Thisisa[webpack]( plugin that simplifies creation of HTML files to serve your `webpack` bundles. This is especially useful for `webpack` bundles that include a hash in the filename which changes every compilation. You can either let the plugin generate an HTML file for you, supply
The`html-webpack-plugin`provides[hooks]( to extend it to your needs. There are already some really powerful plugins which can be integrated with zero configuration
*[webpack-subresource-integrity]( for enhanced asset security
*[appcache-webpack-plugin]( for iOS and Android offline usage
*[favicons-webpack-plugin]( which generates favicons and icons for iOS, Android and desktop browsers
*[html-webpack-harddisk-plugin]( can be used to always write to disk the html file, useful when webpack-dev-server / HMR are being used
*[html-webpack-inline-svg-plugin]( to inline SVGs in the resulting HTML file.
*[html-webpack-exclude-assets-plugin]( for excluding assets using regular expressions
*[html-webpack-include-assets-plugin]( for including lists of js or css file paths (such as those copied by the copy-webpack-plugin).
*[html-webpack-injector]( to inject chunks in `head` or `body` (different locations ) of same html document.
*[resource-hints-webpack-plugin]( to add resource hints for faster initial page loads using `<link rel='preload'>` and `<link rel='prefetch'>`
*[link-media-html-webpack-plugin]( allows for injected stylesheet `<link />` tags to have their media attribute set automatically; useful for providing specific desktop/mobile/print etc. stylesheets that the browser will conditionally download
*[html-webpack-inline-style-plugin]( for inlining styles to HTML elements using [juice]( Useful for email generation automatisation.
*[html-webpack-exclude-empty-assets-plugin]( removes empty assets from being added to the html. This fixes some problems with extract-text-plugin with webpack 4.
*[webpack-concat-plugin]( for concat and uglify files that needn't to be webpack bundles(for legacy files) and inject to html-webpack-plugin.
*[html-webpack-link-type-plugin]( adds a configurable mimetype to resources injected as links (such as adding type="text/css" to external stylesheets) for compatibility with "strict mode".
*[csp-html-webpack-plugin]( to add [Content Security Policy]( meta tags to the HTML output
*[webpack-nomodule-plugin]( allows you to add a `nomodule` attribute to specific injected scripts, which prevents the scripts from being loaded by newer browsers. Good for limiting loads of polyfills.
*[html-webpack-skip-assets-plugin]( Skip adding certain output files to the html file. Built as a drop-in replacement for [html-webpack-exclude-assets-plugin]( and works with newer [html-webpack-plugin]( versions
*[html-webpack-inject-preload]( allows to add preload links <link rel='preload'> anywhere you want.
*[inject-body-webpack-plugin]( is a simple method of injecting a custom HTML string into the body.
|**`filename`**|`{String\|Function}`|`'index.html'`|The file to write the HTML to. Defaults to `index.html`. You can specify a subdirectory here too (eg: `assets/admin.html`). The `[name]` placeholder will be replaced with the entry name. Can also be a function e.g. `(entryName) => entryName + '.html'`.|
|**`template`**|`{String}`|``|`webpack` relative or absolute path to the template. By default it will use `src/index.ejs`ifitexists.Pleaseseethe[docs]( for details|
|**`templateContent`**|`{string\|Function\|false}`|false| Can be used instead of `template`toprovideaninlinetemplate-pleasereadthe[WritingYourOwnTemplates]( section |
|**`inject`**|`{Boolean\|String}`|`true`|`true \|\| 'head' \|\| 'body' \|\| false` Inject all assets into the given `template` or `templateContent`. When passing `'body'` all javascript resources will be placed at the bottom of the body element. `'head'` will place the scripts in the head element. Passing `true` will add it to the head/body depending on the `scriptLoading` option. Passing `false`willdisableautomaticinjections.-seethe[inject:falseexample](|
|**`scriptLoading`**|`{'blocking'\|'defer'\|'module'}`|`'defer'`| Modern browsers support non blocking javascript loading (`'defer'`) to improve the page startup performance. Setting to `'module'` adds attribute [`type="module"`]( This also implies "defer", since modules are automatically deferred. |
|**`meta`**|`{Object}`|`{}`|Allows to inject `meta`-tags. E.g. `meta: {viewport: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no'}`|
|**`base`**|`{Object\|String\|false}`|`false`|Inject a [`base`]( tag. E.g. `base: "`|
|**`minify`**|`{Boolean\|Object}`|`true` if `mode` is `'production'`, otherwise `false`|Controlsifandinwhatwaystheoutputshouldbeminified.See[minification](#minification)belowformoredetails.|
|**`hash`**|`{Boolean}`|`false`|If `true` then append a unique `webpack`compilationhashtoallincludedscriptsandCSSfiles.Thisisusefulforcachebusting|
|**`chunksSortMode`**|`{String\|Function}`|`auto`|Allows to control how chunks should be sorted before they are included to the HTML. Allowed values are `'none' \| 'auto' \| 'manual' \| {Function}`|
Youcanusethe`lodash` syntax out of the box. If the `inject`featuredoesn'tfityourneedsandyouwantfullcontrolovertheassetplacementusethe[defaulttemplate]( of the [html-webpack-template project]( as a starting point for writing your own.
Ifyouwanttosupporttheprojectaswell[becomeasponsor]( or a [a backer](
You'refreetocontributetothisprojectbysubmitting[issues]( and/or [pull requests]( This project is test-driven, so keep in mind that every change and new feature should be covered by tests.