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import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends";
import * as React from 'react';
import areArraysEqual from '../utils/areArraysEqual';
* Gets the current state. If the selectedValue is controlled,
* the `value` prop is the source of truth instead of the internal state.
function getControlledState(internalState, props) {
if (props.value !== undefined) {
return _extends({}, internalState, {
selectedValue: props.value
return internalState;
function areOptionsEqual(option1, option2, optionComparer) {
if (option1 === option2) {
return true;
if (option1 === null || option2 === null) {
return false;
return optionComparer(option1, option2);
* Triggers change event handlers when reducer returns changed state.
function useStateChangeDetection(nextState, internalPreviousState, propsRef, lastActionRef) {
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!propsRef.current || lastActionRef.current === null) {
// Detect changes only if an action has been dispatched.
const previousState = getControlledState(internalPreviousState, propsRef.current);
const {
} = propsRef.current;
if (multiple) {
var _previousState$select;
const previousSelectedValues = (_previousState$select = previousState == null ? void 0 : previousState.selectedValue) != null ? _previousState$select : [];
const nextSelectedValues = nextState.selectedValue;
const onChange = propsRef.current.onChange;
if (!areArraysEqual(nextSelectedValues, previousSelectedValues, optionComparer)) {
onChange == null ? void 0 : onChange(lastActionRef.current.event, nextSelectedValues);
} else {
const previousSelectedValue = previousState == null ? void 0 : previousState.selectedValue;
const nextSelectedValue = nextState.selectedValue;
const onChange = propsRef.current.onChange;
if (!areOptionsEqual(nextSelectedValue, previousSelectedValue, optionComparer)) {
onChange == null ? void 0 : onChange(lastActionRef.current.event, nextSelectedValue);
// Fires the highlightChange event when reducer returns changed `highlightedValue`.
if (!areOptionsEqual(internalPreviousState.highlightedValue, nextState.highlightedValue, propsRef.current.optionComparer)) {
var _propsRef$current, _propsRef$current$onH;
(_propsRef$current = propsRef.current) == null ? void 0 : (_propsRef$current$onH = _propsRef$current.onHighlightChange) == null ? void 0 : _propsRef$current$$current, lastActionRef.current.event, nextState.highlightedValue);
lastActionRef.current = null;
}, [nextState.selectedValue, nextState.highlightedValue, internalPreviousState, propsRef, lastActionRef]);
export default function useControllableReducer(internalReducer, externalReducer, props) {
var _ref;
const {
} = props;
const propsRef = React.useRef(props);
propsRef.current = props;
const actionRef = React.useRef(null);
const initialSelectedValue = (_ref = value === undefined ? defaultValue : value) != null ? _ref : props.multiple ? [] : null;
const initalState = {
highlightedValue: null,
selectedValue: initialSelectedValue
const combinedReducer = React.useCallback((state, action) => {
actionRef.current = action;
if (externalReducer) {
return externalReducer(getControlledState(state, propsRef.current), action);
return internalReducer(getControlledState(state, propsRef.current), action);
}, [externalReducer, internalReducer, propsRef]);
const [nextState, dispatch] = React.useReducer(combinedReducer, initalState);
const previousState = React.useRef(initalState);
React.useEffect(() => {
previousState.current = nextState;
}, [previousState, nextState]);
useStateChangeDetection(nextState, previousState.current, propsRef, actionRef);
return [getControlledState(nextState, propsRef.current), dispatch];

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