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import type { Location, Path, To } from "./history";
* Map of routeId -> data returned from a loader/action/error
export interface RouteData {
[routeId: string]: any;
export declare enum ResultType {
data = "data",
deferred = "deferred",
redirect = "redirect",
error = "error"
* Successful result from a loader or action
export interface SuccessResult {
data: any;
statusCode?: number;
headers?: Headers;
* Successful defer() result from a loader or action
export interface DeferredResult {
type: ResultType.deferred;
deferredData: DeferredData;
* Redirect result from a loader or action
export interface RedirectResult {
type: ResultType.redirect;
status: number;
location: string;
revalidate: boolean;
* Unsuccessful result from a loader or action
export interface ErrorResult {
type: ResultType.error;
error: any;
headers?: Headers;
* Result from a loader or action - potentially successful or unsuccessful
export declare type DataResult = SuccessResult | DeferredResult | RedirectResult | ErrorResult;
export declare type MutationFormMethod = "post" | "put" | "patch" | "delete";
export declare type FormMethod = "get" | MutationFormMethod;
export declare type FormEncType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" | "multipart/form-data";
* @private
* Internal interface to pass around for action submissions, not intended for
* external consumption
export interface Submission {
formMethod: FormMethod;
formAction: string;
formEncType: FormEncType;
formData: FormData;
* @private
* Arguments passed to route loader/action functions. Same for now but we keep
* this as a private implementation detail in case they diverge in the future.
interface DataFunctionArgs {
request: Request;
params: Params;
context?: any;
* Arguments passed to loader functions
export interface LoaderFunctionArgs extends DataFunctionArgs {
* Arguments passed to action functions
export interface ActionFunctionArgs extends DataFunctionArgs {
* Route loader function signature
export interface LoaderFunction {
(args: LoaderFunctionArgs): Promise<Response> | Response | Promise<any> | any;
* Route action function signature
export interface ActionFunction {
(args: ActionFunctionArgs): Promise<Response> | Response | Promise<any> | any;
* Route shouldRevalidate function signature. This runs after any submission
* (navigation or fetcher), so we flatten the navigation/fetcher submission
* onto the arguments. It shouldn't matter whether it came from a navigation
* or a fetcher, what really matters is the URLs and the formData since loaders
* have to re-run based on the data models that were potentially mutated.
export interface ShouldRevalidateFunction {
(args: {
currentUrl: URL;
currentParams: AgnosticDataRouteMatch["params"];
nextUrl: URL;
nextParams: AgnosticDataRouteMatch["params"];
formMethod?: Submission["formMethod"];
formAction?: Submission["formAction"];
formEncType?: Submission["formEncType"];
formData?: Submission["formData"];
actionResult?: DataResult;
defaultShouldRevalidate: boolean;
}): boolean;
* Base RouteObject with common props shared by all types of routes
declare type AgnosticBaseRouteObject = {
caseSensitive?: boolean;
path?: string;
id?: string;
loader?: LoaderFunction;
action?: ActionFunction;
hasErrorBoundary?: boolean;
shouldRevalidate?: ShouldRevalidateFunction;
handle?: any;
* Index routes must not have children
export declare type AgnosticIndexRouteObject = AgnosticBaseRouteObject & {
children?: undefined;
index: true;
* Non-index routes may have children, but cannot have index
export declare type AgnosticNonIndexRouteObject = AgnosticBaseRouteObject & {
children?: AgnosticRouteObject[];
index?: false;
* A route object represents a logical route, with (optionally) its child
* routes organized in a tree-like structure.
export declare type AgnosticRouteObject = AgnosticIndexRouteObject | AgnosticNonIndexRouteObject;
export declare type AgnosticDataIndexRouteObject = AgnosticIndexRouteObject & {
id: string;
export declare type AgnosticDataNonIndexRouteObject = AgnosticNonIndexRouteObject & {
children?: AgnosticDataRouteObject[];
id: string;
* A data route object, which is just a RouteObject with a required unique ID
export declare type AgnosticDataRouteObject = AgnosticDataIndexRouteObject | AgnosticDataNonIndexRouteObject;
declare type _PathParam<Path extends string> = Path extends `${infer L}/${infer R}` ? _PathParam<L> | _PathParam<R> : Path extends `:${infer Param}` ? Param : never;
* Examples:
* "/a/b/*" -> "*"
* ":a" -> "a"
* "/a/:b" -> "b"
* "/a/blahblahblah:b" -> "b"
* "/:a/:b" -> "a" | "b"
* "/:a/b/:c/*" -> "a" | "c" | "*"
declare type PathParam<Path extends string> = Path extends "*" ? "*" : Path extends `${infer Rest}/*` ? "*" | _PathParam<Rest> : _PathParam<Path>;
export declare type ParamParseKey<Segment extends string> = [
] extends [never] ? string : PathParam<Segment>;
* The parameters that were parsed from the URL path.
export declare type Params<Key extends string = string> = {
readonly [key in Key]: string | undefined;
* A RouteMatch contains info about how a route matched a URL.
export interface AgnosticRouteMatch<ParamKey extends string = string, RouteObjectType extends AgnosticRouteObject = AgnosticRouteObject> {
* The names and values of dynamic parameters in the URL.
params: Params<ParamKey>;
* The portion of the URL pathname that was matched.
pathname: string;
* The portion of the URL pathname that was matched before child routes.
pathnameBase: string;
* The route object that was used to match.
route: RouteObjectType;
export interface AgnosticDataRouteMatch extends AgnosticRouteMatch<string, AgnosticDataRouteObject> {
export declare function convertRoutesToDataRoutes(routes: AgnosticRouteObject[], parentPath?: number[], allIds?: Set<string>): AgnosticDataRouteObject[];
* Matches the given routes to a location and returns the match data.
* @see
export declare function matchRoutes<RouteObjectType extends AgnosticRouteObject = AgnosticRouteObject>(routes: RouteObjectType[], locationArg: Partial<Location> | string, basename?: string): AgnosticRouteMatch<string, RouteObjectType>[] | null;
* Returns a path with params interpolated.
* @see
export declare function generatePath<Path extends string>(originalPath: Path, params?: {
[key in PathParam<Path>]: string;
}): string;
* A PathPattern is used to match on some portion of a URL pathname.
export interface PathPattern<Path extends string = string> {
* A string to match against a URL pathname. May contain `:id`-style segments
* to indicate placeholders for dynamic parameters. May also end with `/*` to
* indicate matching the rest of the URL pathname.
path: Path;
* Should be `true` if the static portions of the `path` should be matched in
* the same case.
caseSensitive?: boolean;
* Should be `true` if this pattern should match the entire URL pathname.
end?: boolean;
* A PathMatch contains info about how a PathPattern matched on a URL pathname.
export interface PathMatch<ParamKey extends string = string> {
* The names and values of dynamic parameters in the URL.
params: Params<ParamKey>;
* The portion of the URL pathname that was matched.
pathname: string;
* The portion of the URL pathname that was matched before child routes.
pathnameBase: string;
* The pattern that was used to match.
pattern: PathPattern;
* Performs pattern matching on a URL pathname and returns information about
* the match.
* @see
export declare function matchPath<ParamKey extends ParamParseKey<Path>, Path extends string>(pattern: PathPattern<Path> | Path, pathname: string): PathMatch<ParamKey> | null;
* @private
export declare function stripBasename(pathname: string, basename: string): string | null;
* @private
export declare function warning(cond: any, message: string): void;
* Returns a resolved path object relative to the given pathname.
* @see
export declare function resolvePath(to: To, fromPathname?: string): Path;
* @private
* When processing relative navigation we want to ignore ancestor routes that
* do not contribute to the path, such that index/pathless layout routes don't
* interfere.
* For example, when moving a route element into an index route and/or a
* pathless layout route, relative link behavior contained within should stay
* the same. Both of the following examples should link back to the root:
* <Route path="/">
* <Route path="accounts" element={<Link to=".."}>
* </Route>
* <Route path="/">
* <Route path="accounts">
* <Route element={<AccountsLayout />}> // <-- Does not contribute
* <Route index element={<Link to=".."} /> // <-- Does not contribute
* </Route
* </Route>
* </Route>
export declare function getPathContributingMatches<T extends AgnosticRouteMatch = AgnosticRouteMatch>(matches: T[]): T[];
* @private
export declare function resolveTo(toArg: To, routePathnames: string[], locationPathname: string, isPathRelative?: boolean): Path;
* @private
export declare function getToPathname(to: To): string | undefined;
* @private
export declare const joinPaths: (paths: string[]) => string;
* @private
export declare const normalizePathname: (pathname: string) => string;
* @private
export declare const normalizeSearch: (search: string) => string;
* @private
export declare const normalizeHash: (hash: string) => string;
export declare type JsonFunction = <Data>(data: Data, init?: number | ResponseInit) => Response;
* This is a shortcut for creating `application/json` responses. Converts `data`
* to JSON and sets the `Content-Type` header.
export declare const json: JsonFunction;
export interface TrackedPromise extends Promise<any> {
_tracked?: boolean;
_data?: any;
_error?: any;
export declare class AbortedDeferredError extends Error {
export declare class DeferredData {
private pendingKeys;
private controller;
private abortPromise;
private unlistenAbortSignal;
private subscriber?;
data: Record<string, unknown>;
constructor(data: Record<string, unknown>);
private trackPromise;
private onSettle;
subscribe(fn: (aborted: boolean) => void): void;
cancel(): void;
resolveData(signal: AbortSignal): Promise<boolean>;
get done(): boolean;
get unwrappedData(): {};
export declare function defer(data: Record<string, unknown>): DeferredData;
export declare type RedirectFunction = (url: string, init?: number | ResponseInit) => Response;
* A redirect response. Sets the status code and the `Location` header.
* Defaults to "302 Found".
export declare const redirect: RedirectFunction;
* @private
* Utility class we use to hold auto-unwrapped 4xx/5xx Response bodies
export declare class ErrorResponse {
status: number;
statusText: string;
data: any;
error?: Error;
internal: boolean;
constructor(status: number, statusText: string | undefined, data: any, internal?: boolean);
* Check if the given error is an ErrorResponse generated from a 4xx/5xx
* Response throw from an action/loader
export declare function isRouteErrorResponse(e: any): e is ErrorResponse;
export {};
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