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import { hasCSSTOMSupport } from 'jss';
var px = hasCSSTOMSupport && CSS ? CSS.px : 'px';
var ms = hasCSSTOMSupport && CSS ? : 'ms';
var percent = hasCSSTOMSupport && CSS ? CSS.percent : '%';
* Generated jss-plugin-default-unit CSS property units
var defaultUnits = {
// Animation properties
'animation-delay': ms,
'animation-duration': ms,
// Background properties
'background-position': px,
'background-position-x': px,
'background-position-y': px,
'background-size': px,
// Border Properties
border: px,
'border-bottom': px,
'border-bottom-left-radius': px,
'border-bottom-right-radius': px,
'border-bottom-width': px,
'border-left': px,
'border-left-width': px,
'border-radius': px,
'border-right': px,
'border-right-width': px,
'border-top': px,
'border-top-left-radius': px,
'border-top-right-radius': px,
'border-top-width': px,
'border-width': px,
'border-block': px,
'border-block-end': px,
'border-block-end-width': px,
'border-block-start': px,
'border-block-start-width': px,
'border-block-width': px,
'border-inline': px,
'border-inline-end': px,
'border-inline-end-width': px,
'border-inline-start': px,
'border-inline-start-width': px,
'border-inline-width': px,
'border-start-start-radius': px,
'border-start-end-radius': px,
'border-end-start-radius': px,
'border-end-end-radius': px,
// Margin properties
margin: px,
'margin-bottom': px,
'margin-left': px,
'margin-right': px,
'margin-top': px,
'margin-block': px,
'margin-block-end': px,
'margin-block-start': px,
'margin-inline': px,
'margin-inline-end': px,
'margin-inline-start': px,
// Padding properties
padding: px,
'padding-bottom': px,
'padding-left': px,
'padding-right': px,
'padding-top': px,
'padding-block': px,
'padding-block-end': px,
'padding-block-start': px,
'padding-inline': px,
'padding-inline-end': px,
'padding-inline-start': px,
// Mask properties
'mask-position-x': px,
'mask-position-y': px,
'mask-size': px,
// Width and height properties
height: px,
width: px,
'min-height': px,
'max-height': px,
'min-width': px,
'max-width': px,
// Position properties
bottom: px,
left: px,
top: px,
right: px,
inset: px,
'inset-block': px,
'inset-block-end': px,
'inset-block-start': px,
'inset-inline': px,
'inset-inline-end': px,
'inset-inline-start': px,
// Shadow properties
'box-shadow': px,
'text-shadow': px,
// Column properties
'column-gap': px,
'column-rule': px,
'column-rule-width': px,
'column-width': px,
// Font and text properties
'font-size': px,
'font-size-delta': px,
'letter-spacing': px,
'text-decoration-thickness': px,
'text-indent': px,
'text-stroke': px,
'text-stroke-width': px,
'word-spacing': px,
// Motion properties
motion: px,
'motion-offset': px,
// Outline properties
outline: px,
'outline-offset': px,
'outline-width': px,
// Perspective properties
perspective: px,
'perspective-origin-x': percent,
'perspective-origin-y': percent,
// Transform properties
'transform-origin': percent,
'transform-origin-x': percent,
'transform-origin-y': percent,
'transform-origin-z': percent,
// Transition properties
'transition-delay': ms,
'transition-duration': ms,
// Alignment properties
'vertical-align': px,
'flex-basis': px,
// Some random properties
'shape-margin': px,
size: px,
gap: px,
// Grid properties
grid: px,
'grid-gap': px,
'row-gap': px,
'grid-row-gap': px,
'grid-column-gap': px,
'grid-template-rows': px,
'grid-template-columns': px,
'grid-auto-rows': px,
'grid-auto-columns': px,
// Not existing properties.
// Used to avoid issues with jss-plugin-expand integration.
'box-shadow-x': px,
'box-shadow-y': px,
'box-shadow-blur': px,
'box-shadow-spread': px,
'font-line-height': px,
'text-shadow-x': px,
'text-shadow-y': px,
'text-shadow-blur': px
* Clones the object and adds a camel cased property version.
function addCamelCasedVersion(obj) {
var regExp = /(-[a-z])/g;
var replace = function replace(str) {
return str[1].toUpperCase();
var newObj = {};
for (var key in obj) {
newObj[key] = obj[key];
newObj[key.replace(regExp, replace)] = obj[key];
return newObj;
var units = addCamelCasedVersion(defaultUnits);
* Recursive deep style passing function
function iterate(prop, value, options) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
value[i] = iterate(prop, value[i], options);
} else if (typeof value === 'object') {
if (prop === 'fallbacks') {
for (var innerProp in value) {
value[innerProp] = iterate(innerProp, value[innerProp], options);
} else {
for (var _innerProp in value) {
value[_innerProp] = iterate(prop + "-" + _innerProp, value[_innerProp], options);
} // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
} else if (typeof value === 'number' && isNaN(value) === false) {
var unit = options[prop] || units[prop]; // Add the unit if available, except for the special case of 0px.
if (unit && !(value === 0 && unit === px)) {
return typeof unit === 'function' ? unit(value).toString() : "" + value + unit;
return value.toString();
return value;
* Add unit to numeric values.
function defaultUnit(options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
var camelCasedOptions = addCamelCasedVersion(options);
function onProcessStyle(style, rule) {
if (rule.type !== 'style') return style;
for (var prop in style) {
style[prop] = iterate(prop, style[prop], camelCasedOptions);
return style;
function onChangeValue(value, prop) {
return iterate(prop, value, camelCasedOptions);
return {
onProcessStyle: onProcessStyle,
onChangeValue: onChangeValue
export default defaultUnit;

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