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Mon, Feb 3, 15:40


import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends";
import { ActionTypes } from './useListbox.types';
const pageSize = 5;
function findValidOptionToHighlight(index, lookupDirection, options, focusDisabled, isOptionDisabled, wrapAround) {
if (options.length === 0 || options.every((o, i) => isOptionDisabled(o, i))) {
return -1;
let nextFocus = index;
for (;;) {
// No valid options found
if (!wrapAround && lookupDirection === 'next' && nextFocus === options.length || !wrapAround && lookupDirection === 'previous' && nextFocus === -1) {
return -1;
const nextFocusDisabled = focusDisabled ? false : isOptionDisabled(options[nextFocus], nextFocus);
if (nextFocusDisabled) {
nextFocus += lookupDirection === 'next' ? 1 : -1;
if (wrapAround) {
nextFocus = (nextFocus + options.length) % options.length;
} else {
return nextFocus;
function getNewHighlightedOption(options, previouslyHighlightedOption, diff, lookupDirection, highlightDisabled, isOptionDisabled, wrapAround, optionComparer) {
var _options$nextIndex;
const maxIndex = options.length - 1;
const defaultHighlightedIndex = -1;
let nextIndexCandidate;
const previouslyHighlightedIndex = previouslyHighlightedOption == null ? -1 : options.findIndex(option => optionComparer(option, previouslyHighlightedOption));
if (diff === 'reset') {
var _options$defaultHighl;
return defaultHighlightedIndex === -1 ? null : (_options$defaultHighl = options[defaultHighlightedIndex]) != null ? _options$defaultHighl : null;
if (diff === 'start') {
nextIndexCandidate = 0;
} else if (diff === 'end') {
nextIndexCandidate = maxIndex;
} else {
const newIndex = previouslyHighlightedIndex + diff;
if (newIndex < 0) {
if (!wrapAround && previouslyHighlightedIndex !== -1 || Math.abs(diff) > 1) {
nextIndexCandidate = 0;
} else {
nextIndexCandidate = maxIndex;
} else if (newIndex > maxIndex) {
if (!wrapAround || Math.abs(diff) > 1) {
nextIndexCandidate = maxIndex;
} else {
nextIndexCandidate = 0;
} else {
nextIndexCandidate = newIndex;
const nextIndex = findValidOptionToHighlight(nextIndexCandidate, lookupDirection, options, highlightDisabled, isOptionDisabled, wrapAround);
return (_options$nextIndex = options[nextIndex]) != null ? _options$nextIndex : null;
function handleOptionSelection(option, state, props) {
const {
optionComparer = (o, v) => o === v,
isOptionDisabled = () => false
} = props;
const {
} = state;
const optionIndex = props.options.findIndex(o => props.optionComparer(option, o));
if (isOptionDisabled(option, optionIndex)) {
return state;
if (multiple) {
var _ref, _ref2;
const selectedValues = (_ref = selectedValue) != null ? _ref : [];
// if the option is already selected, remove it from the selection, otherwise add it
const newSelectedValues = selectedValues.some(sv => optionComparer(sv, option)) ? selectedValue.filter(v => !optionComparer(v, option)) : [...((_ref2 = selectedValue) != null ? _ref2 : []), option];
return {
selectedValue: newSelectedValues,
highlightedValue: option
if (selectedValue != null && optionComparer(option, selectedValue)) {
return state;
return {
selectedValue: option,
highlightedValue: option
function handleKeyDown(event, state, props) {
const {
} = props;
const moveHighlight = (diff, direction, wrapAround) => {
return getNewHighlightedOption(options, state.highlightedValue, diff, direction, disabledItemsFocusable != null ? disabledItemsFocusable : false, isOptionDisabled != null ? isOptionDisabled : () => false, wrapAround, optionComparer);
switch (event.key) {
case 'Home':
return _extends({}, state, {
highlightedValue: moveHighlight('start', 'next', false)
case 'End':
return _extends({}, state, {
highlightedValue: moveHighlight('end', 'previous', false)
case 'PageUp':
return _extends({}, state, {
highlightedValue: moveHighlight(-pageSize, 'previous', false)
case 'PageDown':
return _extends({}, state, {
highlightedValue: moveHighlight(pageSize, 'next', false)
case 'ArrowUp':
// TODO: extend current selection with Shift modifier
return _extends({}, state, {
highlightedValue: moveHighlight(-1, 'previous', !(disableListWrap != null ? disableListWrap : false))
case 'ArrowDown':
// TODO: extend current selection with Shift modifier
return _extends({}, state, {
highlightedValue: moveHighlight(1, 'next', !(disableListWrap != null ? disableListWrap : false))
case 'Enter':
case ' ':
if (state.highlightedValue === null) {
return state;
return handleOptionSelection(state.highlightedValue, state, props);
return state;
function handleBlur(state) {
return _extends({}, state, {
highlightedValue: null
const textCriteriaMatches = (nextFocus, searchString, stringifyOption) => {
var _stringifyOption;
const text = (_stringifyOption = stringifyOption(nextFocus)) == null ? void 0 : _stringifyOption.trim().toLowerCase();
if (!text || text.length === 0) {
// Make option not navigable if stringification fails or results in empty string.
return false;
return text.indexOf(searchString) === 0;
function handleTextNavigation(state, searchString, props) {
const {
} = props;
const moveHighlight = previouslyHighlightedOption => {
return getNewHighlightedOption(options, previouslyHighlightedOption, 1, 'next', disabledItemsFocusable != null ? disabledItemsFocusable : false, isOptionDisabled != null ? isOptionDisabled : () => false, !(disableListWrap != null ? disableListWrap : false), optionComparer);
const startWithCurrentOption = searchString.length > 1;
let nextOption = startWithCurrentOption ? state.highlightedValue : moveHighlight(state.highlightedValue);
// use `for` instead of `while` prevent infinite loop
for (let index = 0; index < options.length; index += 1) {
// Return un-mutated state if looped back to the currently highlighted value
if (!nextOption || !startWithCurrentOption && state.highlightedValue === nextOption) {
return state;
if (textCriteriaMatches(nextOption, searchString, optionStringifier) && (!isOptionDisabled(nextOption, options.indexOf(nextOption)) || disabledItemsFocusable)) {
// The nextOption is the element to be highlighted
return _extends({}, state, {
highlightedValue: nextOption
// Move to the next element.
nextOption = moveHighlight(nextOption);
// No option match text search criteria
return state;
function handleOptionsChange(options, previousOptions, state, props) {
var _options$find, _options$find2;
const {
} = props;
const newHighlightedOption = state.highlightedValue == null ? null : (_options$find = options.find(option => optionComparer(option, state.highlightedValue))) != null ? _options$find : null;
if (multiple) {
var _ref3;
// exclude selected values that are no longer in the options
const selectedValues = (_ref3 = state.selectedValue) != null ? _ref3 : [];
const newSelectedValues = selectedValues.filter(selectedValue => options.some(option => optionComparer(option, selectedValue)));
return {
highlightedValue: newHighlightedOption,
selectedValue: newSelectedValues
const newSelectedValue = (_options$find2 = options.find(option => optionComparer(option, state.selectedValue))) != null ? _options$find2 : null;
return {
highlightedValue: newHighlightedOption,
selectedValue: newSelectedValue
export default function defaultListboxReducer(state, action) {
const {
} = action;
switch (type) {
case ActionTypes.keyDown:
return handleKeyDown(action.event, state, action.props);
case ActionTypes.optionClick:
return handleOptionSelection(action.option, state, action.props);
case ActionTypes.blur:
return handleBlur(state);
case ActionTypes.setValue:
return _extends({}, state, {
selectedValue: action.value
case ActionTypes.setHighlight:
return _extends({}, state, {
highlightedValue: action.highlight
case ActionTypes.textNavigation:
return handleTextNavigation(state, action.searchString, action.props);
case ActionTypes.optionsChange:
return handleOptionsChange(action.options, action.previousOptions, state, action.props);
return state;

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