javascript: unload
Run a piece of code whenever the javascript-process stops/exits/quits. On browsers, nodejs, electron, react-native. It also ensures that the exit-function is called only once.
You should use this module when your write a npm-library where you dont know in which environments the users will run it.
What does unload handle?
When nodejs:
js process.on('beforeExit'); process.on('exit'); process.on('SIGINT'); // catches ctrl+c event process.on('uncaughtException'); // catches uncaught exceptions
When browser:
js window.addEventListener('beforeunload'); // closing of normal browser-window window.addEventListener('unload'); // closed inside of iframe
npm install unload --save
Add a function which runs when the process exits:
javascript var unload = require('unload'); unload.add(function(){ console.log('Ouch, I\'m dying.'); });
Add and remove the function (It will no longer run when the process exits):
javascript var unload = require('unload'); var ret = unload.add(function(){ console.log('Ouch, I\'m dying.'); }); ret.remove(); // removes the event-handler
Run all previously added functions:
javascript var unload = require('unload'); unload.add(function(){ console.log('Ouch, I\'m dying.'); }); unload.runAll();
Remove all added functions (They will no longer run when the process exits):
javascript var unload = require('unload'); unload.add(function(){ console.log('Ouch, I\'m dying.'); }); unload.removeAll();
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