% Class for communication with NewFocus TLB6300 tunable laser controllers classdef MyNewpTlb6300 < MyScpiInstrument & MyCommCont & MyGuiCont methods (Access = public) function this = MyNewpTlb6300(varargin) P = MyClassParser(this); processInputs(P, this, varargin{:}); connect(this); createCommandList(this); this.gui_name = 'GuiNewpTlb'; end % Need to overwrite the standard query function as % TLB6300 does not seem to support concatenation of commands % in queries % Query commands and return resut as cell array of strings function res_list = queryStrings(this, varargin) % Send commands to device one by one ncmd = length(varargin); res_list = cell(1,ncmd); for i = 1:ncmd cmd_str = varargin{i}; res_list{i} = queryString(this, cmd_str); end end end methods (Access = protected) function createCommandList(this) % Output wavelength, nm addCommand(this, 'wavelength',':SENS:WAVE',... 'access','r','default',780,'format','%e',... 'info','Output wavelength (nm)'); % Diode current, mA addCommand(this, 'current',':SENS:CURR:DIOD',... 'access','r','default',1,'format','%e',... 'info','Diode current (mA)'); % Diode temperature, C addCommand(this, 'temp_diode',':SENS:TEMP:LEV:DIOD',... 'access','r','default',10,'format','%e',... 'info','Diode temperature (C)'); % Output power, mW addCommand(this, 'power',':SENS:POW:LEV:FRON',... 'access','r','default',1,'format','%e',... 'info','Output power (mW)'); % Wavelength setpoint, nm addCommand(this, 'wavelength_sp',':WAVE',... 'default',780,'format','%e',... 'info','Wavelength setpoint (nm)'); % Constant power mode on/off addCommand(this, 'const_power',':CPOW',... 'access','w','default',true,'format','%b',... 'info','Constant power mode on/off'); % Power setpoint, mW addCommand(this, 'power_sp',':POW',... 'access','w','default',10,'format','%e',... 'info','Power setpoint (mW)'); % Current setpoint, mW addCommand(this, 'current_sp',':CURR',... 'default',100,'format','%e',... 'info','Current setpoint (mA)'); % Control mode local/remote addCommand(this, 'control_mode',':SYST:MCON',... 'access','w','val_list',{'EXT','INT'},... 'default','LOC','format','%s',... 'info','Control local(EXT)/remote(INT)'); % Output on/off addCommand(this, 'enable_output',':OUTP',... 'default',false,'format','%b',... 'info','on/off'); % Wavelength track is not fully remotely controllable with % TLB6300 end end methods (Access = public) function setMaxOutPower(this) % Depending on if the laser in the constat power or current % mode, set value to max if this.const_power % Actual power is clipped to max practical value writeString(this, ':POW 99'); else % Maximum current according to specs is 152 mA writeString(this, ':CURR 150'); end end end end