% Generate a unique file name based on the full file name supplied as the % input by appending _n with sufficiently large n. % This function does not make sure that the filename is valid - i.e. that % it does not contain symbols forbidden by the file system. function [file_name, is_mod] = makeUniqueFileName(file_name) [path, name, ext] = fileparts(file_name); if isempty(name) name = 'placeholder'; end if isempty(path) path = pwd(); end % List all the existing files in the measurement directory % that have the same extension as our input file name DirCont = dir(fullfile(path, ['*', ext])); file_ind = ~[DirCont.isdir]; existing_fns = {DirCont(file_ind).name}; % Remove extensions [~, existing_fns, ~] = cellfun(@fileparts, existing_fns, ... 'UniformOutput', false); % Generate a new file name [name, is_mod] = matlab.lang.makeUniqueStrings(name, existing_fns); file_name = fullfile(path, [name, ext]); end