Easily set your terminal text color & styles.
- No dependecies
- Automatic color support detection
- Up to [2x faster](#benchmarks) than alternatives
- TypeScript support
- [NO_COLOR]( friendly
- Node >= 10
[Upgrading from Colorette 1.x?](
js import { blue, bold, underline } from "colorette" console.log( blue("I'm blue"), bold(blue("da ba dee")), underline(bold(blue("da ba daa"))) )
Here's an example using template literals.
js console.log(` There's a ${underline(blue("house"))}, With a ${bold(blue("window"))}, And a ${blue("corvette")} And everything is blue `)
You can also nest styles without breaking existing color sequences.
js console.log(bold(`I'm ${blue(`da ba ${underline("dee")} da ba`)} daa`))
Need to override terminal color detection? You can do that too.
js import { createColors } from "colorette" const { blue } = createColors({ useColor: false }) console.log(blue("Blue? Nope, nah"))
console npm install colorette
See all [supported colors](#supported-colors).
js import { blue } from "colorette" blue("I'm blue") //=> \x1b[34mI'm blue\x1b[39m
Override terminal color detection via createColors({ useColor }).
js import { createColors } from "colorette" const { blue } = createColors({ useColor: false })
true if your terminal supports color, false otherwise. Used internally, but exposed for convenience.
You can override color detection from the CLI by setting the --no-color or --color flags.
console $ ./example.js --no-color | ./consumer.js
Or if you can't use CLI flags, by setting the NO_COLOR= or FORCE_COLOR= environment variables.
console $ NO_COLOR= ./example.js | ./consumer.js
Supported colors
Colors | Background Colors | Bright Colors | Bright Background Colors | Modifiers |
black | bgBlack | blackBright | bgBlackBright | dim |
red | bgRed | redBright | bgRedBright | bold |
green | bgGreen | greenBright | bgGreenBright | hidden |
yellow | bgYellow | yellowBright | bgYellowBright | _italic_ |
blue | bgBlue | blueBright | bgBlueBright | <u>underline</u> |
magenta | bgMagenta | magentaBright | bgMagentaBright | |
cyan | bgCyan | cyanBright | bgCyanBright | reset |
white | bgWhite | whiteBright | bgWhiteBright | |
gray | ||||
console npm --prefix bench start
diff chalk 1,786,703 ops/sec kleur 1,618,960 ops/sec colors 646,823 ops/sec ansi-colors 786,149 ops/sec picocolors 2,871,758 ops/sec + colorette 3,002,751 ops/sec
Colorette started out in 2015 by @jorgebucaran as a lightweight alternative to Chalk and was introduced originally as Clor. Our terminal color detection logic borrows heavily from @sindresorhus and @Qix- work on Chalk. The idea of slicing strings to clear bleeding sequences was adapted from a similar technique used by @alexeyraspopov in picocolors. Thank you to all our contributors! <3