% Function creates file, if necessary together with subdirectory, and shows % a dialog if the file with such name already exisits function file_created=createFile(fullfilename,varargin) p=inputParser(); addRequired(p,'fullfilename',@ischar); addParameter(p,'overwrite',false,@islogical); parse(p,fullfilename,varargin{:}); file_created=true; %Creates save directory if it does not exist [save_dir,~,~]=fileparts(fullfilename); if ~exist(save_dir,'dir') mkdir(save_dir) end if exist(fullfilename,'file') && ~p.Results.overwrite switch questdlg(... 'File already exists. Would you like to overwrite?',... 'File already exists', 'Yes', 'No', 'No') case 'Yes' fprintf('Overwriting file at %s\n',fullfilename); otherwise warning('No file written as %s already exists',... fullfilename); file_created=false; return end end %Creates the file fileID=fopen(fullfilename,'w'); fclose(fileID); %MATLAB returns -1 for the fileID if the file could not be %opened if fileID==-1 errordlg(sprintf('File %s could not be created.',... fullfilename),'File error'); file_created=false; return end end