—1)Initialvaluesof`font-family`, `quotes` and `color`dependonthebrowser
—2)14propertiesdependon`currentColor`, which is a reference to the `color` property, which varies from browser to browser (hence prev point), and these properties are: `-webkit-border-before-color`, `-webkit-text-fill-color`, `-webkit-text-stroke-color`, `border-block-end-color`, `border-block-start-color`, `border-bottom-color`, `border-inline-end-color`, `border-inline-start-color`, `border-left-color`, `border-right-color`, `border-top-color`, `column-rule-color`, `text-decoration-color`, `text-emphasis-color`.
—3)Initialvalueof`outline-color` is either `invert` if the browser supports it, or `currentColor`otherwise.
—Itdepends.IfyouwantmilitarygradeCSScascadedefense,thenno,otherwiseholdon.Thingisthataccordingtothespec,`all: initial` doesn't apply initial values to `unicode-bidi` and `direction`.
—Goodquestion.Firstly,`direction` deals with the `ltr/rtl` problem. Secondly, it is inheritable, so it will definitely affect your components. It can have a negative impact on your components' isolation, so it also doesn't make sense to allow your components to inherit `direction` from the outside world. Your components should be optimised for `ltr` anyway, and `direction: rtl` wont make 'em automatically look good in arabic or hebrew. To fix `ltr/rtl` problem properly you would need a solution like [rtlcss][], because you not only want to change direction, but you want to adjust `text-align`, `margin`, `padding`, `border-width`,etc.