% Calibration routine for the vacuum optomechanical coupling rate g0 classdef Myg0Cal < MyAnalysisRoutine & MyGuiCont properties (Access = public, SetObservable) % Thermomechanical spectrum Data MyTrace % Cursors for the selection of calibration tone CalCursors MyCursor cal_range = [0, 0] % Cursors for the integration of thermomechanical noise MechCursors MyCursor mech_range = [0, 0] % Fitting routine used in the method is 'fit' LorFit MyLorentzianFit % method of finding the area under the mechanical noise peak, % integration or fit method = 'integration' % Calibration parameters set by the user beta = 0 % Phase modulation depth of the reference tone T = 300 % Temperature (K) % Correction for dynamic backaction. Requires 'fit' method % and reference quality factor. correct_dba = false ref_Q = 0 end properties (GetAccess = public, SetAccess = protected, SetObservable) Axes = matlab.graphics.axis.Axes.empty() % Parameters of the fitted mechanical Lorentzian Q = 0 lw = 0 freq = 0 % Calibration result, g0l = g0/2pi g0l = 0 end properties (Access = protected) Psl % listener to the PostSet event of 'method' property end methods (Access = public) function this = Myg0Cal(varargin) P = MyClassParser(this); addParameter(P, 'enable_gui', true, @islogical); processInputs(P, this, varargin{:}); if ~isempty(this.Axes) % Add two sets of vertical cursors for the selection of % integration ranges xlim = this.Axes.XLim; x1 = xlim(1)+0.4*(xlim(2)-xlim(1)); x2 = xlim(1)+0.45*(xlim(2)-xlim(1)); this.CalCursors = ... [MyCursor(this.Axes, ... 'orientation', 'vertical', 'position', x1, ... 'Label','Cal 1', 'Color', [0, 0, 0.6]), ... MyCursor(this.Axes, ... 'orientation', 'vertical', 'position', x2, ... 'Label','Cal 2', 'Color', [0, 0, 0.6])]; x1 = xlim(2)-0.45*(xlim(2)-xlim(1)); x2 = xlim(2)-0.4*(xlim(2)-xlim(1)); this.MechCursors = ... [MyCursor(this.Axes, ... 'orientation', 'vertical', 'position', x1, ... 'Label','Mech 1', 'Color', [0.6, 0, 0]), ... MyCursor(this.Axes, ... 'orientation', 'vertical', 'position', x2, ... 'Label','Mech 2', 'Color', [0.6, 0, 0])]; end % This listener handles the initialization of fitting routine % when the method is switched to 'fit' for the first time this.Psl = addlistener(this, 'method', 'PostSet', ... @(~,~)initFit(this)); % Gui is created right before the construction of object % is over if P.Results.enable_gui createGui(this); end end function delete(this) if ~isempty(this.Psl) delete(this.Psl); end if ~isempty(this.CalCursors) delete(this.CalCursors); end if ~isempty(this.MechCursors) delete(this.MechCursors); end if ~isempty(this.LorFit) delete(this.LorFit) end end % Calculate g0 function calcg0(this) if isempty(this.Data) || isDataEmpty(this.Data) warning('Data is empty'); return end if this.beta <= 0 warning('Phase modulation depth beta must be specified') return end cr = this.cal_range; % Find the frequency of calibration tone ind = (this.Data.x>cr(1) & this.Data.x<=cr(2)); cal_tone_freq = sum(this.Data.x(ind) .* this.Data.y(ind))/ ... sum(this.Data.y(ind)); % Calculate area under the calibration tone peak cal_tone_area = integrate(this.Data, cr(1), cr(2)); mr = this.mech_range; if isequal(this.method, 'integration') mech_area = integrate(this.Data, mr(1), mr(2)); % Estimate mechanical frequency ind = (this.Data.x>mr(1) & this.Data.x<=mr(2)); this.freq = sum(this.Data.x(ind) .* this.Data.y(ind))/ ... sum(this.Data.y(ind)); elseif isequal(this.method, 'fit') % Select data within the mechanics range ind = (this.Data.x>mr(1) & this.Data.x<=mr(2)); this.LorFit.Data.x = this.Data.x(ind); this.LorFit.Data.y = this.Data.y(ind); fitTrace(this.LorFit); % Extract fitted parameters this.lw = this.LorFit.param_vals(2); % Linewidth in Hz this.freq = this.LorFit.param_vals(3); % Frequency in Hz this.Q = (this.freq/this.lw); % Q in millions % Our Lorentzian is normalized such that the area under % the curve is equal to the amplitude parameter mech_area = this.LorFit.param_vals(1); if this.correct_dba % Apply correction for the cooling or amplification % of mechanical motion by dynamic backaction mech_area = mech_area*this.ref_Q/this.Q; end end % Boltzmann and Planck constants k_b = 1.3806e-23; % J/K h = 6.62607e-34; % m^2*kg/s % Equilibrium thermal occupation of the oscillator n_th = k_b*this.T/(h*this.freq); % Calculate g0 this.g0l = this.beta*cal_tone_freq* ... sqrt(mech_area/(cal_tone_area*4*n_th)); end end methods (Access = protected) % Initialize a new fit object if it was not created yet and if the % method is 'fit' function initFit(this) if isequal(this.method, 'fit') % Make sure that the fit object is initialized if isempty(this.LorFit) || ~isvalid(this.LorFit) % Select data within the mechanics range ind = (this.Data.x>this.mech_range(1) & ... this.Data.x<=this.mech_range(2)); this.LorFit = MyLorentzianFit('Axes', this.Axes, ... 'x', this.Data.x(ind), 'y', this.Data.y(ind), ... 'enable_range_cursors', false, ... 'enable_gui', false); end genInitParams(this.LorFit); else if ~isempty(this.LorFit) && isvalid(this.LorFit) % Remove the fit curve from the plot clearFit(this.LorFit); end end end end methods function set.method(this, val) assert(ischar(val), ... 'Value assigned as ''method'' must be a character string') val = lower(val); assert(isequal(val, 'integration') || isequal(val, 'fit'), ... '''method'' must be ''integration'' or ''fit''') this.method = val; end % Get the integration range for the calibration tone function val = get.cal_range(this) if ~isempty(this.CalCursors) && all(isvalid(this.CalCursors)) % If cursors exist, return the range between the % cursors xmin = min(this.CalCursors.value); xmax = max(this.CalCursors.value); val = [xmin, xmax]; else % Otherwise the value can be set programmatically val = this.cal_range; end end % Get the range for the mechanical peak function val = get.mech_range(this) if ~isempty(this.MechCursors) && all(isvalid(this.MechCursors)) % If cursors exist, return the range between the % cursors xmin = min(this.MechCursors.value); xmax = max(this.MechCursors.value); val = [xmin, xmax]; else % Otherwise the value can be set programmatically val = this.mech_range; end end end end