function runSingletonApp(App, global_name) if isValidBaseVar(global_name) Fig = findFigure(App); close(Fig); % Make sure the new instance is deleted delete(App); App = evalin('base', global_name); % Bring to the focus the figure of existing app setFocus(App); error([global_name ' already exists']); else assignin('base', global_name, App); % Recolor app according to the present color scheme applyLocalColorScheme(App); % Set up a listener that will clear the global name addlistener(App, 'ObjectBeingDestroyed', @clearGlobalName); end % The declaration of listener callback function clearGlobalName(~, ~) if ~isempty(global_name) try evalin('base', sprintf('clear(''%s'');', global_name)); catch ME warning(['Could not clear global variable ''' ... global_name '''. Error: ' ME.message]); end end end end