console.error(["MUI: The `value` provided to the Tabs component is invalid.", "None of the Tabs' children match with \"".concat(value, "\"."), valueToIndex.keys ? "You can provide one of the following values: ".concat(Array.from(valueToIndex.keys()).join(', '), ".") : null].join('\n'));
console.error(['MUI: The `value` provided to the Tabs component is invalid.', "The Tab with this `value` (\"".concat(value, "\") is not part of the document layout."), "Make sure the tab item is present in the document or that it's not `display: none`."].join('\n'));
warnedOnceTabPresent = true;
return {
tabsMeta: tabsMeta,
tabMeta: tabMeta
var updateIndicatorState = useEventCallback(function () {