 'timestamps per second']); % Demodulator parameters addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'demod', 'comment', ... 'Number of the demodulator in use (starting from 1)'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'demod_rate', 'comment', ... '(samples/s), demodulator data transfer rate'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'lowpass_order', 'comment', ... 'Order of the demodulator low-pass filter'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'lowpass_bw', 'comment', ... ['(Hz), 3 dB bandwidth of the demodulator low-pass ', ... 'filter']); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'meas_osc', 'comment', ... 'Measurement oscillator number'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'meas_osc_freq', 'comment', '(Hz)'); % Signal input addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'signal_in', 'comment', ... 'Singnal input number'); % Drive parameters addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'drive_out', 'comment', ... 'Driving output number'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'drive_osc', 'comment', ... 'Swept oscillator number'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'drive_amp', 'comment', ... '(V) peak to peak'); % Parameters of the auxiliary output addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'aux_out', 'comment', ... 'Auxiliary output number'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'enable_aux_out', 'comment', ... 'Auxiliary output is applied during ringdown'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'aux_out_on_lev', 'comment', '(V)'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'aux_out_off_lev', 'comment', '(V)'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'aux_out_on_t', 'comment', '(s)'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'aux_out_off_t', 'comment', '(s)'); % Software parameters addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'trig_threshold', 'comment', ... '(V), threshold for starting a ringdown record'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'record_time', 'comment', '(s)'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'n_avg', 'comment', ... 'Number of ringdowns to be averaged'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'downsampled_rate', 'comment', ... ['(samples/s), rate to which a ringown trace is ', ... 'downsampled with averaging after acquisition']); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'auto_save', 'comment', '(s)'); % Adaptive measurement oscillator addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'adaptive_meas_osc', 'comment', ... ['If true the measurement oscillator frequency is ', ... 'adjusted during ringdown']); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'ad_osc_margin'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'fft_length', 'comment', '(points)'); % Timer poll parameters addParam(Hdr, this.name, 'PollTimer.Period', ... this.PollTimer.Period, 'comment', '(s)'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'poll_duration', 'comment', '(s)'); addClassParam(this, Hdr, 'poll_timeout', 'comment', '(ms)'); end % The function below ensures the correspondence between the header % parameter names and class property names. It spares quite a few % lines of code given the large size of readHeader function. function addClassParam(this, Hdr, tag, varargin) addParam(Hdr, this.name, tag, this.(tag), varargin{:}); end end %% Set and get methods. methods function freq=get.drive_osc_freq(this) path=sprintf('/%s/oscs/%i/freq', this.dev_id, this.drive_osc-1); freq=ziDAQ('getDouble', path); end function set.drive_osc_freq(this, val) assert(isfloat(val), ... 'Oscillator frequency must be a floating point number') path=sprintf('/%s/oscs/%i/freq', this.dev_id, this.drive_osc-1); ziDAQ('setDouble', path, val); notify(this,'NewSetting'); end function freq=get.meas_osc_freq(this) path=sprintf('/%s/oscs/%i/freq', this.dev_id, this.meas_osc-1); freq=ziDAQ('getDouble', path); end function set.meas_osc_freq(this, val) assert(isfloat(val), ... 'Oscillator frequency must be a floating point number') path=sprintf('/%s/oscs/%i/freq', this.dev_id, this.meas_osc-1); ziDAQ('setDouble', path, val); notify(this,'NewSetting'); end function set.drive_on(this, val) path=sprintf('/%s/sigouts/%i/on',this.dev_id,this.drive_out-1); % Use double() to convert from logical type ziDAQ('setInt', path, double(val)); notify(this,'NewSetting'); end function bool=get.drive_on(this) path=sprintf('/%s/sigouts/%i/on',this.dev_id,this.drive_out-1); bool=logical(ziDAQ('getInt', path)); end function set.current_osc(this, val) assert((val==this.drive_osc) || (val==this.meas_osc), ... ['The number of current oscillator must be that of ', ... 'the drive or measurement oscillator, not ', num2str(val)]) ziDAQ('setInt', [this.demod_path,'/oscselect'], val-1); notify(this,'NewSetting') end function osc_num=get.current_osc(this) osc_num=double(ziDAQ('getInt', ... [this.demod_path,'/oscselect']))+1; end function amp=get.drive_amp(this) path=sprintf('/%s/sigouts/%i/amplitudes/%i', ... this.dev_id, this.drive_out-1, this.drive_osc-1); amp=ziDAQ('getDouble', path); end function set.drive_amp(this, val) path=sprintf('/%s/sigouts/%i/amplitudes/%i', ... this.dev_id, this.drive_out-1, this.drive_osc-1); ziDAQ('setDouble', path, val); notify(this,'NewSetting'); end function set.lowpass_order(this, val) assert(any(val==[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]), ['Low-pass filter ', ... 'order must be an integer between 1 and 8']) ziDAQ('setInt', [this.demod_path,'/order'], val); notify(this,'NewSetting'); end function n=get.lowpass_order(this) n=ziDAQ('getInt', [this.demod_path,'/order']); end function bw=get.lowpass_bw(this) tc=ziDAQ('getDouble', [this.demod_path,'/timeconstant']); bw=ziBW2TC(tc, this.lowpass_order); end function set.lowpass_bw(this, val) tc=ziBW2TC(val, this.lowpass_order); ziDAQ('setDouble', [this.demod_path,'/timeconstant'], tc); notify(this,'NewSetting'); end function rate=get.demod_rate(this) rate=ziDAQ('getDouble', [this.demod_path,'/rate']); end function set.demod_rate(this, val) ziDAQ('setDouble', [this.demod_path,'/rate'], val); notify(this,'NewSetting'); end function set.downsample_n(this, val) n=round(val); assert(n>=1, ['Number of points for trace averaging must ', ... 'be greater than 1']) this.downsample_n=n; notify(this,'NewSetting'); end function set.aux_out_on(this, bool) path=sprintf('/%s/auxouts/%i/offset', ... this.dev_id, this.aux_out-1); if bool out_offset=this.aux_out_on_lev; else out_offset=this.aux_out_off_lev; end ziDAQ('setDouble', path, out_offset); end function bool=get.aux_out_on(this) path=sprintf('/%s/auxouts/%i/offset', ... this.dev_id, this.aux_out-1); val=ziDAQ('getDouble', path); % Signal from the auxiliary output is continuous, we make the % binary decision about the output state depending on if % the signal is closer to the ON or OFF level bool=(abs(val-this.aux_out_on_lev) < ... abs(val-this.aux_out_off_lev)); end function set.downsampled_rate(this, val) dr=this.demod_rate; if val>dr % Downsampled rate should not exceed the data transfer rate val=dr; end % Round so that the averaging is done over an integer number of % points this.downsample_n=round(dr/val); notify(this,'NewSetting'); end function val=get.downsampled_rate(this) val=this.demod_rate/this.downsample_n; end function set.fft_length(this, val) if val<1 val=1; end % Round val to the nearest 2^n to make the calculation of % Fourier transform efficient n=round(log2(val)); this.fft_length=2^n; notify(this,'NewSetting'); end function val=get.fft_rbw(this) val=this.demod_rate/this.fft_length; end function set.fft_rbw(this, val) assert(val>0,'FFT resolution bandwidth must be greater than 0') % Rounding of fft_length to the nearest integer is handled by % its own set method this.fft_length=this.demod_rate/val; notify(this,'NewSetting'); end function set.n_avg(this, val) % Number of averages needs to be integer and greater than one if val<1 val=1; end this.n_avg=round(val); notify(this,'NewSetting'); end function val=get.n_avg_completed(this) val=this.AvgTrace.avg_count; end function set.aux_out_on_t(this, val) assert(val>0.001, ... 'Aux out on time must be greater than 0.001 s.') this.aux_out_on_t=val; end function set.aux_out_off_t(this, val) assert(val>0.001, ... 'Aux out off time must be greater than 0.001 s.') this.aux_out_off_t=val; end end end