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import _defineProperty from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty";
import _slicedToArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray";
import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends";
import _objectWithoutProperties from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties";
import _typeof from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof";
import { formatMuiErrorMessage as _formatMuiErrorMessage } from "@mui/utils";
import * as React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { deepmerge } from '@mui/utils';
import { GlobalStyles } from '@mui/styled-engine';
import { useTheme as muiUseTheme } from '@mui/private-theming';
import cssVarsParser from './cssVarsParser';
import ThemeProvider from '../ThemeProvider';
import systemGetInitColorSchemeScript, { DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE, DEFAULT_COLOR_SCHEME_STORAGE_KEY, DEFAULT_MODE_STORAGE_KEY } from './getInitColorSchemeScript';
import useCurrentColorScheme from './useCurrentColorScheme';
import { jsx as _jsx } from "react/jsx-runtime";
import { jsxs as _jsxs } from "react/jsx-runtime";
export var DISABLE_CSS_TRANSITION = '*{-webkit-transition:none!important;-moz-transition:none!important;-o-transition:none!important;-ms-transition:none!important;transition:none!important}';
export default function createCssVarsProvider(options) {
var _options$theme = options.theme,
defaultTheme = _options$theme === void 0 ? {} : _options$theme,
_options$attribute = options.attribute,
defaultAttribute = _options$attribute === void 0 ? DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE : _options$attribute,
_options$modeStorageK = options.modeStorageKey,
defaultModeStorageKey = _options$modeStorageK === void 0 ? DEFAULT_MODE_STORAGE_KEY : _options$modeStorageK,
_options$colorSchemeS = options.colorSchemeStorageKey,
defaultColorSchemeStorageKey = _options$colorSchemeS === void 0 ? DEFAULT_COLOR_SCHEME_STORAGE_KEY : _options$colorSchemeS,
_options$defaultMode = options.defaultMode,
designSystemMode = _options$defaultMode === void 0 ? 'light' : _options$defaultMode,
designSystemColorScheme = options.defaultColorScheme,
_options$disableTrans = options.disableTransitionOnChange,
designSystemTransitionOnChange = _options$disableTrans === void 0 ? false : _options$disableTrans,
designSystemShouldSkipGeneratingVar = options.shouldSkipGeneratingVar,
resolveTheme = options.resolveTheme,
excludeVariablesFromRoot = options.excludeVariablesFromRoot;
if (!defaultTheme.colorSchemes || typeof designSystemColorScheme === 'string' && !defaultTheme.colorSchemes[designSystemColorScheme] || _typeof(designSystemColorScheme) === 'object' && !defaultTheme.colorSchemes[designSystemColorScheme == null ? void 0 : designSystemColorScheme.light] || _typeof(designSystemColorScheme) === 'object' && !defaultTheme.colorSchemes[designSystemColorScheme == null ? void 0 : designSystemColorScheme.dark]) {
console.error("MUI: `".concat(designSystemColorScheme, "` does not exist in `theme.colorSchemes`."));
var ColorSchemeContext = /*#__PURE__*/React.createContext(undefined);
var useColorScheme = function useColorScheme() {
var value = React.useContext(ColorSchemeContext);
if (!value) {
throw new Error(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "MUI: `useColorScheme` must be called under <CssVarsProvider />" : _formatMuiErrorMessage(19));
return value;
function CssVarsProvider(_ref) {
var children = _ref.children,
_ref$theme = _ref.theme,
themeProp = _ref$theme === void 0 ? defaultTheme : _ref$theme,
_ref$modeStorageKey = _ref.modeStorageKey,
modeStorageKey = _ref$modeStorageKey === void 0 ? defaultModeStorageKey : _ref$modeStorageKey,
_ref$colorSchemeStora = _ref.colorSchemeStorageKey,
colorSchemeStorageKey = _ref$colorSchemeStora === void 0 ? defaultColorSchemeStorageKey : _ref$colorSchemeStora,
_ref$attribute = _ref.attribute,
attribute = _ref$attribute === void 0 ? defaultAttribute : _ref$attribute,
_ref$defaultMode = _ref.defaultMode,
defaultMode = _ref$defaultMode === void 0 ? designSystemMode : _ref$defaultMode,
_ref$defaultColorSche = _ref.defaultColorScheme,
defaultColorScheme = _ref$defaultColorSche === void 0 ? designSystemColorScheme : _ref$defaultColorSche,
_ref$disableTransitio = _ref.disableTransitionOnChange,
disableTransitionOnChange = _ref$disableTransitio === void 0 ? designSystemTransitionOnChange : _ref$disableTransitio,
_ref$storageWindow = _ref.storageWindow,
storageWindow = _ref$storageWindow === void 0 ? typeof window === 'undefined' ? undefined : window : _ref$storageWindow,
_ref$documentNode = _ref.documentNode,
documentNode = _ref$documentNode === void 0 ? typeof document === 'undefined' ? undefined : document : _ref$documentNode,
_ref$colorSchemeNode = _ref.colorSchemeNode,
colorSchemeNode = _ref$colorSchemeNode === void 0 ? typeof document === 'undefined' ? undefined : document.documentElement : _ref$colorSchemeNode,
_ref$colorSchemeSelec = _ref.colorSchemeSelector,
colorSchemeSelector = _ref$colorSchemeSelec === void 0 ? ':root' : _ref$colorSchemeSelec,
_ref$shouldSkipGenera = _ref.shouldSkipGeneratingVar,
shouldSkipGeneratingVar = _ref$shouldSkipGenera === void 0 ? designSystemShouldSkipGeneratingVar : _ref$shouldSkipGenera,
_ref$disableNestedCon = _ref.disableNestedContext,
disableNestedContext = _ref$disableNestedCon === void 0 ? false : _ref$disableNestedCon,
_ref$disableStyleShee = _ref.disableStyleSheetGeneration,
disableStyleSheetGeneration = _ref$disableStyleShee === void 0 ? false : _ref$disableStyleShee;
var hasMounted = React.useRef(false);
var upperTheme = muiUseTheme();
var ctx = React.useContext(ColorSchemeContext);
var nested = !!ctx && !disableNestedContext;
var _themeProp$colorSchem = themeProp.colorSchemes,
colorSchemes = _themeProp$colorSchem === void 0 ? {} : _themeProp$colorSchem,
_themeProp$components = themeProp.components,
components = _themeProp$components === void 0 ? {} : _themeProp$components,
cssVarPrefix = themeProp.cssVarPrefix,
restThemeProp = _objectWithoutProperties(themeProp, ["colorSchemes", "components", "cssVarPrefix"]);
var allColorSchemes = Object.keys(colorSchemes);
var defaultLightColorScheme = typeof defaultColorScheme === 'string' ? defaultColorScheme : defaultColorScheme.light;
var defaultDarkColorScheme = typeof defaultColorScheme === 'string' ? defaultColorScheme : defaultColorScheme.dark;
// 1. Get the data about the `mode`, `colorScheme`, and setter functions.
var _useCurrentColorSchem = useCurrentColorScheme({
supportedColorSchemes: allColorSchemes,
defaultLightColorScheme: defaultLightColorScheme,
defaultDarkColorScheme: defaultDarkColorScheme,
modeStorageKey: modeStorageKey,
colorSchemeStorageKey: colorSchemeStorageKey,
defaultMode: defaultMode,
storageWindow: storageWindow
stateMode = _useCurrentColorSchem.mode,
setMode = _useCurrentColorSchem.setMode,
systemMode = _useCurrentColorSchem.systemMode,
lightColorScheme = _useCurrentColorSchem.lightColorScheme,
darkColorScheme = _useCurrentColorSchem.darkColorScheme,
stateColorScheme = _useCurrentColorSchem.colorScheme,
setColorScheme = _useCurrentColorSchem.setColorScheme;
var mode = stateMode;
var colorScheme = stateColorScheme;
if (nested) {
mode = ctx.mode;
colorScheme = ctx.colorScheme;
var calculatedMode = function () {
if (!mode) {
// This scope occurs on the server
if (defaultMode === 'system') {
return designSystemMode;
return defaultMode;
return mode;
var calculatedColorScheme = function () {
if (!colorScheme) {
// This scope occurs on the server
if (calculatedMode === 'dark') {
return defaultDarkColorScheme;
// use light color scheme, if default mode is 'light' | 'system'
return defaultLightColorScheme;
return colorScheme;
// 2. Create CSS variables and store them in objects (to be generated in stylesheets in the final step)
var _cssVarsParser = cssVarsParser(restThemeProp, {
prefix: cssVarPrefix,
shouldSkipGeneratingVar: shouldSkipGeneratingVar
rootCss = _cssVarsParser.css,
rootVars = _cssVarsParser.vars; // 3. Start composing the theme object
var theme = _extends({}, restThemeProp, {
components: components,
colorSchemes: colorSchemes,
cssVarPrefix: cssVarPrefix,
vars: rootVars,
getColorSchemeSelector: function getColorSchemeSelector(targetColorScheme) {
return "[".concat(attribute, "=\"").concat(targetColorScheme, "\"] &");
// 4. Create color CSS variables and store them in objects (to be generated in stylesheets in the final step)
// The default color scheme stylesheet is constructed to have the least CSS specificity.
// The other color schemes uses selector, default as data attribute, to increase the CSS specificity so that they can override the default color scheme stylesheet.
var defaultColorSchemeStyleSheet = {};
var otherColorSchemesStyleSheet = {};
Object.entries(colorSchemes).forEach(function (_ref2) {
var _ref3 = _slicedToArray(_ref2, 2),
key = _ref3[0],
scheme = _ref3[1];
var _cssVarsParser2 = cssVarsParser(scheme, {
prefix: cssVarPrefix,
shouldSkipGeneratingVar: shouldSkipGeneratingVar
css = _cssVarsParser2.css,
vars = _cssVarsParser2.vars;
theme.vars = deepmerge(theme.vars, vars);
if (key === calculatedColorScheme) {
// 4.1 Merge the selected color scheme to the theme
Object.keys(scheme).forEach(function (schemeKey) {
if (scheme[schemeKey] && _typeof(scheme[schemeKey]) === 'object') {
// shallow merge the 1st level structure of the theme.
theme[schemeKey] = _extends({}, theme[schemeKey], scheme[schemeKey]);
} else {
theme[schemeKey] = scheme[schemeKey];
if (theme.palette) {
theme.palette.colorScheme = key;
var resolvedDefaultColorScheme = function () {
if (typeof defaultColorScheme === 'string') {
return defaultColorScheme;
if (defaultMode === 'dark') {
return defaultColorScheme.dark;
return defaultColorScheme.light;
if (key === resolvedDefaultColorScheme) {
if (excludeVariablesFromRoot) {
var excludedVariables = {};
excludeVariablesFromRoot(cssVarPrefix).forEach(function (cssVar) {
excludedVariables[cssVar] = css[cssVar];
delete css[cssVar];
defaultColorSchemeStyleSheet["[".concat(attribute, "=\"").concat(key, "\"]")] = excludedVariables;
defaultColorSchemeStyleSheet["".concat(colorSchemeSelector, ", [").concat(attribute, "=\"").concat(key, "\"]")] = css;
} else {
otherColorSchemesStyleSheet["".concat(colorSchemeSelector === ':root' ? '' : colorSchemeSelector, "[").concat(attribute, "=\"").concat(key, "\"]")] = css;
// 5. Declaring effects
// 5.1 Updates the selector value to use the current color scheme which tells CSS to use the proper stylesheet.
React.useEffect(function () {
if (colorScheme && colorSchemeNode) {
// attaches attribute to <html> because the css variables are attached to :root (html)
colorSchemeNode.setAttribute(attribute, colorScheme);
}, [colorScheme, attribute, colorSchemeNode]);
// 5.2 Remove the CSS transition when color scheme changes to create instant experience.
// credit:
React.useEffect(function () {
var timer;
if (disableTransitionOnChange && hasMounted.current && documentNode) {
var css = documentNode.createElement('style');
// Force browser repaint
(function () {
return window.getComputedStyle(documentNode.body);
timer = setTimeout(function () {
}, 1);
return function () {
}, [colorScheme, disableTransitionOnChange, documentNode]);
React.useEffect(function () {
hasMounted.current = true;
return function () {
hasMounted.current = false;
}, []);
var contextValue = React.useMemo(function () {
return {
mode: mode,
systemMode: systemMode,
setMode: setMode,
lightColorScheme: lightColorScheme,
darkColorScheme: darkColorScheme,
colorScheme: colorScheme,
setColorScheme: setColorScheme,
allColorSchemes: allColorSchemes
}, [allColorSchemes, colorScheme, darkColorScheme, lightColorScheme, mode, setColorScheme, setMode, systemMode]);
var shouldGenerateStyleSheet = true;
if (disableStyleSheetGeneration || nested && (upperTheme == null ? void 0 : upperTheme.cssVarPrefix) === cssVarPrefix) {
shouldGenerateStyleSheet = false;
var element = /*#__PURE__*/_jsxs(React.Fragment, {
children: [shouldGenerateStyleSheet && /*#__PURE__*/_jsxs(React.Fragment, {
children: [/*#__PURE__*/_jsx(GlobalStyles, {
styles: _defineProperty({}, colorSchemeSelector, rootCss)
}), /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(GlobalStyles, {
styles: defaultColorSchemeStyleSheet
}), /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(GlobalStyles, {
styles: otherColorSchemesStyleSheet
}), /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(ThemeProvider, {
theme: resolveTheme ? resolveTheme(theme) : theme,
children: children
if (nested) {
return element;
return /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(ColorSchemeContext.Provider, {
value: contextValue,
children: element
process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? CssVarsProvider.propTypes = {
* The body attribute name to attach colorScheme.
attribute: PropTypes.string,
* The component tree.
children: PropTypes.node,
* The node used to attach the color-scheme attribute
colorSchemeNode: PropTypes.any,
* The CSS selector for attaching the generated custom properties
colorSchemeSelector: PropTypes.string,
* localStorage key used to store `colorScheme`
colorSchemeStorageKey: PropTypes.string,
* The initial color scheme used.
defaultColorScheme: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.object]),
* The initial mode used.
defaultMode: PropTypes.string,
* If `true`, the provider creates its own context and generate stylesheet as if it is a root `CssVarsProvider`.
disableNestedContext: PropTypes.bool,
* If `true`, the style sheet won't be generated.
* This is useful for controlling nested CssVarsProvider behavior.
disableStyleSheetGeneration: PropTypes.bool,
* Disable CSS transitions when switching between modes or color schemes
disableTransitionOnChange: PropTypes.bool,
* The document to attach the attribute to
documentNode: PropTypes.any,
* The key in the local storage used to store current color scheme.
modeStorageKey: PropTypes.string,
* A function to determine if the key, value should be attached as CSS Variable
shouldSkipGeneratingVar: PropTypes.func,
* The window that attaches the 'storage' event listener
* @default window
storageWindow: PropTypes.any,
* The calculated theme object that will be passed through context.
theme: PropTypes.object
} : void 0;
var defaultLightColorScheme = typeof designSystemColorScheme === 'string' ? designSystemColorScheme : designSystemColorScheme.light;
var defaultDarkColorScheme = typeof designSystemColorScheme === 'string' ? designSystemColorScheme : designSystemColorScheme.dark;
var getInitColorSchemeScript = function getInitColorSchemeScript(params) {
return systemGetInitColorSchemeScript(_extends({
attribute: defaultAttribute,
colorSchemeStorageKey: defaultColorSchemeStorageKey,
defaultMode: designSystemMode,
defaultLightColorScheme: defaultLightColorScheme,
defaultDarkColorScheme: defaultDarkColorScheme,
modeStorageKey: defaultModeStorageKey
}, params));
return {
CssVarsProvider: CssVarsProvider,
useColorScheme: useColorScheme,
getInitColorSchemeScript: getInitColorSchemeScript

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