% Find occurrences of character string str in all .m files within the given % directory. % The function is useful for tracking code dependences, % e.g. the usage of a particular class or method. function file_names = dirfind(dir_name, str) DirContent = what(dir_name); if isempty(DirContent) file_names={}; fprintf('Directory %s is empty\n', dir_name); return end % Search in .m (functions and classes) and .mlapp (Matlab apps) files code_file_names = DirContent.m; app_file_names = DirContent.mlapp; % Go over the .m files using a local subroutine file_names=filterFiles(fullfile(dir_name, code_file_names), str); % Go over the.mlapp files. Each Matlab app file needs to be unzipped % before its content can be parsed. Use a temporary forder in 'C:\Temp' % for this purpose. tmp_base_dir = fullfile('C:', 'Temp'); tmp_dir = fullfile(tmp_base_dir, 'Matlab Instrument Control dirfind'); % Determine if the temporary directories already exist, this will be % also necessary for cleanup purposes temp_base_dir_exists = (exist(tmp_base_dir, 'dir') == 7); temp_dir_exists = (exist(tmp_dir, 'dir') == 7); if ~temp_dir_exists mkdir(tmp_dir) end for i = 1:length(app_file_names) fn = fullfile(dir_name, app_file_names{i}); % For convenience, make a sub-directory named the same as the app sd = fullfile(tmp_dir, app_file_names{i}); unzip(fn, sd); % Search over the unzipped files directory unzipped_file_names = listDirFiles(sd); res = filterFiles(unzipped_file_names, str); % If the unzipped content contains the string we are looking for, % add the app name to the output list if ~isempty(res) file_names = [file_names; fn]; %#ok end % Clean up - delete the temporary subdirectory rmdir(sd, 's'); end % Delete the temporary directory rmdir(tmp_dir, 's'); % Check all sub-directories, which are not git sub-directories % (starting with '.'), package ('+') or file system symbols ('.', '..') DirContent = dir(dir_name); all_names = fullfile(dir_name,{DirContent(:).name}); is_sub_dir = cellfun(... @(x) (x(1)~='.' && x(1)~='+' && isfolder(fullfile(dir_name,x))),... {DirContent(:).name}); sub_dir_names = all_names(is_sub_dir); % Repeat the search in all subfolders for i = 1:length(sub_dir_names) file_names = [file_names; ... dirfind(sub_dir_names{i}, str)]; %#ok end if ~temp_base_dir_exists % Remove the basetemporary directory if it did not exist when the % function started rmdir(tmp_base_dir) end end %% Local functions not visible from outside % Returns the names of all the files present in the directory, % recursively running over subforders function file_names=listDirFiles(dir_name) DirContent=dir(dir_name); all_names=fullfile(dir_name,{DirContent.name}); % Make column all_names=all_names(:); sub_dir_ind=arrayfun(@(x)(x.isdir && ~strcmp(x.name,'.') && ... ~strcmp(x.name,'..')), DirContent); file_ind=~[DirContent.isdir]; dir_names=all_names(sub_dir_ind); file_names=all_names(file_ind); % Iterate over subdirectories for i=1:length(dir_names) file_names=[file_names; listDirFiles(dir_names{i})]; %#ok end end % Select those files from file_list that contain string 'str' function file_names=filterFiles(file_list, str) file_names={}; for i=1:length(file_list) fn=file_list{i}; try content=fileread(fn); catch warning('Could not read the content of file %s', fn) continue end if contains(content, str) % Append to the output list file_names=[file_names; {fn}]; %#ok end end end