| **[`methods`](#methods)** | `Array` | `[ 'GET', 'HEAD' ]` | Allows to pass the list of HTTP request methods accepted by the middleware |
| **[`headers`](#headers)** | `Array\|Object\|Function` | `undefined` | Allows to pass custom HTTP headers on each request. |
| **[`index`](#index)** | `Boolean\|String` | `index.html` | If `false` (but not `undefined`), the server will not respond to requests to the root URL. |
| **[`mimeTypes`](#mimetypes)** | `Object` | `undefined` | Allows to register custom mime types or extension mappings. |
| **[`publicPath`](#publicpath)** | `String` | `output.publicPath` (from a configuration) | The public path that the middleware is bound to. |
| **[`stats`](#stats)** | `Boolean\|String\|Object` | `stats` (from a configuration) | Stats options object or preset name. |
| **[`serverSideRender`](#serversiderender)** | `Boolean` | `undefined` | Instructs the module to enable or disable the server-side rendering mode. |
| **[`writeToDisk`](#writetodisk)** | `Boolean\|Function` | `false` | Instructs the module to write files to the configured location on disk as specified in your `webpack` configuration. |
| **[`outputFileSystem`](#outputfilesystem)** | `Object` | [`memfs`](https://github.com/streamich/memfs) | Set the default file system which will be used by webpack as primary destination of generated files. |
The middleware accepts an `options` Object. The following is a property reference for the Object.
### methods
Type: `Array`
Default: `[ 'GET', 'HEAD' ]`
This property allows a user to pass the list of HTTP request methods accepted by the middleware\*\*.
### headers
Type: `Array|Object|Function`
Default: `undefined`
This property allows a user to pass custom HTTP headers on each request.
eg. `{ "X-Custom-Header": "yes" }`
webpackDevMiddleware(compiler, {
headers: () => {
return {
"Last-Modified": new Date(),
webpackDevMiddleware(compiler, {
headers: (req, res, context) => {
res.setHeader("Last-Modified", new Date());
webpackDevMiddleware(compiler, {
headers: [
key: "X-custom-header"
value: "foo"
key: "Y-custom-header",
value: "bar"
webpackDevMiddleware(compiler, {
headers: () => [
key: "X-custom-header"
value: "foo"
key: "Y-custom-header",
value: "bar"
### index
Type: `Boolean|String`
Default: `index.html`
If `false` (but not `undefined`), the server will not respond to requests to the root URL.
### mimeTypes
Type: `Object`
Default: `undefined`
This property allows a user to register custom mime types or extension mappings.
eg. `mimeTypes: { phtml: 'text/html' }`.
Please see the documentation for [`mime-types`](https://github.com/jshttp/mime-types) for more information.
### publicPath
Type: `String`
Default: `output.publicPath` (from a configuration)
The public path that the middleware is bound to.
_Best Practice: use the same `publicPath` defined in your webpack config. For more information about `publicPath`, please see [the webpack documentation](https://webpack.js.org/guides/public-path)._
### stats
Type: `Boolean|String|Object`
Default: `stats` (from a configuration)
Stats options object or preset name.
### serverSideRender
Type: `Boolean`
Default: `undefined`
Instructs the module to enable or disable the server-side rendering mode.
Please see [Server-Side Rendering](#server-side-rendering) for more information.
### writeToDisk
Type: `Boolean|Function`
Default: `false`
If `true`, the option will instruct the module to write files to the configured location on disk as specified in your `webpack` config file.
_Setting `writeToDisk: true` won't change the behavior of the `webpack-dev-middleware`, and bundle files accessed through the browser will still be served from memory._
This option provides the same capabilities as the [`WriteFilePlugin`](https://github.com/gajus/write-file-webpack-plugin/pulls).
This option also accepts a `Function` value, which can be used to filter which files are written to disk.
The function follows the same premise as [`Array#filter`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/filter) in which a return value of `false` _will not_ write the file, and a return value of `true` _will_ write the file to disk. eg.
We do our best to keep Issues in the repository focused on bugs, features, and
needed modifications to the code for the module. Because of that, we ask users
with general support, "how-to", or "why isn't this working" questions to try one
of the other support channels that are available.
Your first-stop-shop for support for webpack-dev-server should by the excellent
[documentation][docs-url] for the module. If you see an opportunity for improvement
of those docs, please head over to the [webpack.js.org repo][wjo-url] and open a
pull request.
From there, we encourage users to visit the [webpack Gitter chat][chat-url] and
talk to the fine folks there. If your quest for answers comes up dry in chat,
head over to [StackOverflow][stack-url] and do a quick search or open a new
question. Remember; It's always much easier to answer questions that include your
`webpack.config.js` and relevant files!
If you're twitter-savvy you can tweet [#webpack][hash-url] with your question
and someone should be able to reach out and lend a hand.
If you have discovered a :bug:, have a feature suggestion, or would like to see
a modification, please feel free to create an issue on Github. _Note: The issue
template isn't optional, so please be sure not to remove it, and please fill it
out completely._
## Other servers
Examples of use with other servers will follow here.
### Fastify
Fastify interop will require the use of `fastify-express` instead of `middie` for providing middleware support. As the authors of `fastify-express` recommend, this should only be used as a stopgap while full Fastify support is worked on.