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Mon, Oct 14, 13:08


function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _sliceIterator(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; }
function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { return arr; } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) { return _sliceIterator(arr, i); } else { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } }
import { isAnonymous, isInstruction } from "@webassemblyjs/ast";
import Long from "@xtuc/long";
var compact = false;
var space = " ";
var quote = function quote(str) {
return "\"".concat(str, "\"");
function indent(nb) {
return Array(nb).fill(space + space).join("");
} // TODO(sven): allow arbitrary ast nodes
export function print(n) {
if (n.type === "Program") {
return printProgram(n, 0);
} else {
throw new Error("Unsupported node in print of type: " + String(n.type));
function printProgram(n, depth) {
return n.body.reduce(function (acc, child) {
if (child.type === "Module") {
acc += printModule(child, depth + 1);
if (child.type === "Func") {
acc += printFunc(child, depth + 1);
if (child.type === "BlockComment") {
acc += printBlockComment(child);
if (child.type === "LeadingComment") {
acc += printLeadingComment(child);
if (compact === false) {
acc += "\n";
return acc;
}, "");
function printTypeInstruction(n) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "type";
out += space;
if ( != null) {
out += printIndex(;
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "func";
n.functype.params.forEach(function (param) {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "param";
out += space;
out += printFuncParam(param);
out += ")";
n.functype.results.forEach(function (result) {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "result";
out += space;
out += result;
out += ")";
out += ")"; // func
out += ")";
return out;
function printModule(n, depth) {
var out = "(";
out += "module";
if (typeof === "string") {
out += space;
out +=;
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
} else {
out += space;
n.fields.forEach(function (field) {
if (compact === false) {
out += indent(depth);
switch (field.type) {
case "Func":
out += printFunc(field, depth + 1);
case "TypeInstruction":
out += printTypeInstruction(field);
case "Table":
out += printTable(field);
case "Global":
out += printGlobal(field, depth + 1);
case "ModuleExport":
out += printModuleExport(field);
case "ModuleImport":
out += printModuleImport(field);
case "Memory":
out += printMemory(field);
case "BlockComment":
out += printBlockComment(field);
case "LeadingComment":
out += printLeadingComment(field);
case "Start":
out += printStart(field);
case "Elem":
out += printElem(field, depth);
case "Data":
out += printData(field, depth);
throw new Error("Unsupported node in printModule: " + String(field.type));
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += ")";
return out;
function printData(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "data";
out += space;
out += printIndex(n.memoryIndex);
out += space;
out += printInstruction(n.offset, depth);
out += space;
out += '"';
n.init.values.forEach(function (byte) {
// Avoid non-displayable characters
if (byte <= 31 || byte == 34 || byte == 92 || byte >= 127) {
out += "\\";
out += ("00" + byte.toString(16)).substr(-2);
} else if (byte > 255) {
throw new Error("Unsupported byte in data segment: " + byte);
} else {
out += String.fromCharCode(byte);
out += '"';
out += ")";
return out;
function printElem(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "elem";
out += space;
out += printIndex(n.table);
var _n$offset = _slicedToArray(n.offset, 1),
firstOffset = _n$offset[0];
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "offset";
out += space;
out += printInstruction(firstOffset, depth);
out += ")";
n.funcs.forEach(function (func) {
out += space;
out += printIndex(func);
out += ")";
return out;
function printStart(n) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "start";
out += space;
out += printIndex(n.index);
out += ")";
return out;
function printLeadingComment(n) {
// Don't print leading comments in compact mode
if (compact === true) {
return "";
var out = "";
out += ";;";
out += n.value;
out += "\n";
return out;
function printBlockComment(n) {
// Don't print block comments in compact mode
if (compact === true) {
return "";
var out = "";
out += "(;";
out += n.value;
out += ";)";
out += "\n";
return out;
function printSignature(n) {
var out = "";
n.params.forEach(function (param) {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "param";
out += space;
out += printFuncParam(param);
out += ")";
n.results.forEach(function (result) {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "result";
out += space;
out += result;
out += ")";
return out;
function printModuleImportDescr(n) {
var out = "";
if (n.type === "FuncImportDescr") {
out += "(";
out += "func";
if (isAnonymous( === false) {
out += space;
out += printIdentifier(;
out += printSignature(n.signature);
out += ")";
if (n.type === "GlobalType") {
out += "(";
out += "global";
out += space;
out += printGlobalType(n);
out += ")";
if (n.type === "Table") {
out += printTable(n);
return out;
function printModuleImport(n) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "import";
out += space;
out += quote(n.module);
out += space;
out += quote(;
out += space;
out += printModuleImportDescr(n.descr);
out += ")";
return out;
function printGlobalType(n) {
var out = "";
if (n.mutability === "var") {
out += "(";
out += "mut";
out += space;
out += n.valtype;
out += ")";
} else {
out += n.valtype;
return out;
function printGlobal(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "global";
out += space;
if ( != null && isAnonymous( === false) {
out += printIdentifier(;
out += space;
out += printGlobalType(n.globalType);
out += space;
n.init.forEach(function (i) {
out += printInstruction(i, depth + 1);
out += ")";
return out;
function printTable(n) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "table";
out += space;
if ( != null && isAnonymous( === false) {
out += printIdentifier(;
out += space;
out += printLimit(n.limits);
out += space;
out += n.elementType;
out += ")";
return out;
function printFuncParam(n) {
var out = "";
if (typeof === "string") {
out += "$" +;
out += space;
out += n.valtype;
return out;
function printFunc(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "func";
if ( != null) {
if ( === "Identifier" && isAnonymous( === false) {
out += space;
out += printIdentifier(;
if (n.signature.type === "Signature") {
out += printSignature(n.signature);
} else {
var index = n.signature;
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "type";
out += space;
out += printIndex(index);
out += ")";
if (n.body.length > 0) {
// func is empty since we ignore the default end instruction
if (n.body.length === 1 && n.body[0].id === "end") {
out += ")";
return out;
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
n.body.forEach(function (i) {
if ( !== "end") {
out += indent(depth);
out += printInstruction(i, depth);
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth - 1) + ")";
} else {
out += ")";
return out;
function printInstruction(n, depth) {
switch (n.type) {
case "Instr":
// $FlowIgnore
return printGenericInstruction(n, depth + 1);
case "BlockInstruction":
// $FlowIgnore
return printBlockInstruction(n, depth + 1);
case "IfInstruction":
// $FlowIgnore
return printIfInstruction(n, depth + 1);
case "CallInstruction":
// $FlowIgnore
return printCallInstruction(n, depth + 1);
case "CallIndirectInstruction":
// $FlowIgnore
return printCallIndirectIntruction(n, depth + 1);
case "LoopInstruction":
// $FlowIgnore
return printLoopInstruction(n, depth + 1);
throw new Error("Unsupported instruction: " + JSON.stringify(n.type));
function printCallIndirectIntruction(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "call_indirect";
if (n.signature.type === "Signature") {
out += printSignature(n.signature);
} else if (n.signature.type === "Identifier") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "type";
out += space;
out += printIdentifier(n.signature);
out += ")";
} else {
throw new Error("CallIndirectInstruction: unsupported signature " + JSON.stringify(n.signature.type));
out += space;
if (n.intrs != null) {
// $FlowIgnore
n.intrs.forEach(function (i, index) {
// $FlowIgnore
out += printInstruction(i, depth + 1); // $FlowIgnore
if (index !== n.intrs.length - 1) {
out += space;
out += ")";
return out;
function printLoopInstruction(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "loop";
if (n.label != null && isAnonymous(n.label) === false) {
out += space;
out += printIdentifier(n.label);
if (typeof n.resulttype === "string") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "result";
out += space;
out += n.resulttype;
out += ")";
if (n.instr.length > 0) {
n.instr.forEach(function (e) {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += printInstruction(e, depth + 1);
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth - 1);
out += ")";
return out;
function printCallInstruction(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "call";
out += space;
out += printIndex(n.index);
if (_typeof(n.instrArgs) === "object") {
// $FlowIgnore
n.instrArgs.forEach(function (arg) {
out += space;
out += printFuncInstructionArg(arg, depth + 1);
out += ")";
return out;
function printIfInstruction(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "if";
if (n.testLabel != null && isAnonymous(n.testLabel) === false) {
out += space;
out += printIdentifier(n.testLabel);
if (typeof n.result === "string") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "result";
out += space;
out += n.result;
out += ")";
if (n.test.length > 0) {
out += space;
n.test.forEach(function (i) {
out += printInstruction(i, depth + 1);
if (n.consequent.length > 0) {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += "(";
out += "then";
n.consequent.forEach(function (i) {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += printInstruction(i, depth + 1);
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += ")";
} else {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += "(";
out += "then";
out += ")";
if (n.alternate.length > 0) {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += "(";
out += "else";
n.alternate.forEach(function (i) {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += printInstruction(i, depth + 1);
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += ")";
} else {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += "(";
out += "else";
out += ")";
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth - 1);
out += ")";
return out;
function printBlockInstruction(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "block";
if (n.label != null && isAnonymous(n.label) === false) {
out += space;
out += printIdentifier(n.label);
if (typeof n.result === "string") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "result";
out += space;
out += n.result;
out += ")";
if (n.instr.length > 0) {
n.instr.forEach(function (i) {
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth);
out += printInstruction(i, depth + 1);
if (compact === false) {
out += "\n";
out += indent(depth - 1);
out += ")";
} else {
out += ")";
return out;
function printGenericInstruction(n, depth) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
if (typeof n.object === "string") {
out += n.object;
out += ".";
out +=;
n.args.forEach(function (arg) {
out += space;
out += printFuncInstructionArg(arg, depth + 1);
out += ")";
return out;
function printLongNumberLiteral(n) {
if (typeof n.raw === "string") {
return n.raw;
var _n$value = n.value,
low = _n$value.low,
high = _n$value.high;
var v = new Long(low, high);
return v.toString();
function printFloatLiteral(n) {
if (typeof n.raw === "string") {
return n.raw;
return String(n.value);
function printFuncInstructionArg(n, depth) {
var out = "";
if (n.type === "NumberLiteral") {
out += printNumberLiteral(n);
if (n.type === "LongNumberLiteral") {
out += printLongNumberLiteral(n);
if (n.type === "Identifier" && isAnonymous(n) === false) {
out += printIdentifier(n);
if (n.type === "ValtypeLiteral") {
out +=;
if (n.type === "FloatLiteral") {
out += printFloatLiteral(n);
if (isInstruction(n)) {
out += printInstruction(n, depth + 1);
return out;
function printNumberLiteral(n) {
if (typeof n.raw === "string") {
return n.raw;
return String(n.value);
function printModuleExport(n) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "export";
out += space;
out += quote(;
if (n.descr.exportType === "Func") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "func";
out += space;
out += printIndex(;
out += ")";
} else if (n.descr.exportType === "Global") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "global";
out += space;
out += printIndex(;
out += ")";
} else if (n.descr.exportType === "Memory" || n.descr.exportType === "Mem") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "memory";
out += space;
out += printIndex(;
out += ")";
} else if (n.descr.exportType === "Table") {
out += space;
out += "(";
out += "table";
out += space;
out += printIndex(;
out += ")";
} else {
throw new Error("printModuleExport: unknown type: " + n.descr.exportType);
out += ")";
return out;
function printIdentifier(n) {
return "$" + n.value;
function printIndex(n) {
if (n.type === "Identifier") {
return printIdentifier(n);
} else if (n.type === "NumberLiteral") {
return printNumberLiteral(n);
} else {
throw new Error("Unsupported index: " + n.type);
function printMemory(n) {
var out = "";
out += "(";
out += "memory";
if ( != null) {
out += space;
out += printIndex(;
out += space;
out += printLimit(n.limits);
out += ")";
return out;
function printLimit(n) {
var out = "";
out += n.min + "";
if (n.max != null) {
out += space;
out += String(n.max);
return out;

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