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Mon, Feb 3, 23:52


import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends";
import _objectWithoutProperties from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties";
import * as React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { HTMLElementType, refType } from '@mui/utils';
import MenuUnstyledContext from './MenuUnstyledContext';
import { getMenuUnstyledUtilityClass } from './menuUnstyledClasses';
import useMenu from './useMenu';
import composeClasses from '../composeClasses';
import PopperUnstyled from '../PopperUnstyled';
import useSlotProps from '../utils/useSlotProps';
import { jsx as _jsx } from "react/jsx-runtime";
function getUtilityClasses(ownerState) {
var open =;
var slots = {
root: ['root', open && 'expanded'],
listbox: ['listbox', open && 'expanded']
return composeClasses(slots, getMenuUnstyledUtilityClass, {});
* Demos:
* - [Unstyled Menu](
* API:
* - [MenuUnstyled API](
var MenuUnstyled = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function MenuUnstyled(props, forwardedRef) {
var _ref, _slots$listbox;
var actions = props.actions,
anchorEl = props.anchorEl,
children = props.children,
component = props.component,
_props$keepMounted = props.keepMounted,
keepMounted = _props$keepMounted === void 0 ? false : _props$keepMounted,
listboxId = props.listboxId,
onClose = props.onClose,
_props$open =,
open = _props$open === void 0 ? false : _props$open,
_props$slotProps = props.slotProps,
slotProps = _props$slotProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$slotProps,
_props$slots = props.slots,
slots = _props$slots === void 0 ? {} : _props$slots,
other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["actions", "anchorEl", "children", "component", "keepMounted", "listboxId", "onClose", "open", "slotProps", "slots"]);
var _useMenu = useMenu({
open: open,
onClose: onClose,
listboxId: listboxId
registerItem = _useMenu.registerItem,
unregisterItem = _useMenu.unregisterItem,
getListboxProps = _useMenu.getListboxProps,
getItemProps = _useMenu.getItemProps,
getItemState = _useMenu.getItemState,
highlightFirstItem = _useMenu.highlightFirstItem,
highlightLastItem = _useMenu.highlightLastItem;
React.useImperativeHandle(actions, function () {
return {
highlightFirstItem: highlightFirstItem,
highlightLastItem: highlightLastItem
}, [highlightFirstItem, highlightLastItem]);
var ownerState = _extends({}, props, {
open: open
var classes = getUtilityClasses(ownerState);
var Root = (_ref = component != null ? component : slots.root) != null ? _ref : PopperUnstyled;
var rootProps = useSlotProps({
elementType: Root,
externalForwardedProps: other,
externalSlotProps: slotProps.root,
additionalProps: {
anchorEl: anchorEl,
open: open,
keepMounted: keepMounted,
role: undefined,
ref: forwardedRef
className: classes.root,
ownerState: ownerState
var Listbox = (_slots$listbox = slots.listbox) != null ? _slots$listbox : 'ul';
var listboxProps = useSlotProps({
elementType: Listbox,
getSlotProps: getListboxProps,
externalSlotProps: slotProps.listbox,
ownerState: ownerState,
className: classes.listbox
var contextValue = React.useMemo(function () {
return {
registerItem: registerItem,
unregisterItem: unregisterItem,
getItemState: getItemState,
getItemProps: getItemProps,
open: open
}, [getItemProps, getItemState, open, registerItem, unregisterItem]);
return /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(Root, _extends({}, rootProps, {
children: /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(Listbox, _extends({}, listboxProps, {
children: /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(MenuUnstyledContext.Provider, {
value: contextValue,
children: children
process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? MenuUnstyled.propTypes /* remove-proptypes */ = {
// ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
// | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
// | To update them edit TypeScript types and run "yarn proptypes" |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* A ref with imperative actions.
* It allows to select the first or last menu item.
actions: refType,
* An HTML element, [virtualElement](,
* or a function that returns either.
* It's used to set the position of the popper.
anchorEl: PropTypes /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */.oneOfType([HTMLElementType, PropTypes.object, PropTypes.func]),
* @ignore
children: PropTypes.node,
* The component used for the root node.
* Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
component: PropTypes.elementType,
* Always keep the menu in the DOM.
* This prop can be useful in SEO situation or when you want to maximize the responsiveness of the Menu.
* @default false
keepMounted: PropTypes.bool,
* @ignore
listboxId: PropTypes.string,
* Triggered when focus leaves the menu and the menu should close.
onClose: PropTypes.func,
* Controls whether the menu is displayed.
* @default false
open: PropTypes.bool,
* The props used for each slot inside the Menu.
* @default {}
slotProps: PropTypes.shape({
listbox: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]),
root: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object])
* The components used for each slot inside the Menu.
* Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
* @default {}
slots: PropTypes.shape({
listbox: PropTypes.elementType,
root: PropTypes.elementType
} : void 0;
export default MenuUnstyled;

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